UEB Genesis Startup 2017

About Sydney Genesis in Asia: EDNA Genesis

In 2014 Sydney Genesis has undertaken an ambitious plan to support more entrepreneurs in Australia and Asia increasing our overall impact. Over the past 6 years the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program has created a broad network of education organizations in South East Asia, called the Entrepreneurship Development Network Asia (EDNA).

Drawing on these connections, we have expanded the Genesis program to Vietnam (Vietnam National University, Hanoi - University of Economics and Business; Foreign Trade University; and Vietnam Women’s Academy), Laos (National University of Laos), Indonesia (University of Islamic Studies- Sunan Ampel), India (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore), Myanmar (National Management College Yangon University), Cambodia (University of Battambang) and Japan (Asian Entrepreneurial Award). Our goal is to create an invaluable international network of young entrepreneurs, educators and researchers interested in sharing and promoting entrepreneurial teaching and networks.

Up to date, Genesis has been run under EDNA Genesis in Indonesia, Myanmar and Vietnam. EDNA Genesis has provided support, guidance, online materials and funding to assist these organizations in running their program in their countries. In addition to this, the winner of each local program was invited to attend a series of workshops and present their ideas at Sydney Genesis Final Pitch in October. This opportunity provides students from Asia and Australia with a unique possibility to engage with entrepreneurs from other cultures and backgrounds.

More information, visit: http://sydney.edu.au/business/genesis/edna_genesis

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