UEB Genesis Startup 2017

Frequently asked questions

1. How many groups am I allowed to register for member status?

We are sorry to say that you are allowed to be a member of only one group. We believe that full dedication in one group could maximize your performance and hence results.

2. Am I eligible to participate in the competition in case of studying in another university?

Yes. This year, we are honored to welcome applications from all students studying and living in Hanoi city

3. Is there any minimum requirement for idea-briefing video?

We strongly encourage all participating teams to make and publish idea-briefing videos lasting 3 minutes at most. In that video, your team is strongly advised to introduce members and to discuss about the business idea, your expectation and so on.

4. Who is going to judge us?

Judgement Panel members come from diverse backgrounds. Each of them is well respected in his/ her own working field, including prominent professors, high-level executives from different business entities.

5. Does the organizer offer any technical support to participating teams?

We become aware of the diversity in interested fields among participants. Therefore, we will make effort to organize a few workshops, seminars, and talks in order to provide students with more insights in terms of technicality. We strongly believe all participating teams will greatly benefit from sharing of guest speakers whose experiences and skills are world-renowned.

6. Could we submit more than one idea?

Your team may in fact submit more than one business idea. However, we discourage any attempt to do so since full dedication and commitment in a sole business idea would maximize final results.

7. Do competition and the organizer help us get in touch with potential investors?

We know that the match between investors and entrepreneurs is noticeably important; therefore, we are always committed to organizing events to form and consolidate such relationships.

8. Can we re-apply with last-year idea?

We accept not only ideas already submitted in UEB Genesis 2016, however without any recognition, but also ones from other competitions with a strict requirement in which prevents any business already in operation more than 6 months from participating.

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