Khoa Tài chính Ngân hàng (EN)
Thesis name registeration

According to trainning schedule of K23, F&B Faculty offer graduate classes of K23 to send the registered formed list

 Each class submit 2 copies of list (via email by exel – no link drive of gmail):
  • Thesis subject list of 1st learners
  • Thesis subject list of 2nd learners
Deadline: before 8:00 15/5/2015

These are expected subject and direction of the research of learners. The faculty will choose the instructor according to the thesis name. The name can be changed after the discussion between the learners and instructors

NOTES: The learners without thesis name registeration will not be allowed to submit the outline research and the research result with K23. They will have to make their research with K24 and pay additinal renewal fee

Training plan of K23
Contact: Ms. Hoang Bao Ngoc