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Dinh Thi Thanh Van

1. Personal Information:

Full name:

DINH, Van Thi Thanh





Vice Dean, Faculty of Banking and Finance



Foreign language:



vandtt@ vnu.edu.vn



(844) 754 7506 - 552


0904 641 686


R 710, E4 Building, VNU – University of Economics and Business,144 Xuan Thuy Rd., Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

2. Education and Trainings:


  • September 2021 – February 2022: Certified Expert in Digital Finance, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.
  • July – September 2021: TOT Certificate for Fintech master training, ERAMUS, Dự án TRUST – European Commission.
  • July – August 2019 and November 2020: Certified Trainer for Saving Game, teaching financial education, Sparkassen Foundation, Germany.
  • February 2016: Certificate Corporate Governance in Banks. IFC – World Bank, TOT training course.
  • August 2013 – May 2014: University of California, Berkeley, US: Financial Markets and Institutions (undergraduate); Risk Management (MBA), Finance Seminars, Asset Pricing, Advanced Econometrics (PhD)
  • 2009 – 2011: PhD - BA with dissertation topic in service quality in the retail banking sector, Tarlac State University, Philippines – Hong Kong Campus.
  • 2008 – 2011: Ph.D Candidate, Management, Northcentral University (transferred to Tarlac State University, Philippines)
  • July 2010: Certificate “Leadership for the Success of the Organization”, University of La Verne - short course, US. Operated in Vietnam.
  • August 2009: Certificate “Teaching Knowledge Test (3 Modules)”, University of Cambridge, ESOL Examination, UK. Operated in Vietnam.
  • November 2008: Certificate “Financial Risk Management”, Stellar Management, Vietnam. Operated in Vietnam.
  • September 2008: Certificate “Case Study Teaching Method”, Boise State University, US. Operated in Vietnam.
  • August 2008: Certificate “Risk Management and Profit Chain Management”, Haas School of Business, University of California - Berkeley, US. Operated in Vietnam.
  • June 2006: Certificate “Training for Higher Education Lecturers at VNU”, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • July 2005: Certificate “Training for the Trainers in Finance, World Economics”, US Institute of Economics and Institutional Development, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 2003 - 2005: MBA - Finance, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, US.
  • 1994 - 1998: BA - Accounting, National Economics University, Vietnam.


3. Work experience:


  • October 2014 – present: Vice Dean, Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Business and Economics. Teaching interest include Personal Finance, Bank Management, Treasury Management in Banks, Financial Risk Management, and Corporate Finance in undergraduate and master programs. Research interest includes personal finance, financial inclusion, financial inclusion, digital banking, fintech.
  • September 2014 – October 2014: Head of Banking Department, Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Business and Economics.
  • August 2013 - May 2014: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Fulbright Scholar, Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, US.
  • April 2012 – August 2013: Head of Banking Department, Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Business and Economics.
  • August 2008 – April 2012: Vice Head of Banking Department, Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Business and Economics.
  • July 2005 – August 2008: Lecturer, Faculty of Finance and Banking, University of Business and Economics, VNU.
  • September 2004 - June 2005: Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, US.
  • July 1999 - August 2002: Dean Assistant, Faculty of Economics (presently University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
  • August 1998 - July 1999: Accountant, DeBon Vietnam-Korea Cosmetic JVC.


4. Publications:

A. International peer reviewed journals

  1. Tran, T và Dinh, V. (2021). Provincial governance and financial inclusion: Micro evidence from rural Vietnam. International Public Management Journal (ISI indexed). DOI: 10.1080/10967494.2021.1964009.
  1. Dinh, V., Hoang, A. và Tran, D. (2021). The role of fintech development in financial inclusion in Asia. International Review of Financial Consumers. Volume 6, 2021.
  2. Dinh, V. & Nguyen, L. (2019). The Impacts of Financial Inclusion on Economic Development: Cases in Asian‐Pacific Countries. Comparative Economic Research. Volume 22, Number 1, 2019 http://doi.org/10.2478/cer-2019-0001. Scopus indexed.
  3. Dinh, V., Le, U. & Le. P. (2015). Impacts of internet banking services to bank performance: Evidence from Vietnam. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce. July 2015. Scopus indexed journal, Canada. Can be retrieved from http://www.icommercecentral.com/open-access/measuring-the-impacts-of-internet-banking-to-bank-performance-evidence-from-vietnam.php?aid=57905
  4. Dinh, V. & Pickler, L. (2012). Examining service quality and customer satisfaction in the retail banking sector in Vietnam. Journal of Relationship Management. American Banking Association. Volume 11, Issue 4. Scopus indexed journal. United Kingdom.
  5. Dinh, V (2008). A comparative study of Vietnamese and American customers’ behavior in negotiation style and implications for global pricing strategy. Journal of Global Business Issues, 3 (2), 25-32.
  6. Dinh, V. & Lee, P. (2008) A comparative study of Vietnamese and American customers’ behavior in negotiation style and implications for global pricing strategy. Conference Proceedings, Clute Institution, Las Vegas, US, November 2008. (Lead author)
  7. Ready, K. J., & Dinh, V. (2008). Exploring facets of job satisfaction: Lessons for expatriate managers in Vietnam. The Business Review, Cambridge, 10 (2). (Summer 2008): 8-13.
  8. Ready, K. J., & Dinh, V. (2006). Vietnam’s developing markets: How do perceptions and strategies in the negotiation process differ from the U.S.? Journal of Diversity Management, 1(1).

B. Domestic peer reviewed journals

  1. Dinh, V., Tran, D. và Le, D. (2021). The impact of institutional quality to financial inclusion: Panel data evidence from countries in Asia – Pacific. Economics Research. September 2021.
  2. Dinh, V., Tran, D. (2021). Deteminants of institutional quality in Asia after the global financial crisis. Journal of Economics and Development, National Economics University, Volume 224, 8/2021.
  3. Dinh, V, Nguyen, H, và Le, H. (2021). Teaching method innovation in financial education. Journal of Finance, Ministry of Finance, in 3/2021.
  4. Dinh, V (2019). Promoting financial inclusion through fintech development in the world and Vietnam. Journal of Monetary and Financial Markets. Vietnam Banking Association. Volume 18 (531) in 2019.
  5. Dinh, V. (2019). Experience in implementing financial education programs of Deposit Insurance in the world. Journal of Monetary and Financial Markets. Vietnam Banking Association. Volume 12 (525) in 2019.
  6. Dinh, V & Nguyen, P. (2019). Developing digital banking services: International experience and lessons for Vietnam. Journal of Banking. Volume 8 in 2019. State Bank of Vietnam.
  7. Dinh, V. & Le, T. (2018). Digital currency: history, feature and policy implication for Vietnam. Vietnam’s Socio – Economic Development Journal. Vietnam Economic Institution. Volume 94. Vietnam’s Economics Academy.
  8. Dinh, V. & Nguyen, T. (2018). Impacts of financial inclusion on startup establishment in OECD countries. Journal of Economics and Business, Vietnam National University Press, Volume 34 (1).
  9. Dinh, V. (2017). International experience in designing financial education program and promoting financial inclusion and lessons learnt for Vietnam. Journal of Banking, Special Volume in Financial Inclusion, December 2017.
  10. Dinh, V. & Doan, T. (2017). Some issues in developing mobile banking service in Vietnam. Journal of Monetary and Financial Markets. Vietnam Banking Association. December 2017.
  11. Dinh, V. (2017). Building a national strategy for financial education in the context of financial inclusion development in Vietnam. Journal of Monetary and Financial Markets. Vietnam Banking Association. May 2017.
  12. Dinh, V. & Nguyen, H. (2016). Measuring and evaluating factors impacting personal finance management level of students in Vietnam. Journal of Banking, State Bank of Vietnam, Volume 18, September 2016, page 11-15.
  13. Dinh, V., Le, T. & Nguyen, H. (2016). Factors affect the financial stability of the banking system in Vietnam. Journal of Economics and Development, National Economics University, Volume 224, 2/2016.
  14. Dinh, V. (2015). Financing sources and access to finance of SMEs in Vietnam in the context of the economic integration. Banking Technology and Training Journal, Banking Academy, Volume 161, 10/2015.
  15. Dinh, V. & Le, U. (2015). Comparing NPLs resolutions in Asian banks: Lessons for Vietnamese banking system. Journal of Banking, Special Issue, October 2015.
  16. Dinh, V. & Nguyen, T. (2015). Vietnam’s import and export in the context of Chinese yuan devaluation. Journal of Finance, Ministry of Finance, Sept 2015.
  17. Tran, T. & Dinh, V. (2015). Financing sources for SMEs in Hanoi. Business and Economics Review, Volume 31 (3), 1-11.
  18. Dinh, V. & Nguyen, T. (2015). Measuring financial literacy and capability: International framework and practices. Journal of Banking, July 2015
  19. Dinh, V. (2015). Training personal finance planners in the US and recommendations for Vietnam. Journal of Financial and Monetary Markets. Vietnam Banking Association. March 2015.
  20. Dinh, V. (2012). Non-performing loans, loan classification, and provisions following prevailing regulations in Vietnam and international standards. Journal of Banking. State Bank of Vietnam, October, Vietnam.
  21. Dinh, V. (2011). ALM model and public debt management in Vietnam. National Academy of Public Administration Journal. August, Vietnam.
  22. Dinh, V. (2011). Applying ALM model into public debt management. Banking Technology and Training Journal, July, Banking Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam
  23. Dinh, V (2010). International experience: International banking and financial architecture. Banking Training and Research Journal, October, University of Banking, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
  24. Dinh, V (2010). M&A in the banking sector in Vietnam. Banking Technology Journal, July, Banking Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  25. Dinh, V (2010). Some issues in M& A activities in the banking sector in Vietnam. Journal of Monetary and Financial Markets. Vietnam Banking Association. Volume 15, 27-28.

C. Presentations and Conference Proceedings

  1. Dinh, V., Le, D., & Nguyen, D. (2021). Determinants affecting digital financial consumer protection: Evidence from 135 countries in the world from 2014 -2018. International webinar: Financial consumer protection: Theories and Policy Recommendations. VNU – UEB, Deposit Insurance of Vietnam and International Academy of Financial Consumers (IAFICO), 8/2021.
  2. Dinh, V. (2020). Utilizing gamification in financial and accounting education. Hội thảo Staying Relevant: Finance and Management Accounting in the Digital Era, Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) (Webinar Series - November 2020)
  3. Dinh, V. (2020). Financial consumer protection in Vietnam: Current situation and challenges. Hội thảo Policy Framework for Financial Consumer Protection: In search of the Global Best Practices. IAFICO Annual Conference, IAFICO and Seoul National University (Virtual – August 2020)
  4. Dinh, V. (2020). Financial education using gamification: A case study from Vietnam. Hội thảo Insurance Education: Present and Future, Korean Insurance Academic Society (Virtual – May 2020)
  5. Dinh, V. (2019). Financial education in the Digital Age: An experience from Vietnam. Financial Education and Consumer Protection in the Digital Age Conference of OECD and Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM), Malaysia, December 2019.
  6. Dinh, V. (2019). Gamification in Higher Education: A case study of teaching personal finance in Vietnam. International Conference: Research for Teaching Innovation organized by ULIS, Vietnam National University. Hanoi, November 2019.
  7. Dinh, V. (2019). Financial education in Vietnam. International Conference: Role of Financial Education and Consumer Protection in Supporting Financial Inclusion organized by OECD and Central Bank of Cambodia. Siem Reap, Cambodia, November 2019.
  8. Dinh, V (2019). Financial education in Vietnam: Fintech perspectives and gamification. International Conferences: Financial Education, Financial Inclusion and Fintech organized by Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI). Tokyo, Japan November 2019.
  9. Dinh, V. (2019). Impacts of Fintech on Financial Inclusion and Financial Education in Vietnam. Proceedings of International Conference: Financial Education in Asia organized by George Washington University (US) and Singapore Management University (Singapore). Singapore, September 2019.
  10. Dinh, V. (2019). Measuring financial literacy of startup households in Vietnam. International conference organized by International Forum for Financial Customer Protection and Asian Development Bank Institute (IAFICO &ADBI). Indonesia, August 2019.
  11. Dinh V. and Le, T. (2017). Digital currency and regulations around the world. International Conference Proceedings: Evolution of Monetary policy framework after global financial crisis at Banking Academy, State Bank of Vietnam.
  12. Dinh, V. and Nguyen, H. (2017). Financial literacy of college students in Vietnam Hiểu biết tài chính của sinh viên Việt Nam. International Conference Proceedings: Promoting financial inclusion in Vietnam at Banking Academy, State Bank of Vietnam.
  13. Dinh, V. (2017). Banking regulations and laws in Vietnam. International Workshop: Growing Elite in Southeast Asia in Taipei, Taiwan in July 2017.
  14. Dinh, V (2015). Financing for and access to finance of SMEs in Vietnam. Conference, SMEs Association of Vietnam, VCCI, August 2015.
  15. Dinh, V. (2015). NPLs resolutions after the financial crisis: Lessons from Thai Lan. Conference Proceedings, State Bank of Vietnam and VNU University of Economics and Business, October 2015.
  16. Nguyen, S. H. et al. (2014). Shaping the banking system in Vietnam after its restructuring: International practices and recommendations for Vietnam. Research member. Autumn Economics Forum 2014. National Assembly Economics Committee.
  17. Dinh, V (2012). Examining customer satisfaction in the retail banking sector in Vietnam. Conference Proceedings. The College of Business and Department of Marketing, Illinois State University, La Verne, California, US. June 2012.
  18. Dinh, V. & Pickler, L. (2008). Comparing negotiation skills of Vietnamese and American customers and pricing strategy in the international market. Conference proceedings of Clute Institution in Las Vegas, US, November 2008.
  19. Ready, K. J., Dinh, V. (2006). US. Lessons for foreign managers when dealing with educated workforce in Vietnam. Conference Proceedings, Clute Institution, Cancun- Mexico, March 2006.

D. Textbooks and reference books

  1. Dinh, V. et al. (2018). Textbook: International Banking. Vietnam National University, Hanoi Publishing House.
  2. Dinh, V & Nguyen. T. (2018). Reference book: Personal and startup financial management. Science and Technology Publishing House.
  3. Trinh, M (Editor), Dinh, V, et al. (2016). Textbook: The economics of finance and banking. Vietnam National University, Hanoi Publishing House.
  4. Dinh, V. & Le, T. (2015) Developing personal finance services: International experience and lessons learned. Vietnam National University, Hanoi Publishing House.
  5. Nguyen, T.C et al. (2014). Chapter 5: International Finance in International Economics Textbook. Vietnam Social Science Academy.
  6. Nguyen, S.H. et al. (2014). Sustainable development for the banking sector in Vietnam. National Politics Publishing House. Member of the authors.
  7. Nguyen, T. D. (Editor) (2012). Chapter 4: Restructuring the banking system in Vietnam. Annual Vietnam’s Economy Report 2012. Vietnam Institute for Economics and Policy Research (VEPR). VNU University of Economics and Business. VNU Publishing House, Research member.

E. Other education publications

  1. Textbook: Train for the K12 teachers: Guidelines for teaching financial literacy in the new cirriculum of K12 in Vietnam. (Co-editors). Hanoi University of Education Publishing House, 2019.
  2. Textbook: Train for the K12 teachers: Guidelines for teaching economics and laws in the new cirriculum of K12 in Vietnam. (Co-author). Hanoi University of Education Publishing House, 2019. 30.000 copies using in K12 schools in Vietnam.
  3. Boardgame Financial Race (Co-author), using in teaching financial literacy for kids.
  4. Book: Finance for Kids Journal (Editor) (2020) using in teaching financial literacy. Youth Publishing House.
  5. Book: Student’s Stories in Money Management (Co-author) (2020) using in teaching financial literacy for college students. Youth Publishing House.
  6. Book: Financial Management Manual for Women in Rural Area (Editor) – 2021 using in teaching financial literacy for women in Vietnam. Women Union, Women Academy and Sparkassen Foundation.
  7. Book for teaching financial literacy for college students: Money Matters of Students (Co-author, 2020) using in teaching financial literacy for college students. Sparkassen Foundation. Youth Publishing House.

5. Research and Project Activities:

A. Principal Investigator

  1. VNU Research Project (Ministerial Level): Teaching innovation using gamification: A case study of teaching personal finance at VNU – University of Economics and Business. From 3/2020 – 3/2021.
  2. 2. NAFOSTED (National level): Impacts of institutional quality on financial inclusion: Panel data analysis of Asian countries and Vietnam. From 3/2020 – 3/2022.
  3. 3. Joint research project with KDIS, Korea: Digital transformation and financial customer protection in ASEAN+. From 2/2020 – tháng 2/2021.
  4. VNU research project: Building a startup oriented personal/household financial management model. A case study in Vietnam. December 2016- December 2018.
  5. Ministerial project: Building Scientific research and startup fund for Ministry of Education and Training. Ministry of Education and Traing. From 1/2018 – 12/2018.
  6. Vietnam National University, Hanoi. University of Economics and Business. Research project: Access to finance of SMEs in the North of Vietnam: Constraints and solutions. From March 2015 – December 2015.
  7. Hass School of Business. University of California, Berkeley, US. Research project: Electronic banking adoption in the US and lessons for Vietnam. From Sept 2013- May 2014.
  8. Vietnam National University, Hanoi - University of Business and Economics. Non-performing loan resolution in several Asian banks and lessons learned for Vietnam. October 2007 - October 2008.

B. Research Member

  1. Ministerial level research project at Banking Academy: Impacts of investors’ perception on the monetary policy efficiency. From March 2015 to December 2015.
  2. NAFOSTED. National research project: The role of green banking in the green economic growth model and economy restructuring –theoretical framework and international experiences. From June 2014 to June 2016.
  3. Ministerial level research project at National Economics University: Improving the operating performance of People Credit Funds in the South of Vietnam. From January 2014 to December 2016.
  4. Vietnam National University, Hanoi. University of Business and Economics, Research project: Assessment of the coordination among macroeconomics policies (monetary and fiscal policies) in Vietnam. August 2010- July 2012.
  5. Vietnam National University, Hanoi. University of Business and Economics, Research project: Sustainable development for the banking sector in Vietnam. August 2011- July 2013.

C. Other educational projects

  1. Faculty of Finance and Banking, University of Business and Economics, VNU Hanoi project: Designing the doctoral program curriculum program in Banking & Finance (Research member). June 2012 to June 2013.
  2. Faculty of Finance and Banking, University of Business and Economics, VNU Hanoi project: Designing the master program curriculum joint program in Banking & Finance with University of California, Long Beach - US. (Member). July 2012 to July 2013.
  3. Faculty of Finance and Banking, University of Business and Economics, VNU Hanoi project: Designing graduation standards for the bachelor program in Banking & Finance. (Member). Year 2011.
  4. Faculty of Finance and Banking, University of Business and Economics, VNU Hanoi project: Designing the bachelor honor program curriculum in Banking & Finance. (Member). Year 2009- 2011.
  5. Faculty of Finance and Banking, University of Business and Economics, VNU Hanoi project: Designing the bachelor program curriculum for double degrees in Banking & Finance and English. (Member). Year 2010.

Professional honors, awards, and fellowships

  1. Fulbright Scholar in Residence Teaching Program, US Goverment, year 2021-2022.
  2. Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellowship, US Government, year 2013-2014.
  3. Graduate Assistantship Fall 2004, Spring 2005. University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Wisconsin, US.
  4. Hass Scholarship year 2004. University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Wisconsin, US.
  5. International Scholarship Spring 2004, Fall 2004. Center of International Education, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Wisconsin, US.
  6. Student of the year 2003. Foreign Language Department, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Wisconsin.
  7. Nationwide Grant year 2002. Ministry of Education and Training. Vietnam.

Professional services

  1. Executive member of IAFICO (International Academy of Financial Consumers) committee.
  2. Member of APRIA (The Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association)