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Dinh Van Toan

1. Personal information:

Full name:

DINH VAN TOAN               


Year of birth:



Senior Lecturer, School of Business Administration, VNU University of Economics and Business.

Chairman of The Quality Accreditation Council, Vice Director, Centre for Education Accreditation (VNU-CEA).


PhD, Senior Lecturer.

Foreign languages:







Office address:

7th Floor,C1T Building, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi.

2. Education:


Bachelor Degree in Economics for Energy at Hanoi University of Technology.


Master Degree in Economics of Development at The Australian NationalUniversity (ANU), Australia.


Management of Human Resource Development (10/1998-8/1999) organized by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Mekong River Commission (MRC)


Pedagogy Training at Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE)


High gradePolitical Theory at Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration (HCMA)


Leadership and management for leaders at Academy of Managers for Construction and Cities (AMC)


Doctor Degree at National Economic University (NEU), Hanoi.


State Management for Senior Expert, National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)


Accreditation of university and professional secondary education, VNU


Senior Lecturer Training course atthe University of Education, VNU


Accreditation for Vocational Education, Vietnam General Department of Vocational Education.

3. Employment/Experience:

From 02/2019:

Chairman of The Quality Accreditation Council, Vice Director, VNU Centre for Education Accreditation.

01/2014- 01/2019

Head of Inspection & Legislation Department, Vietnam National University (VNU);

Lecturer,School of Business Administration, VNU University of Economics and Business.


Chief of President’s Office, Vietnam National University.


Vice Principal, PetroVietnam University.


Deputy General Director, PetroVietnam University Project Management Board.


Vice Principal, Electric Power University; Director ofCentre for Advanced Training.


Vice Principal Electric Power College.


Deputy Chief of Office, Vietnam Electricity;Deputy Head of Science - Technology - Environment & Telecomunication Department, Vietnam Electricity (EVN).


Expert, Department of Personnel &Organizing, Vietnam Electricity (EVN).


Expert, Electricity Project Management Board, Ministry of Energy (now isMinistry of Industry and Trade).

4. Research domain:


  • Human resource development;
  • Organization development;
  • Entrepreneurship;
  • Innovation and Creativity;
  • Corporate governance;
  • University governance.


5. Publications:

5.1. Books, textbooks

1.Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Culture of Vietnam, Vietnam National University Publishing House, Co-author (Nguyen Viet LocEditor-in-Chief), 2015.ISBN 978-604-62-3388-6.

2.Corporate Governence,Co-Editor-in-Chief, Vietnam National University Publishing House, 2018.ISBN 978-604-968-117-2.

3.Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Education: From International Experience to Practicality in Vietnam, Editor-in-Chief, Vietnam National University Publishing House, Ed., 2019.ISBN: 978-604-9870-58-3.

5.2. Articles,working papers (published on journals of science, yearbooks or conferences’ reports)

1. Dinh Van Toan, “Human Resource Development for the Mekong River Basin Development Plan Project”, Working Paper, International Conference: Development of the Mekong River Basin organized by theInternational Mekong River Commission, 2000.

2. Nguyen Van Bau, Dinh Van Toan, Guidelines on the National Human Resources Development, co-author, The Mekong River Commission’s Competency Strengthen Program, October, 2001.

3. Dinh Van Toan, “Training Needs Assessment and BDP Indicative Training Plan for Vietnam”, Working Paper at International Conference on the Mekong River Basin Development Plan Program, June, 2003.

4. Dinh Van Toan, “Human Resources Training for EVN – What are the Key Solutions?”,Power Review, ISSN 0868-361X, No.3, 3/2005, pp.9-11.

5. Dinh Van Toan, “Training Need Assessment –An important activity of the trainning plan in organizations”, Power Review, ISSN 0868-361X, No.5, 5/2005, pp.3-5.

6. Dinh Van Toan, “Instructor Training Project in EVN’s Human Resource Development Progress”, International Conference: ASEAN’s Power Utility/Authorities Human Resource Development, Langkawi, Malaysia, 12/2005.

7. Dinh Van Toan, Capacity Building and Training Needsfor Vietnam Rural Electrification”,International Workshop on Training need assessment for Vietnam Rural Energy II Project, Hanoi, July, 2007.

8. Dinh Van Toan, “Current situation of human resource management in EVN”, Power Review,ISSN 0868-361X, No.1+2, 2/2008, pp.29-30.

9. Dinh Van Toan, “Human Resources Development for EVN to 2015: Need a Comprehensive Solution”, Power Review,ISSN 0868-361X, No.9, 9/2009, pp.33-35.

10. Dinh Van Toan, “Applying the Cobb-Douglas Production Function to estimate the contribution of human resources in the Vietnam’selectricity business result in period of 2001-2008”,Journal of Economics and Development, ISSN 1859-0012, No. 152 (II), 2/2010, pp.68-72.

11. Dinh Van Toan, Vu Dinh Dung, “Human resources development of Bac Kan province: problems and solutions”, Journal of Economics and Forecast, ISSN 0866-7120, No.22, 11/2015, pp.53-55.

12. Dinh Van Toan, Development of Bac Kan’s Human resources to the new period”,Journal of Education and Reasoning, ISSN 0868-3492, No.240, 2/2016, pp.77-80.

13. Dinh Van Toan, Hoang Van Hai, Nguyen Phuong Mai, “The Role of Entrepreneurship Development in Universities to Promote Knowledge Sharing: The Case of Vietnam national University Hanoi”, Proceedings of International Science Conferences "Asia Pacific Conference on Information Management 2016: Common Platform to A Sustainable Society In The Dynamic Asia Pacific", ISBN 978-604-62-6481-1, 10/2016.

14. Dinh Van Toan, Nguyen Phuong Mai, “Start-up in university and university-enterprise partnership: managerial implications for Vietnam”, Proceedings of The International Science Conferences on Emerging Challenges: Partnership Enhancement, ISBN 978-604-93-8961-0,11/2016.

15. Dinh Van Toan, “University - Enterprise Cooperation in International Context and Implications for Vietnam”, VNU Journal of Science, Economics and Business, ISSN 0866-8612, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2016, pp.32-44

16. Dinh Van Toan, “Promoting university startups’ development: International experiences and policy recommendations for Vietnam”, Vietnam’s Socio-Economic Development, ISSN 0868-359X, Vol. 22, No. 90, 7/2017, pp.19-42.

17. Dinh Van Toan, Tran Ngoc Thuy Dung, “Quang Binh Tourism Human Resources on the Requirements of Intergration in Vietnam”, Economy and Management Review, ISSN 1859-4565, No. 26, 6/2018, pp.24-31.

18. Dinh Van Toan, “Tourism Human Resources Development for Quang Binh in Integration Period”, Economic Management Review, ISSN 1859-039X, No. 91, 11+12/2018, pp.46-58.

19. Dinh Van Toan, “Working motivation of university administrative staff: a case study in Thang Long University and implications for managers”, Journal of Economics and Forecast, ISSN 0866-7120, No. 33, 11/2018, pp.133-137.

20. Dinh Van Toan, “Entrepreneurship Development in Higher Eduation: International Experience and Policy Recommendation for Vietnam”, Journal of Economics and Forecast, ISSN 0866-7120, No.35, 12/2018, pp.58-60.

21. Dinh Van Toan, “International Telecommunication Market Penetration: The case of Viettel”, Vietnam’s Socio-Economic Development, ISSN 0868-359X, Issue 4, No.96, 2018, pp.32-52.

22. Dinh Van Toan, “Governance and management reform at public universities during a transition period in Vietnam: Perspectives from the entrepreneurial spirit”, Proceedings of The National Science Conference: “Lean university governance in Vietnam during the 4th Industrial Revolution, Hanoi, 9th 11/2018.

23. Dinh Van Toan, “Development of Enterprises in Universities and Policy Implications for University Governance Reforms in Vietnam”, VNU Journal of Science, Economics and Business, ISSN 0866-8612 (print), e-ISSN 2588-1108, Vol. 35, No.1, 2019, pp.83-96.

24. Nham Phong Tuan, Dinh Van Toan et. al.(2019), “Determinants of individual knowledge sharing behavior in Vietnamese telecommunication firms”, Journal of Economics& Development, ISSN: 1859-0012, No.261, 3/2019, pp.30-39.

25. Dinh Van Toan, “Entrepreneurial Spiritin Universities Governance and Administration: Experience from the University of Auckland”, Journal of Economics and Forecast, ISSN 0866-7120, No.23, 8/2019, pp.57-60.

26. Dinh Van Toan, “Entrepreneurship in Vietnam Public Universities During the Context of Transformation”, Journal of Economics and Forecast, ISSN 0866-7120, No.30, 10/2019, pp.111-116.

27. Dinh Van Toan, “Study the Foundational Factors for Development of Enterprises in Universities”, Asia-Pacific Economic Review, ISSN 0868-3808), No.553, 11/2019, pp.18-21.

28. Nguyen Tuyet Mai, Dinh Van Toan (Corresponding author), Nham Phong Tuan (2019), “Online knowledge sharing in Vietnamese tele-communication companies: An integration of social psychology models”, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (Indexed by ESCI, Scopus), ISSN 2073-7904,Vol.11, No.4, p.497-521. doi.org/10.34105/j.kmel.2019.11.026. ISSN 2073-7904.

29. Dinh Van Toan, “Organization and management in universities in the requirements of university governance, entrepreneurship and innovation”, Industry and Trade Magazine, ISSN 0866-7756, No.1, 1/2020, pp.207-212.

30. Dinh Van Toan, “Modern university governance: Challenges posed for Vietnamese universities”, Asia-Pacific Economic Review, ISSN 0868-3808), No.2, 2020, pp.116-121.

31. Dinh Van Toan, 2020, “Entrepreneurial Universities and the Development Model for Public Universities in Vietnam” International Journal of Entrepreneurship (Indexed by Scopus), ISSN: 1939-4675, Vol.24, Issue1, 2020. https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Entrepreneurial-universities-the-development-model-for-public-universities-in-vietnam-24-1.pdf

32. Dinh Van Toan, Hoang Thi Cam Thuong, “University autonomy in the period of university model transition: experiences from universities in the world and implications for Vietnam”, Industry and Trade Magazine, ISSN 0866-7756, No.8, 4/2020, pp.196-202.

33. Dinh Van Toan, “Promote the business model in public universities in the context of promoting university autonomy in Vietnam”, Industry and Trade Magazine, ISSN 0866-7756, No.11, 5/2020, pp.196-202.

34. Dinh Van Toan, Hoang Thi Cam Thuong, “International experience in university governance and lessons for Vietnam”, Journal of Economics and Forecast, ISSN 0866-7120, No.20, 7/2020, pp.41-45.

35. Dinh Van Toan(2020), Factors Affecting Third Mission Implementation and The Challenges for Vietnam’s Universities in The Transitioning Period, VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, ISSN 0866-8612 (print); e-ISSN 2588-1108, Vol. 36, No. 3, 75-84 (8/2020). https://doi.org/10.25073/2588-1108/vnueab.4355

36. Van Toan Dinh, Phuong Mai Nguyen, Truc Le Nguyen, Thi Cam Thuong Hoang (2020), “Motivations for Entrepreneurship of Students in Vietnam”, Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Indexed by Scopus), Print ISSN: 1087-9595; Online ISSN: 1528-2686. Vol 26 Special issue 1. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2020.1815288.

37. Nguyen Phuong Mai, Dinh Van Toan (corresponding author), Luu, T. M-N. & Choo, Y. (2020), Sociological and theory of planned behaviour approach to understanding entrepreneurship: Comparison of Vietnam and South Korea, Cogent Business & Management (ISSN: 23311975), Sep., 2020. Indexed by: ESCI, Scopus; Q3, Volume 7, Issue 1. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2020.1815288.

38. Đinh Văn Toàn, 2020, The role of policy in academic Spin-offs enterprise development from universities: international experience and policy implications for managers nhà quản trị, Industry and Trade Magazine (ISSN 0866-7756), No.23, 252-260.

39. Dinh Van Toan, 2020, Academic Entrepreneurialism and The Entrepreneurial University Model and Policy Implication for Vietnam, VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business (ISSN 0866-8612; e-ISSN 2588-1108), Vol. 36, No. 4, 78-86. https://doi.org/10.25073/2588-1108/vnueab.4375.

40. Đinh Văn Toàn, 2021, Governance change to adapt to the entrepreneurial university model and policy implications for Vietnamese public universities, Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference: Smart Governance in A Complex Global Environment: Theory and Practice, Vietnam National University Publishing House(ISBN: 978 604 336 840-6), 22-44.

41. Đinh Văn Toàn, 2021, Spin-offs Development Stages and Policies to Support Commercialization of Research Products from Higher Education Institutions, Industry and Trade Magazine(ISSN 0866-7756), No. 2, 38-43.

42. Do Anh Duc, Luu Huu Van, Vincent F.Yu, Shuo-Yan Chou, Ngo Van Hien, Ngo The Chi, Dinh Van Toan, Luu Quoc Dat (2021), A dynamic generalized fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making approach for green supplier segmentation, PLoS ONE 16 (1):e0245187 (Indexed by ISI); Q1, Jan. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245187; Correction: May 15, 2021 on https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0251940.

43. Đinh Văn Toàn, 2021, Spin-off enterprises in the world and lessons for Vietnam on developing science and technology enterprises, Asia-Pacific Economic Review, (ISSN 0868-3808), No. 582+583, tr. 37-39.

44. Đinh Văn Toàn, 2021, Spin-offs Academic Enterprise from Universities Around the World and the Problems Posed to Vietnam's Higher Education, Journal of Trade Science (in Vietnamese), ISSN 1859-3666, No. 149+150, 1+2/2021, 167-176.

45. Đinh Văn Toàn, 2021, Research on the Model of Entrepreneurial University and Advanced University Governance: Policy Recommendations for Public Universities in Vietnam. VNU Journal of Science: Policy and Management Studies, [S.l.], v. 37, n. 1, mar. 2021. ISSN 2588-1116. https://doi.org/10.25073/2588-1116/vnupam.4295.

46. Đinh Văn Toàn, 2021, Proposing policies to develop science and technology enterprises at Vietnam National University Hanoi, Journal of Economics and Forecast(ISSN 0866-7120), No.8, 47-51.

47. Dinh Van Toan, Hoang Thi Cam Thuong, 2021, The Entrepreneurial University Model and Policy Implications for University Governance in Vietnam Public Universities, Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, ISSN (print): 2644-0490, ISSN (online): 2644-0504, Volume 4, Issue 03, March 2021. https://doi.org/10.47191/jefms/v4-i3-08.

48. Dinh Van Toan, 2021, The Third Mission of Universities: Constraints and Policy Recommendations for the Case of Vietnam (Publish online), International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research. P-ISSN:2664-3588, E-ISSN:2664-3596. Vol.3; Issue 4 5/2021, 144-153. DOI: 10.51594/ijmer.v3i4.222. https://fepbl.com/index.php/ijmer.

49. Đinh Văn Toàn, 2021, Principles of advanced university governance and policy implications forVietnam, Industry and Trade Magazine(ISSN 0866-775), No.12,May 2021, 410-417.

5.3. Research projects

1. Training schools system and the establishment of the Electricity College,the source and mechanism of allocating funds for training inVietnam Electricity, Chairman, 2001.

2. Research on compiling documents to guide human resources training and management used in Vietnam Electricity, Chairman, 2008.

3. Enterprise model in higher education institutions in Vietnamand Effective Solutions for the Vietnam National University, VNU level, Chairman, 2018.

4. Entrepreneurship in governance and operation of public universities in Vietnam, UEB level, Chairman, 2019.

6. Other activities:

6.1. Number of PhD degree granted: 1

6.2. Number of PhD candidatecurrently in training: 02

6.3. Number of supervised postgraduate studentshave Master degree:21

6.4. Number of postgraduate students currently in training: 3

6.5. Participate in:Evaluation of the institution's self-assessment report and training programs; External assessment of higher education institutions and higher education programs as standing members of assessment team at the VNU Centre for Education Accreditation (VNU-CEA).

6.6. Chairman of the Quality Accreditation Council, VNU Centre for Education Accreditation.