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Long Pham

1. Personal information:


Long Pham, PhD



Assistant Professor, Management

Place of work

School of Management,

University of Louisiana Monroe

2. Education
  • Ph D
2011, Management with Concentration on Operations Management and Minor in Applied Statistics
New Mexico State University
  • MS
2011, Applied Statistics
New Mexico State University
  • MBA
2003, International Business
The University of Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand
  • BA
2000, English
Hanoi University, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • BA
1998, Economics (Banking)
National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
3. Biographical Sketch
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Business and Applied Sciences (IJBAS)
  • Regional Editor Asia, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets (IJBEM)
  • Prior to working for University of Louisiana at Monroe, Dr. Long Pham worked for National Economics University (Associate Professor), Hanoi, Vietnam; Minot State University, Minot, North Dakota, USA; and New Mexico State University (part time), Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA.
  • Undergraduate: National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam, Major: Economics (Banking); Hanoi University, Hanoi, Vietnam, Major: English
  • MBA: The University of Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Master of Science in Applied Statistics: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico
  • Ph.D.: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico
  • Primary teaching areas: Operations Management and Quantitative Analysis for Business
4. Licensure & Certification
  • Business Analytics: From Data To Insights, University of Pennsylvania. (June 30 2019 - Present)
5. Research Interests
  • E-banking,
  • E-finance,
  • E-learning,
  • E-service Quality,
  • Negotiation Analysis,
  • E-negotiation,
  • Online Auction,
  • E-commerce,
  • TQM,
  • Supply Chain Management and Multiple Criteria Decision Making
6. Recent Publications
  1. Ahamed, A. J., Pham, L. (2021). Online Retailer Reputation, Satisfaction, and Trust as Catalysts in the Consumer Perceptions of Ethics on Online Retailers and Repurchase Intention (pp. 1-18). International Journal of E-Adoption.
  2. Le, M., Pham, L., Kim, K., Bui, N. (2021). The Impacts of Supervisor - PhD Student Relationships on PhD Students' Satisfaction: A Case Study of Vietnamese Universities (pp. 1-16). Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice.
  3. Nguyen, H., Pham, L., Williamson, S., Chan, C., Tran, T., Vu, N. (2021). Explaining Intention to Use Mobile Banking: Integrating Perceived Risk and Trust into the Technology Acceptance Model (pp. 55-80). International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences.
  4. A.F.M. Jalal, A., Limbu, Y., Pham, L., Nguyen, H. (2020). Understanding Vietnamese Consumer Intention to Use Online Retailer Websites: Application of the Extended Technology Acceptance Model (pp. 1-15). International Journal of E-Adoption.
  5. Luu, C., Pham, C., Pham, L. (2016). Seasonality Effect on the Vietnamese Stock Exchange (pp. 28-40). International Journal of Financial Research.
  6. Nguyen, A., Pham, C., Pham, L. (2016). Total Quality Management and Financial Performance of Construction Companies in Ha Noi (pp. 41-53). International Journal of Financial Research.
  7. Tran, K., Pham, C., Pham, L. (2016). Predictors of Performance of the ERP Adopters in the Companies of LILAMA (pp. 110-120). International Journal of Financial Research.
  8. Phan, X., Pham, C., Pham, L. (2016). The Competitive Advantages of Vietnam Footwear Industry: An Analysis (pp. 65-80). International Journal of Financial Research.
  9. Than, V., Pham, C., Pham, L. (2016). Job Stress, Involvement, Satisfaction and Performance of Employees in Garment 10 Corporation in Vietnam (pp. 96-109). International Journal of Financial Research.
  10. Pham, T., Pham, C., Pham, L. (2016). Top Management Support, Organizational Learning, Innovative Behavior, Employee Commitment and Organizational Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Hai Phong (pp. 54-64). International Journal of Financial Research.
  11. Nguyen, H., Pham, L., Williamson, S., Nguyen, H. (2020). Individual Investors' Satisfaction and Loyalty in Online Securities Trading Using the Technology Acceptance Model (pp. 239-266). Geneve: International Journal of Management and Decision Making.
  12. Nguyen, H., Pham, L., Williamson, S., Huong, V., Hoa, P., Trang, P. (2020). Impact of Perceived Risk on Mobile Banking Usage Intentions: Trust as a Mediator and a Moderator (pp. 94-118). International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets.
  13. McKinley, C., Limbu, Y., Pham, L. (2020). An Investigation of Processes Linking Patient-Centered Communication Approaches to Favorable Impressions of Vietnamese Physicians and Hospital Services (pp. 44-59). International Journal of Society, Culture & Language.
  14. Bui, N., Pham, L., Williamson, S., Mohebbi, C., Le, H. (2020). Intention to Use Mobile Commerce: Evidence From Emerging Economies (pp. 1-25). Hershey, PA: International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems.
  15. Christopher, M., Limbu, Y., Pham, L. (2019). An Investigation of Processes Linking Patient-Centered Communication Approaches to Favorable Impressions of Vietnamese Physicians and Hospital Services. The Proceedings of National Communication Association 105th Annual Convention.
  16. Limbu, Y., Pham, L., Mann, M. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility and Hospital Brand Advocacy: Mediating Role of Trust and Patient-Hospital Identification and Moderating Role of Hospital Type (pp. 159-174). International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing.
  17. Pham, L., Williamson, S., Mohebbi, C., Nguyen, B., Nguyen, H. (2019). The Mediating Role of Perceived Value in the Effect of Multi-Dimensional Risk in Mobile Banking (pp. 1-25). Hershey, PA: International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems.
  18. Kalargiros, E., Strickler, C., Pham, L., DeNardin, T., Coomer, T. (2019). Barriers to the Success of Total Quality Management Implementation in Vietnam’s Textile and Garment Companies (pp. 57-73). Hershey, PA: International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences.
  19. Pham, L., Kim, K., Walker, B., DeNardin, T., Le, H. (2019). Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Student Perceived E-learning Service Quality (pp. 15-42). Philadelphia, PA: International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems.
  20. Pham, L., Williamson, S., Limbu, Y., Pham, N., Coomer, T. (2020). Technology Readiness and Purchase Intention: Role of Perceived Value and Online Satisfaction in the Context of Luxury Hotels. Geneve: International Journal of Management and Decision Making.
  21. Pham, L., Williamson, S., Walker, B., DeNardin, T., Strickler, C., Pham, L. (2019). Measuring E-learning Service Quality: An Exploratory Study in a Newly Emerging Country. Houston, TX: 2019 Southwest Decision Sciences Institute’s 50th Annual Meeting in Houston, March 13-16, 2019.
  22. Pham, L., Limbu, Y., Bui, T., Nguyen, H., Pham, H. (2019). Does E-learning Service Quality Influence E-learning Student Satisfaction and Loyalty? Evidence from Vietnam (pp. 1-26). Catalonia: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.
  23. Cai, S., Jun, M., Pham, L. (2007). End User Computing Satisfaction and Its Key Dimensions: An Exploratory Study (pp. 725 - 734). San Diego, California: Proceedings of Southwest Decisions Sciences Institute.
  24. Le, H., Pham, N., Pham, L., Berry, R. (2019). Technology Readiness and Satisfaction in Vietnam's Luxury Hotels (pp. 183-208). Olney, Bucks, UK: International Journal of Management and Decision Making.
  25. Le, H., Nguyen, T., Pham, L., Strickler, C. (2019). Customer Trust and Purchase Intention: How Do Primary Website Service Quality Dimensions Matter in the Context of Luxury Hotels in Vietnam (pp. 1-23). Hershey, PA: International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications.
  26. Mora-Monge, C., Pham, L., Palacios, S. (2018). Web-Enabled Supply Chains in Developing Countries: Preliminary Results of an Empirical Study in Vietnam (Abstract). Chicago, Illinois: Presented at Decision Sciences Institute 49th Annual Meeting.
  27. Limbu, Y., Pham, L., Mann, M. (2018). Does corporate social responsibility influence hospital brand advocacy? Mediating role of trust and patient-hospital identification. Palm Beach, Florida: Society for Marketing Advances Conference.
  28. Kim, K., Harris, C. J., Pham, L. (2018). How Character Education Impacts Teachers (pp. 45-67). Stony Brook, New York: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education.
  29. Pham, L., Williamson, S., Berry, R. (2018). Student Perceptions of E-learning Service Quality, E-satisfaction, and E-loyalty (pp. 19-40). Philadelphia, PA: International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems.
  30. Pham, L., Pham, N., Le, H., Luse, D. (2018). Technology readiness and customer satisfaction in luxury hotels: A case study of Vietnam (pp. 1-23). London: International Journal of Entrepreneurship.
  31. Chen, P., Pham, L., Cousins, B., Bui, C., Pham, L. (2017). Student satisfaction and its antecedents: How does student satisfaction index model matter in the context of joint master’s degree programs in Vietnam (pp. 6-25). Bloomsburg, PA: International Journal of Business and Applied Sciences.
  32. Le, H., Pham, L., Aidan, C., Pham, T. (2017). The development and measurement of a customer satisfaction index (E-CSI) in electronic banking: An application to the central Vietnam region (pp. 45-58). Philadelphia, PA: International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences.
  33. Pham, L., Le, T. (2016). NegotiAuction: An investigation of its possible adoption (pp. 70-85). Philadelphia, PA: International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences.
  34. Pham, L., Phan, V. (2016). Internet banking service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: The case of Vietnam (pp. 1-17). Philadelphia, PA: International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences.
  35. Pham, L., Wallenius, H., Wallenius, J., Teich, J. (2015). Multi-attribute online reverse auctions: Recent research trends (pp. 1-9). European Journal of Operational Research.
  36. Pham, L., Doan, A. (2014). Intention to use e-banking in a newly emerging country: Vietnamese customer’s perspective (pp. 103-120). Philadelphia, PA: International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems.
  37. Pham, L., Zaitsev, A., Steiner, R., Teich, J. (2013). NegotiAuction: An experimental study. Decision Support Systems (pp. 300-309). Decision Support Systems.
  38. Pham, L., Cao, N., Nguyen, T., Tran, P. (2013). Structural models for e-banking adoption in Vietnam (pp. 31-48). Philadelphia, PA: International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems.
  39. Bertsch, A., Pham, L. (2012). A guide to multivariate analysis in cross cultural research (pp. 97-121). Oslo: Journal of International Doctoral Research.
  40. Pham, L., Teich, J., Pallares-Venegas, E. (2012). Relationships between Logo Stories, Storytelling Complexity, and Customer Loyalty (pp. 73-92). Academy of Banking Studies Journal.
  41. Pham, L., Teich, J., Tran, T. (2011). Theory of NegotiAuction: Conditions for Applications (pp. 1-22). London: Business Studies Journal.
  42. Pham, L., Teich, J. (2011). A Success Model for Enterprise Resource Planning Adoption to Improve Financial Performance in Vietnam’s Equitized State Owned Enterprises (pp. 41-55). Philadelphia, PA: International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems.
  43. Pham, L. (2011). Impact of Applying Human Resource Management Practices on Equitized State-Owned Enterprises’ Financial Performance in Vietnam (pp. 79-90). London: Journal of International Business Research.
  44. Pham, L., Pham, L., Nguyen, D. (2011). Determinants of E-commerce Adoption in Vietnamese Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (pp. 45-72). London: International Journal of Entrepreneurship.
  45. Pham, l. (2010). A Conceptual Framework for E-Banking Service Quality in Vietnam (pp. 81-95). London: Business Studies Journal.
  46. Pham, L. (2010). The Relationships between TQM and Financial Performance: A Conceptual Model for Vietnamese Manufacturing Companies (pp. 35-45). London: Business Studies Journal.
7. Courses Taught
  • BMBA 5023GL OPER AND SPLY CHAIN, 7 course(s)
  • MGMT 3009OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 14 course(s)
  • MGMT 5019OPERATIONS & QUALITY MGT, 1 course(s)