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Le Van Cuong

 1. Personal information:

Full name

Le Van Cuong




d’Economie de la Sorbonne (CES), Maison des Sciences Economiques 106-112 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France


(33) (01) 44 07 82 91


(33) (01) 44 07 83 01



 2. Education:
 Ingénieur Civil des Mines (1969) ; Docteur 3è Cycle en Mathématiques (1978).
3. Employment/Experience:
  • Convexity and Convex Programming (University of Paris 5)
  • Optimal Growth Models in Economics (University of Paris 5, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de L’Administration Economique, University of Paris 1)
  • Macroeconomic Modelling ( University of Paris 2, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de L’Administration Economique)
  • Optimal Growth Models in Economics (University of Cagliari, Italy)
 4. Research domain:
  • Journal of Economic Theory,
  • Econometric,
  • International Economic Review,
  • Journal of Mathematical Economics,
  • Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
  • RAIRO,
  • Review of Development Economics,
  • Journal of Public Economics Theory,
  • Revue Economique .
5. Publications:


Mathematical Economics.

  1. Topological Degree of a Family of Convex Functions and Localization of Nash Equilibrium Points, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1980.
  2. Topological Degree and Number of Nash Equilibrium Points of Bimatrix Games, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1982.
  3. Topological Degree and the Sperner Lemma, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1982.
  4. A Note on the Gale-Nikaido-Debreu Lemma and the Existence of General Equilibrium (with M. Florenzano), Economics Letters, 1986
  5. Production Prices and Equilibrium Prices : A Long Run Property of a Leontief Economy with an Unlimited Supply of Labour (with R.A. Dana, M. Florenzano, D. Levy), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1989.
  6. Asymptotic Properties of a Leontief Economy (with R.A. Dana, M. Florenzano, D. Levy), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1989.
  7. Equilibria of a Stationary Economy with Recursive Preferences (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1991.
  8. Lagging and Unlagging Theorems : A Quasi-Equivalence, Computers, Mathematics with Applications, 1992.
  9. Convergence Of Equilibria in an Intertemporal General Equilibrium Model : A dynamical System Approach (with I. Hadji), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1994.
  10. Subdifferentiability of the Value Function in Economic Problems (with J.M. Bonnisseau), SEA, Bull. Math, 9, N02, 1995.
  11. Asset Equilibria in Lp Spaces with Complete Markets : a Duality Approach (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1995.
  12. On the Subdifferential of the Value Function in Economic Optimization Problems (with J.M. Bonnisseau), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1996.
  13. Complete Characterization of Properness Conditions for Separable Concave Functions defined in Lp+ and Lp, Economic Theory, 1996
  14. General Equilibrium In Asset Markets with or without Short-Selling (with R.A. Dana, F. Magnien), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1997.
  15. On the Different Notions of Arbitrage and Existence of Equilibrium (with R.A. Dana, F. Magnien), Journal of Economic Theory, 87, 169-193, 1999.
  16. Arbitrage, Duality and Asset Equilibria (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 34, 396-413, 2000.
  17. Arbitrage and Equilibrium in Economies with Externalities (with F. Page and M. Wooders), Journal of Global Optimization , 20, 309-321, 2001.
  18. Asset Market Equilibrium in Lp Spaces with Separable Utilities (with D.H. Truong Xuan), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 36, 241-254, 2001.
  19. The Geometry of Arbitrage and the Existence of Competitive Equlibrium (with N. Allouch and F. Page), Journal of Mathematical Economics,38, 373-391, 2002.
  20. No-arbitrage condition and existence of equilibrium in asset markets with a continuum of agents (with F. Magnien), International Journal of Economic Theory, 1, 43-45, 2005.
  21. Arbitrage and Equilibrium in Unbounded Exchange Economies with Satiation, (with N. Allouch, and F. Page) Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2007.
  22. No-arbitrage Condition and Existence of Equilibrium with Dividends (with N.B. Minh), Journal of Mathematical Economics, , 43, 135-152, 2007
  23. Walras and dividends equilibrium with possibly satiated consumers (with N. Allouch), Journal of Mathematical Economics, sept 2008
  24. Risky Arbitrage, Asset Prices, and Externalities (with F.H. Page and . M. Wooders), Economic Theory, 2007.
  25. Overlapping sets of priors and the existence of efficient allocations and equilibria for risk measures (with R.A. Dana), Mathematical Finance, 20, 3, 327-339, 2010
  26. Overlapping risk adjusted sets of priors and the existence of efficient allocations and equilibria with short-selling” (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Economic Theory, 145, 6, 2186-2202, 2010
  27. Efficient allocations and Equilibria with short-selling and Incomplete Preferences (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 53, 101-105, 2014.
  28. Intertemporal equilibrium with financial asset and physical capital (with N-S Pham), Economic Theory, Vol.62, 155–199, 2016
  29. Arbitrage and asset market equilibrium in infinite dimensional economies with short-selling and risk-averse expected utilities (with Th. Ha-Huy and M-H Nguyen), Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol.79, 30-39, January 2016
  30. Interest rates parity and no arbitrage as equivalent equilibrium conditions in the international financial assets and goods markets (with S. Bosi and P. Fontaine), Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol.82, 26-36, July 2016
  31. How to determine exchange rates under risk neutrality: A note (with S. Bosi and P. Fontaine), Economics Letters, 2017
  32. Existence of equilibrium on asset markets with a countably infinite number of states (with Thai Ha-Huy), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 73, 44-53, 2017
  33. Intertemporal equilibrium with heterogeneous agents, endogenous dividends and collateral constraints (with S. Bosi and N-S Pham), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 76, 1-20, 2018
  34. Financial bubbles and capital accumulation in altruistic economies (with S. Bosi, T. Ha-Huy, C-T, Pham, N-S Pham), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 75, 125-139, 2018
  35. Arbitrage and equilibrium in economies with short-selling and ambiguity (With T. Ha-Huy, C. Tran-Viet), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 76, 95-100, 2018.
  36. A General Equilibrium Model In Which Consumption Takes Time (with T-D-H Nguyen, N-S Pham, B. Tran-Nam), in Recent Developments in Normative Trade Theory and Welfare Economics, B. Tran-Nam, Ed., Springer, 2018.
  37. On Endogenous Formation of Price Expectations (with Y. Vailakis), Games and Economic Behaviour, 115, pp. 436-458, 2019.
  38. Demand and equilibrium with inferior and Giffen behaviors (with N-S Pham), Mathematical Social Sciences, 103, 45-50, 2020. Optimal Growth in Economics
  39. On the Structure of Pareto-Optima in an Infinite Horizon Economy where Agents have Recursive Preferences (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1990.
  40. On the Bellman Equation of the Overtaking Criterion (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1990.
  41. Optimal Growth and Pareto-Optimality (with R.A. Dana), ), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 20, 1991.
  42. On the Bellman Equation of the Overtaking Criterion : an Addendum (with R.A. Dana), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1991.
  43. Differentiability of the Value Function of Nonclassical Optimal Growth Models (with K. Askri), Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1998.
  44. A Model of Optimal Growth Strategy (with Ph. Askenazy), Journal of Economic Theory, 85, 24-51,1999.
  45. Optimal Growth, Debt, Corruption and R&D (with Ch-H. Dimaria), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 6, 597-613, 2002.
  46. The discrete time version of the Romer model (with L. Morhaim, Ch-H. Dimaria), Economic Theory, 20, 133-158, 2002.
  47. Optimal growth models with bounded or unbounded returns : a unifying approach (with L. Morhaim), Journal of Economic Theory, 105, 158-187, 2002.
  48. A simple proof of existence of equilibrium in a one sector growth model with bounded or unbounded returns from below (with J. Duran), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 7, 317-332, 2003.
  49. Existence of a competitive equilibrium in one sector growth model with heterogenous agents and irreversible investment (with Y. Vailakis), Economic Theory, 22, 743-771, 2003.
  50. Quality of Knowledge Technology, Returns to Production Technology and Economic Development (with C. Saglam), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 8, 147-161, 2004.
  51. Optimal Growth Models and the Lagrange Multiplier (with H.C. Saglam), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 40, 393-410, 2004.
  52. Equilibrium and Competitive Equilibrium in a discrete Time Lucas Model (with P. Gourdel, L. Hoang-Ngoc, T. Mazamba), Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol.10, N° 5, 501-514, 2004.
  53. Etudes d’économie publique: Introduction (with B. Cornet, H. Kempf, M. Wooders), Annales d'Economie et de Statistiques, 75/76, 1-7, 2004.
  54. Health Cares and Economic Growth (with P. Gourdel, L. Hoang-Ngoc, T. Mazamba), Annales d'Economie et de Statistiques, 75/76, 2004.
  55. Recursive Utility and Optimal Growth with Bounded or Unbounded Returns (with Y. Vailakis), Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 123, 185-209, 2005.
  56. On the existence of a competitive equilibrium in the Lucas (1988) model (with H. D'Albis), Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol.42, 46-55, 2006.
  57. Optimal Growth without Discounting (with R-A Dana), in Handbook on Optimal Growth, Volume 1: Discrete Time, R-A. Dana, C. Le Van, T. Mitra, K. Nishimura eds, Springer, 2006.
  58. Optimal Growth Models with Discounted Returns, in Handbook on Optimal Growth, Volume 1: Discrete Time, R-A. Dana, C. Le Van, T. Mitra, K. Nishimura eds, Springer, 2006.
  59. On Optimal Growth Models when the Discount Factor is near 1 or equal to 1 (with L. Morhaim), International Journal of Economic Theory, 2006.
  60. Optimal Control in Infinite Horizon Problems: a Sobolev Spaces Approach (with R. Boucekkine and C. Saglam), Economic Theory, vol.32, 497-509, 2007.
  61. Parametric Continuity of stationary distributions (avec J. Stachurski), Economic Theory, vol. 33, 333-348, 2007.
  62. Equilibrium dynamics in an aggregative model of capital accumulation with heterogeneous agents and elastic labor, (with M.H. Nguyen and Y. Vailakis) Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2007.
  63. Instability and fluctuations in intertemporal equilibrium models: Presentation (with Tapan Mitra, Kazuo Nishimura and Alain Venditti), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 43 (2007), 231-235.
  64. Existence of Solutions in Continuous-time Optimal Growth Models (with H. d’Albis and P. Gourdel), Economic Theory, 37, 2, nov 2008
  65. Non-convex Aggregate Technology and Optimal Economic Growth (with N.M.Hung and Ph. Michel), Economic Theory, 40, 3, Sept 2009
  66. When does a developing country use new technologies? (with O. Bruno et B. Masquin), Economic Theory, 40, 2, Aug 2009
  67. New Technology, Human Capital, and Growth in a Developing Country (with T-A. Nguyen, M-H Nguyen, T-B Luong), Mathematical Population Studies, 17, 4, 215-241, 2010
  68. With Exhaustible Resources Can a Developing Country Escape From The Poverty Trap? (with K. Schubert and T-A. Nguyen), Journal of Economic Theory, 145, 6, 2435-2447, 2010
  69. Optimal timing of regime switching in optimal growth models: A Sobolev space approach with E. Dogan and C. Saglam), Mathematical Social Sciences, 61, 2, 97-103, 2011
  70. Existence, Optimality and Dynamics of Equilibria with Endogenous Time Preference (with S. Erol and C. Saglam), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 47, 2, 170-179, 2011.
  71. Existence of competitive equilibrium in an optimal growth model with heterogeneous agents and endogenous leisure (with A. Goenka and M.H Nguyen) , Macroeconomic Dynamics, 16 (S1), 33-51, 2012
  72. A Never-decisive and Anonymous Criterion for Optimal Growth Models (with A. Ayong Le Kama, T. Ha-Huy and K. Schubert), Economic Theory, 55, 2, 2014.
  73. On existence and bubbles of Ramsey equilibrium with borrowing constraints (with R. Becker, S. Bosi and Th. Seegmuller), Economic Theory, 58, 2, February 2015
  74. Optimal Growth Strategy Under Dynamic Threshold (with C. Saglam and A. Turan), Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 18, 979-991, 2016