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Prof. Akins Ogungbure

1. Personal information 

Associate Professor Sorrell College of Business Troy University
3355 Asbury Sq - Atlanta, GA 30346 Tel: 832-260-5141

2. Education 

  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) with concentration in Marketing Nova Southeastern University, 2010

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Emphasis: Marketing and International Marketing

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)

University of Houston Clear Lake City, Texas, 1983 Emphasis: Business Administration/Marketing

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas, 1981 Major: Business Administration

3. Research Interests 
  • Global Marketing in the 21st Century and beyond,
  • Consumer Behavior and customers’ satisfaction in the marketspace,
  • Interactive Marketing, and the Internet Marketing,
  • Mobile and Digital Marketing, and Marketing Practices and Technology
4. Academic and Professional Experience
  • 2014 – Present Associate Professor of Marketing 2007 – 2014 Assistant Professor of Marketing

Academic Advisor – Undergraduate Business Programs Department of Business Administration

Sorrell College of Business

Troy University Global Campus – Atlanta Site

Teaching courses Online, On-site, and International sites: Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Retailing,

Services Marketing, Internet Marketing, Global Business, Global Marketing, and Marketing Management.

  • 1987 – 1997 Adjunct Faculty – Instructor of Marketing and Management Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas

Jesse H. Jones School of Business Department of Business Administration Courses taught include:

Principles of Marketing, International Marketing, Introduction to Business, Principles of Management, and Organizational Behavior.

  • 2001 – 2007 Guest Services Representative, Walker Methodist Health Center

Developed and managed innovative programs in clients’ relationship management; developed programs to identify clients’ needs; participated in conducting customers’ satisfaction surveys.

  • 1983 – 1998 President, Atkins Enterprises, Houston, Texas

Directed, managed, and grew a small financial and risk consulting company to a medium size company within 10 years. Directed executives, professional and sales staff through reporting systems. Ensured overall effectiveness and efficiency by redefining organizational goals with emphasis on quality and superior customer service and cost containment initiatives. Developed comprehensive training programs; expanded revenue base through new service agreements and expanded marketing programs.

  • 1998 – 2001 Director of Marketing/Sales - SunKrest Beverages International Company (Nigeria) Ltd.

Directed and managed a start-up juice manufacturing company to a medium size firm within two years, including directing the professional and sales staff. Ensured overall effectiveness and efficiency of the company through continual achievement of stated goals; expanded sales operations by developing key account relationships with major partners.

5. Technology usage in teaching 

  • Have experience in using presentation tools, web-based distance, and online education instructional platforms such as Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, and Sakai to deliver lectures, information, and discussions to students. Actively engaged in committees and projects to improve students’ learning outcomes and the total university experience. Proficient in:



  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Office 365 Productivity Suite
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • SPSS
  • Windows-based Computer Platforms
  • Email Clients
  • Internet
6. Professional Affiliation



  • Member - American Marketing Association (AMA) Member - Marketing Management Association (MMA)
  • Member – International Academy of Business and Public Administration (IABPAD) Associate Editor - International Journal of Business Research (IJBR)
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer - Academy of Management (AoM) – 2005-2014 Reviewer – The Academic Forum
7. Papers, publications and presentations 


Refereed Journal Articles:


  1. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A., Hunter, D. & Garten, B. (2019). Evolution of Reporting on Corporate Sustainability. International Journal of Management Administrative Sciences (IJMAS), volume 6, issue 7.
  2. Amponsah, D. K., Thompson, W. F., Mosley, G. & Ogungbure, A. (2019). Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in Mobile Phone Service: A Study from Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets.
  3. Quast, J., Adams, M., & Ogungbure, A. (2017). Servant Leadership: Focusing on the People. International Journal of Business Research (IJBR), volume 12, issue 1.
  4. Chekwa, C., Zoellner, J., Ogungbure, A., & Hunter, D. (2016). Teamwork and Leadership. International Journal of Effective Management, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 27-32.
  5. Chekwa, C., Thomas, E., Jr., Ogungbure, A., & Francis, C. (2015). An examination of the impact of social isolation in the workplace, The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 208-214.
  6. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A., Eldeek, N., Thomas, E., Jr. & Francis, C. (2014). Managing the Millennial Generation: Challenges and Opportunities, Journal of
  7. Knowledge and Human Resource Management, Volume 6, Issue 14, pp. 26-34.
  8. Ogungbure, A. T. (2014). The influence of superior customer services on customer satisfaction of mobile telephone subscribers in Nigeria. The Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge (JABRC), Vol. 3, No. 1, 182-188.
  9. Hunter, D. Y., & Ogungbure, A. T. (2013). Impression management and diversity: Challenges of diverse employees and contemporary appearance in the workplace. Journal of Knowledge & Human Resources Management, vol. 5, Issue 12, 40-46.
  10. Ogungbure, A. T. (2013). Managing expectations: A focus on effective service recovery mechanisms. International Journal of Business, Marketing, and Decision Science (IJBMDS), 6(1), 48-61.
  11. Ogungbure, A. T. (2013). Fix It: How consumer service recovery expectations affect satisfaction and repurchase intentions. Business Research Yearbook, 20(2), 557-564.
  12. Ogungbure, A. T. & Oudan, R. J. (2013). Towards a theory of macromarketing in emerging economies. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 18(2), 343-349.
  13. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A. T., Mmutakaego, C., & Thomas, E. (2013). Information security threats: What is public versus private sector’s perception? International Journal of Business, and Public Administration (IJBPA), 10(1), 87-97.
  14. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A. T., & Thomas, E. (2013). Is Interpersonal conflict a death sentence to team building? International Journal of Business, and Public Administration (IJBPA), 10(2).
  15. Ogungbure, A. T. (2012). Failure and Recovery: An Opportunity to Reconnect and Recommit to Customers after Service Failure in the Internet-Based Service Encounters. The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 18(1), 25-32.
Conference Proceedings (refereed):



  1. Ogungbure, A., Chekwa, C., & Francis, C. (2020). Online influencers: An examination of how online influencers motivate their followers to listen and follow them.
  2. Conference Proceedings, 17(1). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, January 2-5, 2020 Orlando, Florida.
  3. Ogungbure, A., Chekwa, C., Hunter, D., & Francis, C. (2019). Exploring the opportunities and challenges of marketing to the consumers in rural markets in
  4. Nigeria. Conference Proceedings, 2019 Modern Technology and Management Institute (MTMI) International Conference, September 20-22, 2019 Orlando, Florida.
  5. Ogungbure, A., Amponsah, D., & Thompson, W. (2019). Marketing to rural customers in developing economies: A strategic extension and application of the 4As of marketing mix model. Conference Proceedings, 16(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 11-19, 2019 Dallas, Texas.
  6. Ogungbure, A., Chekwa, C., & Francis, C. (2019). Conceptualizing and analyzing the factors that influence consumer online purchasing behavior in Nigeria.
  7. Conference Proceedings, 16(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 11-19, 2019 Dallas, Texas.
  8. Ogungbure, A., Chekwa, C., & Francis, C. (2018). Exploring the buying, having, and being of the consumers at the bottom of the pyramid. Conference Proceedings, 15(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 19-22, 2018 Dallas, Texas.
  9. Francis, C., Chekwa, C., & Ogungbure, A. T. (2018). The rise of the use of the Bitcoin and its potential future. Conference Proceedings, 15(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 19-22, 2018 Dallas, Texas.
  10. Ogungbure, A. (2017). Exploring the complexities of customer retention and switching barriers: Why customers dissatisfied with online service encounters remain loyal to the service providers. Conference Proceedings, 14(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 20-23, 2017 Dallas, Texas.
  11. Ogungbure, A., Chekwa, C., Adeogun, J., & Francis, C. (2017). Adopting and implementing macromarketing concepts as catalysts for economic growth in the N-11 emerging markets. Conference Proceedings, 14(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 20-23, 2017 Dallas, Texas.
  12. Ogungbure, A., Chekwa, C., Adeogun, J., & Francis, C. (2017). Marketing to the customers at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP): An opportunistic or exploitative act? Conference Proceedings, 14(1). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, January 2-5, 2017 Orlando, Florida.
  13. Francis, C., Chekwa, C., & Ogungbure, A. T. (2017). An Investigation of The Financial Social and Economic effects of the Zika Virus on Western Economies.
  14. Conference Proceedings, 14(1). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, January 2-5, 2017 Orlando, Florida.
  15. Chekwa, C., Hunter, D., Garten, B., Ogungbure, A., & Chukwuanu, M. (2016).
  16. Evolution of corporate sustainability. Conference Proceedings, 2016 Modern Technology and Management Institute (MTMI) Annual International Conference, September 23-24, 2016 Virginia Beach, Virginia.
  17. Ogungbure, A. T., Chekwa, C., & Francis, C. (2016). The discovery, boom and burst, and curse of petroleum resources in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the cures for Nigeria. Conference Proceedings, 13(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 21- 24, 2016 Dallas, Texas.
  18. Chekwa, C., Saul, D., Ogungbure, A., & Chukwuanu, M. (2016). The challenges and opportunities of managing today’s workforce. Conference Proceedings, 34th International Business Research Conference, April 4-5, 2016 London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-925488-02-9
  19. Conrad, F., Ogungbure, A., & Chekwa, C. (2016). The financial effects of consumer marketing and advertising practices of pharmaceutical companies. Conference Proceedings, 13(1). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, January 2-5, 2016 Orlando, Florida.
  20. Chekwa, C., LeVar, C., Ogungbure, A., & Francis, C. (2016). Leadership through Generations and employee traits. Conference Proceedings, 13(1). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, January 2-5, 2016 Orlando, Florida.
  21. Ogungbure, A., Adeogun, J., Ofili, B., & Hunter, D. (2015). An exploratory investigation of the factors that affect the adoption and utilization of retail internet banking in a Frontier African Country. Conference Proceedings, 13(1). The Intellectbase International Academic Consortium Conference,
  22. October 16, 2015 Atlanta, Georgia.
  23. Murray, A., Hunter, D., & Ogungbure, A. (2015). When the “O” in Loop doesn’t close – Contemporary challenges to the feedback Loop in the workplace. Conference Proceedings, 13(1). The Intellectbase International Academic Consortium Conference, October 16, 2015 Atlanta, Georgia.
  24. Ogungbure, A., Chekwa, C., Francis, C., & Adeogun, J. (2015). Social Enterprises: The adoption and utilization of market orientation approach to create
  25. organizational sustainability. Conference Proceedings, 12(3). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, July 22-25, 2015 Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  26. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A., & Francis. (2015). The economic effects of the Ebola epidemics on the economies of the Sub-Saharan African countries…a Discussion. Conference Proceedings, 12(3). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, July 22-25, 2015 Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
  27. Ogungbure, A. T., Chekwa, C., Hunter, D., Adeogun, J., & Chukwuanu, M. (2015).
  28. Customers’ Reactions to Dissatisfaction with Financial Service Providers in the Frontier Economies: An Exploratory Study of Why Some Stay and Why Others Leave or Switch. Conference Proceedings, 12(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 23- 26, 2015 Dallas, Texas.
  29. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A. T., Rice, A., Francis, C., & Chukwuanu, M. (2015). Leading effective teams. Conference Proceedings, 12(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 23-26, 2015 Dallas, Texas.
  30. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A. T. & Sauls, D. (2015). Motivation and
  31. Leadership for the multigenerational workforce. Conference Proceedings, 12(1). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, January 2-5, 2015 Orlando, Florida.
  32. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A. T. & Kincade, S. (2015). Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. Conference Proceedings, 12(1). The International
  33. Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, January 2-5, 2015 Orlando, Florida.
  34. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A., Eldeek, N., Thomas, E., & Francis, C. (2014). Managing the Millennial Generation: Challenges and opportunities. Conference Proceedings, 12(1). The Intellectbase International Academic Consortium Conference, October 16-18, 2014 Atlanta, Georgia.
  35. Hunter, D. Y. & Ogungbure, A. T. (2014). Motivation in online learning through social media: The Facebook experiment. Conference Proceedings, 12(1). The Intellectbase International Academic Consortium Conference,
  36. October 16-18, 2014 Atlanta, Georgia.
  37. Francis, C., Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A. T. & Howlett, P. (2014). Regional Economic Integration: A perspective. Conference Proceedings, 11(3). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Conference, July 23-26, 2014 Madrid, Spain.
  38. Ogungbure, A. T. (2014). The mobile telephone and mobile services adoption and consumption patterns of university students in Nigeria. Conference Proceedings, 11(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference, April 24-27, 2014 Dallas, Texas.
  39. Ogungbure, A. T. & Amponsah, D. (2014). A Framework for analyzing the determinants of customer selection of mobile phone providers and services in Sub-Saharan Africa. Conference Proceedings, 11(2). The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines IABPAD Conference,
  40. April 24-27, 2014 Dallas, Texas.
  41. Ogungbure, A. T., Chekwa, C. Hunter, D., & Adeogun, J. (2013). Reaching the customers at the base of the pyramid: The good deeds and value propositions at the bottom of the pyramid. Conference Proceedings. The Academic Forum, ISSN: 2164-8832, 2013 October 16-19, 2013 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
  42. Ogungbure, A. T. (2013). Macromarketing and marketing effects on economic growth of frontier economies. Conference Proceedings, 10(2), 2013 IABPAD Conference, April 18-21, 2013 Dallas, Texas.
  43. Adeogun, J. & Ogungbure, A. T. (2013). The election of President Obama: It’s effect on minority workers. Conference Proceedings, 10(2), 2013 IABPAD Conference, April 18-21, 2013 Dallas, Texas.
  44. Ogungbure, A. T. (2013). Fix It: How consumer service recovery expectations affect satisfaction and repurchase intentions. Conference Proceedings, 2013 IABD Conference, April 11-13, 2013 Atlanta, Georgia.
  45. Ogungbure, A. T. (2012). Managing expectations: A focus on effective service recovery mechanisms. Conference Proceedings, 2012 IABPAD Conference,
  46. October 25-28, 2012 Las Vegas, Nevada.
  47. Ogungbure, A. T. (2012). A Comparative analysis of service failure, customer attributions, and recovery expectations in online and off-line service encounters. Conference Proceedings, 9(2), 2012 IABPAD Conference,
  48. April 19-22, 2012 Dallas, Texas.
  49. Ogungbure, A. T. (2012). Managing Expectations: A Focus on Effective Service Recovery Mechanisms. Conference Proceedings, 9(4), 2012 IABPAD Conference, October 25-28, 2012 Las Vegas, Nevada.
  50. Ogungbure, A. T. (2012). A Comparative Analysis of Service Failure, Customer Attributions, and Recovery Expectations in Online and Off-line Service Encounters. Conference Proceedings, 9(2), 2012 IABPAD Conference, April 7-10, 2012 Dallas, Texas.
  51. Ogungbure, A. T., Chekwa, C., Mmutakaego, C., & Thomas, E. (2012, Accepted article). Information Security Threats: What is Public versus Private sector’s perception? International Journal of Business, Marketing, and Decision Science (IJBMDS).
  52. Ogungbure, A. T., Chekwa, C., & Hunter, Debra (2011). Marketing to the Bottom of
  53. the Pyramid (BOP): An Opportunity for Producers and Consumers.
  54. Conference Proceedings, 8(4), 2011 IABPAD Conference, October 27-30, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee.
  55. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A. T., & Thomas, E. (2011). Is Interpersonal Conflict a
  56. Death Sentence to Team Building? Conference Proceedings, 8(4), 2011 IABPAD Conference, October 27-30, 2011Memphis, Tennessee.
  57. Ogungbure, A. T. (2011). Fix It: How Consumer Service Recovery Expectations
  58. Affect Repurchase Intentions and Satisfaction. Conference Proceedings, 13, 2011 Allied Academies’ Internet Conference, July 25-29, 2011.
  59. Ogungbure, A. T. (2011). “Failure and Recovery: An Opportunity to Reconnect and Recommit to Customers after Service Failure in the Internet-Based Service Encounters”, Conference Proceedings, 8(2), 2011 IABPAD Conference, April 7-10, 2011 Dallas, Texas.
  60. Ogungbure, A. T., Udechukwu, I., & White, T. (2011). “Ethics and Advertising: Does Anyone Care”? Conference Proceedings, 8(2), 2011 IABPAD Conference, April 7-10, Dallas, Texas.
  61. Ogungbure, A. T., Chekwa, C., Mmutakaego, C., & Thomas, E. (2010). “Information Security Threats: What is Public versus Private sector’s perception”, Conference Proceedings, 2010 IABPAD Conference, October 21-24, New Orleans.
  62. Chekwa, C., Ogungbure, A. T., Mmutakaego, C., & Jones, V. (2010). “Leadership and its Effects on Employees Behavior”, Conference Proceedings, 2010 IABPAD Conference, October 21-24, New Orleans.
  63. Ogungbure, A. T., 7 Geyer, R. (2008). “Business Up, Quality Down: The Discernible Shift to Profit Motive in Universities”, Conference Proceedings, 2008 Fall MMA Educators’ Conference, September 24-26 Louisville, Kentucky.
  64. Ogungbure, A. T. (2005). “Outsourcing of information technology/information systems”, Conference Proceedings, The 2005 IBER (Business) Conference,
  65. October 3-7, Las Vegas.
Working Papers:



  1. A framework for analyzing the determinants of customer selection of mobile phone providers and services in Western Africa
  2. The Inescapability of the Resource Curse in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Relationships between Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and Governments in some Selected African Countries.
  3. Harvesting the Opportunities at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BOP).
  4. A Meta-Study of Buying Behavior of Offline Consumers and Online Consumers.
  5. The Utilization of Discussions in Promoting Students’ Learning and Performance in Marketing and Management courses.
  6. An Empirical Study of the Reputation of Online Sellers and Its Effect on the Propensity of Consumer Patronage.