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Serdar Ongan

1. Personal information:


Serdar Ongan





(941) 807-9363


Durham, North Carolina

2. Education

  • Ph.D., College of Economics Institute of Social Science Istanbul University, Turkey
  • Master of Science College of Economics Institute of Social Science, Istanbul University, Turkey
  • Bachelor of Arts, College of Economics Marmara University Istanbul, Turkey


3. Career Experience

St. Mary’s College of Maryland

2016 – Present: Full-time Visiting Professor, Department of Economics

  • Provide undergraduate instruction on Money and Banking and Intermediate Macroeconomics. Translate complex theories, policies, and topics to ease student comprehension. Apply real world and timely examples from the Federal Reserve, the United States monetary policies, and European Union economics to course context. Consistently score exceptionally high on course and student evaluations. Present internationally. Conduct research.


Honored by several students as a faculty member who had a major influence on their academic experience.

University of South Florida

2013 – 2016: Full-time Visiting Professor

  • Taught graduate courses in Tourism Economics and Research Methods. Facilitated research. Contributed to peer reviewed publications and presentations.


College of Business-Economics, Istanbul University

2010-2013: Tenure-track Full Professor of Economics,

2005-2010: Tenure-track Associate Professor of Economics,

2000-2005: Assistant Professor of Economics,

  • Attained tenure at one of the oldest and largest universities in the world. Taught graduate and undergraduate classes in Macroeconomics, Monetary Theory and Policy, Money and Banking, Introduction to Economics, Financial Economics, and the European Union Economics. Presented internationally. Conducted research. Contributed to peer reviewed field articles.


4. Affiliations

  • Co-editor, International Interdisciplinary Business Economics Advancement Journal, 2013-2018
  • Co-chair, International Interdisciplinary Business- Economics Advancement Conference Series 2013-2018
  • Editorial Board for noted Journals in economics.


5. Awards

  • Fulbright Scholar Program, Visiting Professor, Michigan State University and University of Rhode Island, 2004
  • Onassis Foundation Scholar Program, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology, Greece, 2002.


6. Selected Achievements

  • Over 20 years of global experience providing instruction in economics and business to undergraduate and graduate students at prestigious universities accredited by AACSB.
  • Key contributor to over 50 articles targeted for publication in field peer review journals.
  • Supervisor of over 100 Master and Ph.D. level students, independent studies, and summer internships.
  • Lead researcher for 4 major grant-funded international projects.


7. Publications

  1. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2021). “Monetary Policy Uncertainties and Demand for Money for Japan: Nonlinear ARDL Approach”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 26(1),1-12. (SSCI).
  2. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet (2021). “The Impacts of Trade Policy Uncertainties on Bilateral Trade Balances of the USA and Japan”, Economic Papers, (Forthcoming). (ESCI).
  3. Ongan, Serdar and Karamelikli, Huseyin. (2021). “Asymmetric Impacts of the South Korean Currency on Korea’s Commodity Trade Balance with Japan”, The International Trade Journal, (Forthcoming). (Q1*).
  4. Isik, Cem., Ongan, Serdar., Ozdemir, Dilek., Munir, Ahmad and Ayse, Ongan. (2021). “The increases and Decreases of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) for 8 OECD Countries, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(22):28535-28543. (SSCI).
  5. Isik, Cem., Munir, Ahmad., Ongan, Serdar, Ozdemir, Dilek. (2021). Convergence analysis of the ecological footprint: Theory and empirical evidence from the USMCA countries, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (February Volume, X-X. (SSCI).
  6. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer Ismet. (2021). “Money Stock Determination Process and Money Multiplier: Case of South Korea”. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, (Forthcoming). February, X-X. (ESCI).
  7. Ongan, Serdar, Isik, Cem and Ozdemir, Dilek. (2021). “Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Evidence from the US Case Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis with Application of Decomposition”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 10(1), 14-21. (ESCI).
  8. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2021). “How Do Various Health Insurance Coverages Affect COVID-19 Related Stay-at-Home-Tendencies of People Across US States?” Journal of Health Management, February, 570-577. (ESCI).
  9. Isik, Cem., Sirakaya, Ercan and Ongan, Serdar. (2020). “Testing the Efficacy of the Economic Policy Uncertainty Index on Tourism Demand in USMCA: Theory and Evidence”, Tourism Economics, 26(8), 1344-1357. (SSCI).
  10. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2020). “The Relationship Between Interest Rates and Inflation for China”, Frontiers of Economics in China, 15(2), 247–256, (ESCI).
  11. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2020). “Does Trade Policy Related Uncertainty Affect International Trade? Evidence from the US-China Commodity Trade”, China Economic Journal, 13(3), 364-375. (ESCI).
  12. Pabuccu, Hakan., Ongan, Serdar and Ayse Ongan. (2020). “Forecasting the Movements of Bitcoin Prices: An Application of Machine Learning Algorithms”, Quantitative Finance and Economics, 4(4), 679-692, (ESCI).
  13. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2020). “The US-China Trade War with Increasing Trade Policy Uncertainty”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade, 13(2), 87-94. (ESCI).
  14. Gocer, Ismet and Ongan, Serdar. (2020). “Re-examining the Stability of Money Multiplier for the US: The Nonlinear ARDL Model”, South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 1, 39-51, (Econ-Lit).
  15. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2020). “The Relationship Between Inflation and Interest Rates in the UK: The Nonlinear ARDL Approach”, Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 9(3), 77-86, (ESCI).
  16. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2020). “Asymmetric Impacts of Inflation on the US Bond Rates and FED’s Pre- Emptive Policy”, Econometric Research in Finance, 5(2), 143-157. (Econ-Lit).
  17. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2020). “The Causal Relationships Between International Trade and International Tourism in NAFTA Countries: Applications of Time and Frequency Domain Approaches”, The International Trade Journal, 34(3), 319-338, (Q1*).
  18. Ongan, Serdar., Bulut, Umit., Karakaya, Sahir. (2021). Alternative EKC Hypothesis Testing in Sustainable Environmental Targets Trough the Armey Curve Hypothesis with Optimal Public Spending, Energy Economics, (Under Review). (SSCI).
  19. Isik, Cem., Ongan, Serdar., Bulut, Umit., Karakaya, Sahir. (2021). The Armey Curve Hypothesis-based Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) Hypothesis Testing Across the US States with Government Spending, Science of the Total Environment, (Under Review). (SCI).
  20. Isik, Cem., Mihaela Simionescu., Ongan, Serdar., Karakaya, Sahir (2021). Renewable Energy-Economic Freedom-Economic Policy Uncertainty-based EKC Hypothesis Testing for the BRIC and G-7 Countries, Journal of Cleaner Production, (Under Review). (SCI).
  21. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2021). “Testing the Impacts of Trade Policy Uncertainties on US-China Bilateral Trade Balances”, International Journal of Emerging Markets (Under Review), (SSCI).
  22. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2021). Japan-US Bilateral Commodity-Level Trade and Trade Policy-Related Uncertainty: The Nonlinear ARDL Model, Economic Change and Restructuring. (Under Review).
  23. Ongan, Serdar., Isik, Cem., Karakaya, Sahir. (2021). Retesting the EKC Hypothesis through Transmission of the ARMEY Curve Model: An Alternative Composite Model Approach with Theory and Policy Implications for NAFTA Countries, Journal of Cleaner Production, (Under Review). (SCI).
  24. Ongan, Serdar., Gocer, Ismet and Ongan, Ayse. (2020). “Pandemic-Induced Economic Policy Uncertainty and US Stock Exchanges”, testing(Under Review). (SSCI).
  25. Ongan, serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2021). “Do Different Socio-Economic-Demographic Factors Matter in COVID- 19 Related Stay-at-Home-Tendencies Across US States?”, Journal of Health Management, (Under Review). (ESCI).
  26. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet and Ayse, Ongan. (2020). “Revisiting the Quantity Theory of Money in Euro Area: The Case of Greece”, The European Journal of Comparative Economics, (Minor revision), (ESCI).
  27. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer Ismet (2019). “Demand for Money in Greece After Euro Area and Policy Uncertainties”, European Union Politics, (Under Review), (SSCI).
  28. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer Ismet. (2019). “Money Supply Determination Process for Japan”, Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, (Under Review). (ESCI).
  29. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer Ismet. (2019). “Revisiting the Stability of Money Multiplier on Determination of Money Supply: Evidence from Canada”, Economics Bulletin, 39(2), 1621-1628. (ESCI).
  30. Isık, Cem, Ongan, Serdar and Ozdemir, Dilek. (2019). “Testing the EKC Hypothesis for 10 US States: An Application of Heterogeneous Panel Estimation Method”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (1), 10846–10853. (SSCI).
  31. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer Ismet. (2019). “Re-considering the Fisher Equation for Korea in the Application of Nonlinear and Linear ARDL Models”, Quantitative Finance and Economics, 3(1), 75-87. (ESCI).
  32. Isik, Cem., Ongan, Serdar, and Ozdemir, Dilek. (2019). “The Economic Growth/Development and Environmental Degradation: Evidence from The US State-level EKC Hypothesis”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(30), 30772–30781, (SSCI).
  33. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2019). “Testing Fisher Effect for the USA: Application of Nonlinear ARDL Approach”, Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 12(2), 293-304. (ESCI).
  34. Arac, Aysen and Ongan, Serdar. (2019). “Brexit and the J-Curve Hypothesis For the UK: Nonlinear ARDL Approach”, Sosyoekonomi, 27(40), 229-239. (ESCI).
  35. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet (2021). “Demand for Money and Monetary Policy Uncertainties: Evidence from the U.S”, Economics Bulletin, (Under Review). (ESCI).
  36. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2018). “Interest Rates, Inflation and Partial Fisher Effects Under Nonlinearity: Evidence from Canada”, Economics Bulletin, 38(4),1-14. (ESCI).
  37. Ongan, Serdar; Ozdemir, Dilek and Isik, Cem. (2018).” Testing the J-Curve Hypothesis For the USA: Applications of the Non-Linear and Linear ARDL Models”, South-Eastern Journal of Economics, 16(1), 21-34, (Econ-Lit).
  38. Ongan, Serdar and Giray Gozgor. (2018),” The Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Arrival of Japanese Tourists to the U.S”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(3) 308-316. (SSCI).
  39. Ongan, Serdar., Isik, Cem.and Ozdemir, Dilek. (2018). “The Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rates on the US Tourism Balances in the NAFTA Countries: An Application of the Nonlinear ARDL Approach”, Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research, 8(3), 162 – 174. (ESCI).
  40. Giray Gozgor and Ongan, Serdar. (2017), “Economic Policy Uncertainty and Tourism Demand: Empirical Evidence from the United States”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 19 (1), 99-106. (SSCI)
  41. Isik, Cem and Kasimati, E. and Ongan, Serdar. (2017). “Analyzing the Causalities between Economic Growth, Financial Development, International Trade, Tourism Expenditure on the CO2 Emissions in Greece”, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 12(7), 665-673, (SSCI).
  42. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2017). "Testing the Causalities between Economic Policy Uncertainty and the US Stock Indices: Applications of Linear and Nonlinear Approaches", Annals of Financial Economics,12(4), 1-20, (ESCI).
  43. Ongan, Serdar and Pabuccu, Hakan. (2017). “Testing the Validity of J-curve Hypothesis between Brazil and the USA”, Atlantic Review of Economics, Volume: 2, December. (ESCI).
  44. Ongan, Serdar and Gocer, Ismet. (2017).” The Relationships Between Home Prices, Financial Literacy and Economic Policy Uncertainty: Empirical Evidence from the US Housing Market”, Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research, 7(4), 232-242. (ESCI).
  45. Cem, Isik, Ongan, Serdar and Dogan, Eyup. (2017). “Analyzing Economic Growth- Energy-Tourism Nexus for the Top 10 Most Visited Countries”, Economies, 5(4),40,1-13. (ESCI).
  46. Ongan, Serdar, Isik, Cem, and Ozdemir, Dilek. (2017). “The Effects of Real Exchange Rate and Income on International Tourism Demand for the USA from Some European Union Countries”, Economies, 5(4), 51, 1-11. (ESCI).
  47. Ongan, Serdar. (2016). “Humor Economics”, Efil Publishing House.
  48. Ongan, Serdar. et al. (2015) (Eds). “European Union (EU) Economic Crisis and the Role of the Periphery”, Springer, UK.
  49. Ongan, Serdar. (2013). “The Vital Importance of Tourism Receipts on The Large Current Account Deficits of Turkey”, Trakya University, IIBF Journal.
  50. Ongan, Serdar. (2010). “Economics Education: Can Liberal Arts Make Economics More Appealing?” South- Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 8(1), 73-86. (Econ-Lit).
  51. Ongan, Serdar and Demiroz. D. Murat. (2008). “The Contribution of Tourism Sector to the Long-Run Turkish Economic Growth”, Journal of Economics, Issue 09, 880-894. (SSCI).
  52. Ongan, Serdar. (2008). “The Sustainability of Current Account Deficits and Tourism Receipts in Turkey”, International Trade Journal, 22(1), 39-62. Taylor & Francis, USA, (Q1*)
  53. Ongan, Serdar. (2008). “The Economy Machine”, The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 10, Number 1, Summer.
  54. Ongan, Serdar. (2007). “Soccer Economics: Hosting Euro 2016 Tournament”, Journal of Social Science, Istanbul University Press, (2), 107-113.
  55. Ongan, Serdar. (2002). “The Comparison of Economic Productivity between Turkish and Greek Sectors”, Economic Research, 15(1), 1-9, (Econ-Lit).
  56. Ongan, Serdar. (2000). “Real Income and Real Exchange Rate in International Tourism Demand”, Maltepe University Press, 71-83.
  57. Ongan, Serdar. (2000). “The Optimum Shares of Export, Tourism and Workers Remittances in the Total Foreign Exchange Portfolio of Turkey”, Yapi Kredi Economic Review, 11(2), 49-65, (Econ-Lit).


School Activities

Research Projects

  • Ongan, Serdar and Cobanoglu, Cihan. SRQ Airport Customer Satisfaction Survey Project, University of South Florida, 2015.
  • Ongan, Serdar. “The Direct Economic Impacts of “Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four 2012 Istanbul Tournament”, Sponsored by Turkish Airlines, 2013, Istanbul.
  • Ongan, Serdar. “The Awareness of High School Students on Sports Events: The World Indoor Track and Field Championship”,
  • Istanbul, 2012.
  • Ongan, Serdar. “Chinese Outbound Tourism Market Analysis for Turkey as a Destination Country”, Sponsored by Istanbul University and Turkish Airlines, 2010, Beijing and Shanghai, China.


Journal Referee

  • Economic Modelling, UK, Elsevier, SSCI
  • The Social Science Journal, Elsevier, USA, SSCI
  • The International Trade Journal, USA, Taylor & Francis
  • Economic Alternatives, Econ-Lit
  • Journal of Financial Economic Policy, ESCI
  • Economies, ESCI
  • Journal of Financial Economic Policy, ESCI
  • European Journal of Comparative Economics, SSCI
  • Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, SSCI
  • International Journal of Financial Studies, SSCI
  • Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, SSCI
  • Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, SSCI


Conferences and Presentations-Lectures

  1. International Keynote Lecture: Interlinkages Between Macroeconomic Policy and Finance Management, Vilnius University, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, March 19, 2021.
  2. International Keynote Lecture: Changing Monetary and Macroeconomic Policies and COVID-19 Pandemic, VNU University of Economics and Business, Hanoi, Vietnam, May 31, 2021.
  3. International Keynote Lecture: “The Developments in the World and the USA Economies”. III. International Symposium on Economics, Politics and Administration, October 10-12, 2019, University of Dicle, Diyarbakır, Turkey.
  4. Ongan, S. and Arac, A. “Revisiting the J-curve hypothesis: The Trade between the UK and the USA”, IIBA Conference, April 9-14, 2017, Mexico.
  5. Ongan, S. and Arac, A. “The Trade Flows between South Korea and Japan According to the Commodity Groups”, IIBA Conference, April 9-14, 2017, Nassau, Bahamas.
  6. Cavusoglu, M. and Ongan, S. “The Economic Impacts of Sponsorship in Sports Events: A Case of 2012 Euroleague Final Four”, 19th Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference, January 3- 5, 2014, Houston.
  7. Ongan, Serdar. “The Direct Economic Impact Analysis of the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four 2012 Tournament”, 18th Inter. Business Research Conf. World Business Inst., October 28-30, 2012, Las Vegas Ongan, Serdar. “The Vital Importance of Tourism Receipts on the Large Current Account Deficits of Turkey”, 38th Annual Northeast Business and Economics Conference, November 3-5, 2012, Philadelphia.
  8. Ongan, Serdar. “Facts, Figures and Research Results: The Economic Impact on Istanbul of Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four”, Future Sponsorship, November 2012, Istanbul.
  9. Tinaz, C, and D.M. Turco and Ongan, S and Berber, S. "Measuring the Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Activations of Euroleague Final Four Istanbul 2012", Lupcon Center for Business Research European Marketing, August 15, 2013, Frankfurt.
  10. Berber S., Turco, D. M., Ongan. S., Tınaz, C., “Airball or Slam dunk? Sports Economy Impacts from the 2012 Turkish Airlines Euroleague Basketball Final Four” Asian University Sports Federation International Conference, December 12 – 13, 2012, Vientiane, Laos.
  11. Ongan, Serdar. “The Sustainability of Current Account Deficits and Tourism Receipts in Turkey”, Second International Conference on Tourism Economics, May 18-20, 2006, Majorca, Spain.
  12. Ongan, Serdar. “The Comparison of Economic Productivity between Turkish and Greek Economies”, 48th North American Meetings, The Regional Science Association International, November 15-17, 2001, Charleston, SC.