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Prof. Earl Ingram

1. Personal Information


St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada

2. Education 

Auburn University, B.S. (Management, Personnel and Industrial Relations), 1973.

Auburn University, M.S. (Psychology), 1974.

Thesis Title: “The Effect of an Appraisal System Incorporating Verifiable Goals on Managerial Attitudes Toward Performance Appraisal.”

Auburn University, Ph.D. (Industrial / Organizational Psychology), 1976.

Dissertation Title: “Job Performance in a High Noise Environment as Related to Selected Individual Differences.”

3. Profession 
TROY UNIVERSITY 1987 to Present

Faculty Member, Chair, Assistant Dean & Dean, Sorrell College of Business; Vice Chancellor, Global Campus; Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Senior Strategist for Internationalization; Provost Emeritus


  • Teaching Faculty, Management (1987 to 2005) Joined faculty as an Assistant Professor in Management. Taught a range of graduate and undergraduate courses in online and traditional formats, to domestic and international students, in domestic and international teaching locations. Served on number College and University-level committees, councils, and task forces, including College of Business representative to the Faculty Committee. Tenured in 1992; promoted to Professor in 2003.
  • Regional Director for Europe, University College (1991-1995) Served as the chief administrative officer directly managing operational facilities, academic, and student service support activities offered under a military educational services contract involving over 30 full time faculty members and supporting over 1000 students in three academic programs offered in 25 teaching sites ranging from Turkey to the Azores, and from England to southern Italy. Successfully managed a reduction in force resulting from the change in contractors in 1993 from the initial size noted above, to offering one academic program to less than 200 students at seven teaching sites, and six faculty members, while remaining with budget and achieving all academic and administrative requirements of the contract.
  • Chair, Department of Marketing, Management and Economics (1995-1997) Served as department chair, overseeing the delivery of four undergraduate programs.


Served as the chief liaison between the Sorrell College of Business and University College for all faculty and student administrative actions. Served on numerous University Committees and Councils.


  • Assistant Dean, Sorrell College of Business (1997 – 2005) Served as the administrative manager overseeing graduate business programs delivered to all components of the College which were associated with its regional accreditation.


Served as the chief liaison between the Sorrell College of Business and University College for all faculty and student administrative actions. Developed and managed the delivery of online EMBA programs to the general public, HealthSouth, and the U.S. Navy, and at teaching locations in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand. Successfully directed the development of a common curriculum associate with an impending merger of three separately accredited universities.


  • Dean, Sorrell College of Business (2005 – 2006) Served as the dean in the newly merged TROY University, leading and managing all academic and administrative processes related to four campuses in Alabama and the University College that supported over 8100 students and 110 full time faculty members on campuses and teaching locations in more than 10 countries.
  • Vice Chancellor, Global Campus (2006 – 2011) Serve as the senior administrator for the administrative unit of more than 50 TROY University teaching sites outside the state of Alabama, to include more than 10 international sites in Europe, Southeast Asia, United Arab Emirates, China, Korea, and Japan. Responsibilities include administration of the eCampus, delivering online graduate and undergraduate programs globally, and International Programs on the Troy Campus.
  • Senior Vice Chancellor—Academic Affairs (2011- 2018) Serve as chief academic officer for TROY University. Responsibilities include administrative oversight of all academic matters and all campuses and teaching locations where TROY courses are offered, in Alabama, elsewhere in the U.S., online, and at international teaching locations. Retired in December 2018 and appointed Provost Emeritus.
  • Senior Strategist for Internationalization (2019 to present) The Senior Strategist for Internationalization is a part-time position assigned within the


Academic Division advising the SVC for Academic on matters related to the University’s international programs, services, practices and policies at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. Additionally, the SSI is expected to develop and deliver selected courses and lectures at international locations consistent with the strategic intent of University internationalization.

Auburn University at Montgomery 


  • Part-time faculty 1976-87: Auburn University, Lagrange College, Auburn University at Montgomery
Private Sector Corporate experience:




  • Director, Human Resources Planning and Development (1979 to 1987)


Reporting to the Corporate Vice President for Personnel, exercised corporate-wide staff responsibility for directing and unifying three areas of human resource management in a “ Fortune 200” company: human resources planning and staffing (professional and managerial), management training and development, and personnel research.

Responsibilities included supporting over 80 production facilities in both domestic and international (Costa Rica) operations. Developed and refined selection, training and performance management policies and practices for domestic and international manufacturing operations.

Developed and directed the introduction of policies and components for the corporation's human resources planning and management succession program, thus providing the first effective means to consider all internal and external candidates for position vacancies in a highly decentralized organization.

Conducted intensive individual assessments of managerial related interests and abilities for organizational and individual career planning needs, resulting in reduced assessment costs and increased effectiveness in matching employees to organizational requirements.

Planned and conducted personnel research activities such as validation of a selection procedure that reduced turnover and increase the overall level of effectiveness of a data processing group of over 100 professional employees.


  • Director of Personnel Research and Development (1978 to 1979)


Corporate responsibility for personnel research as well as management training and development activities. Assessed developmental needs through systematic organizational research. Developed course materials, identified outside resources, and administered or coordinated courses and programs.

Created and refined an employee opinion survey that provided a cost-effective means to gather critical employee and labor relations information from over 20,000 manufacturing employees.

Designed, refined and coordinated the corporation's first training and development program for upper levels of managerial and professional employees. The program combined outside and internal subject matter in a two-week seminar format, providing cost-effective coverage of a wide range of functional areas.

Designed training programs for managerial, supervisory and clerical employees in areas related to performance management, technical skills, supervisory practices, communication skills, values clarification and organizational behavior.


  • Industrial Psychologist (1974 to 1978) Provided industrial/organizational internal consulting services throughout the corporation.


Developed the first corporate-wide, validated performance planning and review program for the company. This resulted from conducting extensive job content studies, designing and validating the appraisal methods, as well as writing policy statements, a support manual, and training program for all managerial and professional employees.

Conducted labor turnover studies leading to the redesign of personnel selection procedures for hourly and supervisory employees, resulting in reduced turnover.

Military Service: 1966 – 1995

Served on active duty with the U.S. Army from 1966 to 1972 in numerous operational, training, and staff positions in the Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery as an enlisted service member, officer and aviator in the US and Southeast Asia. Service continued in the Alabama Army National Guard and US Army Reserve from 1972 to 1995 in command positions at the company and battalion levels, as well as senior staff positions in Aviation and Transportation branch assignments, to include operational service support in South America infrastructure development, until retiring at the rank of Colonel in 1995.

Military Decorations Include: Distinguished Flying Cross with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Medal with 12 Oak Leaf Clusters and "V" device, Army Commendation Medal with a "V" device and Oak Leaf Cluster, Unit Citations (combat) and reserve component achievement decorations.

4. Research 

Awards, recognition:


  • Delta Mu Delta Professional Honor Society in Business, 2006
  • TSU University College Award for Academic Leadership, Troy State University, 2004 Who’s Who Among American Teachers, 2004
  • Book Token Award (TSU Library Collections Management Committee, for exceptional integration of library materials into courses), 1997
  • American Society for Personnel Administration (Birmingham, Ala. Chapter) Academic Achievement in Personnel and Industrial Relations, 1973.
  • American Society for Personnel Administration National Student Award, 1974. Ned Glass Leadership Award (Montgomery, Alabama A.S.P.A. Chapter), 1974.
Teaching Topics:



  • Organizational Behavior [GR, UG]
  • Strategic Management [UG]
  • Human Resource Management [GR, UG]
  • International Human Resource Management [GR]
  • International Management [GR, UG]
  • Business Ethics/Business & Society [GR, UG]
  • Leadership in a Global Environment [Lectures in Honors Leadership Program, 2005- present]


5. Publications:


  1. Hostile Religious Environment: How Hostile Does it Have to be? (with Findley, H. M., Dodd-Walker, E., & Garrott, S. C.) Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, 24(3), 30-43, 2012.
  2. Dress and Grooming Standards: How Legal Are They? Published in the Conference Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences National Conference Feb 2006 (with Findley, Fretwell, & Wheatley) Journal of Individual Employment Rights.
  3. Sexual Preference and Employment Rights, (with Findley, Moten, & Garrott),Vol.12(1) 67-81, Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 2005-2006.
  4. Sexual Preference and Employment Rights, Published in the Conference Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences National Conference
  5. Feb 2006 (with Findley, Moten, & Garrott).
  6. Dress and Grooming Standards: How Legal Are They? Journal of Individual Employment Rights, Vol. 12(2), 2005-2006. (with Findley, Fretwell, & Wheatley)
  7. Affirmative Action: The Law and the Need for Affirmative. Paper published in the ASBBS Proceedings Feb. 2004. (with Findley & Wheatley)
  8. The WARN Act and Its Legal History Journal of Individual Employment Rights, Vol. 10(3), 2002-2003. (with Findley & Moten)
  9. Affirmative Action: The Law Journal of Individual Employment Rights, Vol. 10(4), 2002-2003. (with Findley & Wheatley)
  10. Modernizing Affirmative Action Journal of Individual Employment Rights, SHRM, Vol. 10(3), 2002-2003 (with Stevens, Ingram & Wheatley).
  11. The Law and Asthma: What Employers Need to Know. Journal of Individual Employment Rights, 9(4), 2002. (with Findley)
  12. Managing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the Workplace: Legal Issues Managers Need to Know. Southern Industrial and Human Resource Management Conference, October 2002. (with Hislop & Findley)
  13. Perceptions of Disabilities and Impact Under Federal Law: What Do Employers Need to Know? TSU Business and Economic Review, Vol. 26(1), Winter 2002. (with Amsler and Findley)
  14. Religious accommodation principles. Journal of Individual Employment Rights. December 2001. (with Findley)
  15. Performance Monitoring: Guidance for the Modern Workplace. Supervision 62(10), October 2001. (with Findley & Amsler)
  16. Dealing with Asthma Problems in the Workplace: What Employers Need to Know". American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Proceedings. February 2001. (with Findley)
  17. Restrictive Covenants: Recent Trends and Implications for Health Care". Southern Industrial Relations Conference and Human Resource Conference Proceedings. October 2000. (with Findley and Germano)
  18. Reengineering the Performance Appraisal. National Productivity Review. Winter, 2000. (with Amsler and Findley)
  19. Ten Religious Accommodation Tests for Employer Compliance. American Society of Business and Behavioral Science. February, 2000. (with Amsler and Findley)
  20. Perceived Fairness in Performance Appraisal: A Twenty-first Century Prerequisite, Business and Economic Review, Center for Business and Economic Services, TSU, July 1999.
  21. A Supervisor's Guide to Motivational Performance Monitoring Techniques, Southern Industrial Relations Conference Proceedings, Nashville, October 1998. (with H. Findley & P. Turnquist)
  22. Ethical Decision-Making: Applying the Hofstede Typology, International Association of Management Annual Meetings Proceedings, July 1996.
  23. Knowledge-based Pay: Compensation Managers' Perceptions of Its Benefits, Personnel Journal, April 1991.
  24. Employer-Centered Child Care, Business and Economic Review, Center for Business and Economic Services, TSU, April 1990.
  25. Developing an Information Base for the Career Planning Interview, Personnel Administrator, 28, 1983. (with W.F. Giles)
  26. Ad Hoc Group on Uniform Selection Guidelines (Contributor). A professional and legal analysis of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures. Berea, Ohio; ASPA, 1981.
  27. Performance Planning and Review Manual, WPP technical manual, 1978.
  28. Communicating Employee Benefits, Personnel Administrator, 18, 1973. (with W.H. Holley)


6. Papers Presented:


  1. Accommodating Islam in the workplace. Las Vegas Conference Proceedings: ABRI. Feb, 2014 (with Findley, Hinote, & Hunter.
  2. Hostile Religious Environment: How hostile does it have to be? Las Vegas: American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences. 2012 (with Findley, Dodd-Walker., & Garrott).
  3. Dress and Grooming Standards: How Legal Are They? Presented at in the Conference of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences National Conference Feb, 2006 (with Findley, Fretwell, & Wheatley).
  4. Sexual Preference and Employment Rights, Presented at the Conference Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences National
  5. Conference Feb 2006 (with Findley, Moten, & Garrott).
  6. Special Issues in Performance Appraisal. Paper presented at the Southern Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Conference Proceedings Oct. 2004 (with Findley and Matuszek).
  7. The Case Against Affirmative Action. Paper presented at the Southern Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Conference Oct 2004 (with Wheatley & Findley).
  8. Affirmative Action: The Law and the Need for Affirmative. Paper presented
  9. Need for Affirmative. Paper presented at the ASBBS Conference Feb. 2004 (with Findley & Wheatley.
  10. The WARN Act and the Law. Paper presented at the ASBBS Conference, February 2003 (With Findley and Moten)
  11. Managing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the Workplace: Legal Issues Managers Need to Know. Southern Industrial and Human Resource Management Conference, October 2002. (with Hislop & Findley)
  12. Perceptions of Disabilities and Impact Under Federal Law: What Employers Need to know. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Conference-Feb 2002. (with Findley)
  13. Epilepsy and Federal Disability Laws. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Conference-Feb 2002. (with Findley)
  14. Absenteeism and Asthma: What employers need to know. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Conference-Feb 2001 (with Findley & Amsler).
  15. The Second Millennium Imperative, SAM International Management Conference, Las Vegas, March 1999. (with H. Findley & P. Turnquist)
  16. Advances in Distance Learning Concepts at Troy State University Lead to an Internet- based EMBA program for HealthSouth Corporation. Paper presented to the Association of Private Enterprise Education, Orlando, April 1999. (with G. Amsler, J. Bibbins, & E. Pappanastos)
  17. A Supervisor's Guide to Motivational Performance Monitoring Techniques, Southern Industrial Relations Conference, Nashville, October 1998. (with H. Findley & P. Turnquist)
  18. Quality Enhancements of Institutional Effectiveness, National Conference on Student Retention, Washington, DC, July 1997. (with Lovik)
  19. Current Employer-Employee Relations and the Psychological Contract, Troy Regional HRM Association Annual Conference, Gulf Shores, Alabama, August 1996.
  20. Ethical Decision-Making: Applying the Hofstede Typology, International Association of Management Annual Meetings, Toronto, Canada, July 1996.
Personal philosophy on education (single sentence):


To create a learning environment that encourages students to grow in their understanding of the knowledge associated with the subject matter, and how to use that knowledge in identifying and solving problems, growing personally and intellectually, and facilitating others to accomplish the same for the good of communities and organizations with which they are and will be associated.