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Hieu V Phan

1. Personal information:


Hieu V Phan


Research site




Place of work

Finance Department, University of Massachusetts Lowell Office

2. Education:

  •  University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
         PhD, Finance


  •  National Economic University, Hanoi, Vietnam

          BA, Banking and Finance

  •  Hanoi National University, Hanoi, Vietnam

          BA, English

3. Employment/Experience:

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell

Associate Professor of Finance 2019-present

Assistant Professor of Finance 2014-2019

  • Michigan State University

Visiting Assistant Professor 2013-2014

  • University of Massachusetts Lowell

Assistant Professor of Finance 2012-2013

4. Research Interests

  • Corporate Finance,
  • Executive Compensation,
  • Corporate Governance,
  • Investments,
  • Mergers and Acquisitions,
  • Financial Risk Management,
  • Pension,
  • Earnings Management,
  • Mutual Funds.

5. Publications

  1. "Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Social Responsibility" (with S. Freund and N. Nguyen). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (forthcoming).
  2. "Employment Protection and Share Repurchases: Evidence from Wrongful Discharge Laws" (with V. Dang and A. De Cesari). Journal of Corporate Finance, 69(2021), 102036.
  3. "CEO Inside Debt and Internal Capital Market Efficiency" (with S. Freund, H. Nguyen, and H. Tang). Journal of Corporate Finance, 68(2021), 101974.
  4. "Political Corruption and Mergers and Acquisitions" (with N. Nguyen and T. Simpson). Journal of Corporate Finance, 65(2020), 101765.
  5. "Carbon Risk and Corporate Capital Structure" (with J. Nguyen). Journal of Corporate Finance, 64(2020), 101713.
  6. "The Influence of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Corporate Trade Credit and Firm Value" (with S. Jory, H. Khieu, and T. Ngo). Journal of Corporate Finance, 64(2020), 101671.
  7. "Shareholder Litigation Rights and Capital Structure Decisions" (with N. Nguyen and E. Lee). Journal of Corporate Finance, 62(2020), 101601.
  8. "Shareholder Litigation Rights and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Universal Demand Laws" (with H. Nguyen and L. Sun). Journal of Corporate Finance, 52 (2018), 192-213.
  9. Featured in Columbia Law School's Blog on Corporation and the Capital Markets.
  10. "Executive Compensation and Corporate Financing Policies: Evidence from CEO Inside Debt" (with S. Freund and S. Latif). Journal of Corporate Finance, 50 (2018), 484-504.
  11. Featured in Columbia Law School's Blog on Corporation and the Capital Markets.
  12. "Tournament-Based Incentives, Corporate Cash Holdings, and the Value of Cash" (with T. Simpson and H. Nguyen). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52 (2017), 1519-1550.
  13. Featured in Columbia Law School's Blog on Corporation and the Capital Markets.
  14. “Policy Uncertainty and Mergers and Acquisitions” (with N. Nguyen). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52 (2017), 613-644.
  15. Featured in Columbia Law School's Blog on Corporation and the Capital Markets.
  16. “Does Earnings Management by Firms Making Mandatory Pension Contributions Pay Off?” (with H. Khieu and J. Golec). Financial Management, Spring 2017, 89-128.
  17. “CEO Inside Debt and Corporate Debt Maturity Structure” (with V. Dang). Journal of Banking and Finance, 70 (2016), 38-54.
  18. “Inside Debt and Mergers and Acquisitions,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 49 (2014), 1365-1401.
  19. Featured in Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.
  20. Reprinted in summarized form in CFA Digest, 45(9), September 2015.
  21. “Corporate Governance and Risk Taking: Evidence from Defined Benefit Plan Asset Allocation,” (with S. Hegde), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 48 (2013), 919-946.
  22. Mentioned in Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.
  23. “Pension Contributions and Firm Performance: Evidence from Frozen Defined Benefit Plans,” (with S. Hegde), Financial Management, Summer (2013), 373-411.

Other publications

  1. "Blockholder Exit Threat and Corporate Cash and Corporate Cash Holdings" (with L. Sun and T. Simpson). Financial Review, forthcoming.
  2. "Government Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Debt Contracting" (with D. Tran). International Review of Finance, forthcoming.
  3. “Tournament-Based Incentives and Mergers and Acquisitions" (with N. Nguyen, H. Phan, D. Tran, and H. Vo). International Review of Financial Analysis, 71(2020), 101548.
  4. "Market-based Drivers of Co-branding Success" (with H. Nguyen, W. Ross, and J. Pancras). Journal of Business Research, 115 (2020), 122-138.
  5. “Policy Uncertainty, Corporate Cash Holdings, and the Value of Cash" (with H. Nguyen, N. Nguyen, and S. Hegde). Journal of Business Research, 95 (2019), 71-82.


Conference presentations


  1. 2019, “Corporate Social Responsibility as Insurance? Evidence from the Adoption of Universal Demand Laws,” at Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Orlando, FL, Vietnam International Financial Management Conference in Da nang, Vietnam (with S. Freund and N. Nguyen).
  2. 2019, “Shareholder Litigation Rights and Corporate Capital Structure,” to be presented at the Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in New Orleans, LA, Financial Management Association-Asia Annual Meetings, and Asian Finance Association Annual Meetings in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (with N. Nguyen).
  3. 2019, “Employment Protection and Share Repurchases: Evidence from Wrongful Discharge Laws,” to be presented at the Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in New Orleans, LA, the Financial Management Association-Asia Annual Meetings in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Miami, FL (with A. De Cesari and V. Dang).
  4. 2019, “U.S. Political Corruption and Mergers and Acquisitions,” at the Midwest Finance Association Annual Meetings in Chicago, IL (with N. Nguyen and T. Simpson).
  5. 2018, “CEO Pay Gap and Mergers and Acquisitions,” at the Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in San Diego, CA (with H. Nguyen).
  6. 2018, "Political Corruption and Mergers and Acquisitions," at the Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in San Diego; International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) Summer Meeting in Vancouver, Canada (with N. Nguyen and T. Simpson)
  7. 2018, “CEO Inside Debt and Internal Capital Market Efficiency,” at the Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in San Diego, CA; Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Asheville, NC (with S. Freund, H. Nguyen, and H. Tang).
  8. 2018, “How Inconsistent Is Tone at the Top? An Empirical Examination of CEO's Letters to Shareholders and Management's Discussions and Analysis,” at the Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in San Diego (with H. Nguyen and T. Simpson).
  9. 2018, “Carbon Risk and Capital Structure,” at the Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in San Diego, CA (with J.H. Nguyen).
  10. 2018, "Midair Refueling for Sensation Seeking? Pilot CEOs and Corporate Debt Contracting," at the International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada; Southern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Asheville, NC (with S Freund, T. Kovacs, and N. Nguyen).
  11. 2018, “Employment Protection and Share Repurchases: Evidence from Wrongful Discharge Laws,” at the European Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Milan, Italy (with A. De Cesari and V. Dang).
  12. 2018, “Managerial Pay Disparity, Firm Risk and Productivity: New Insights from the Bond Market,” at the European Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Milan, Italy (with C. Ghosh and D. Huang).
  13. 2018, “Shareholder Litigation and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Universal Demand Laws,” at the Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Philadelphia, PA (with H. Nguyen and L. Sun).
  14. 2017, "Shareholder Litigation Rights and Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidence from Universal Demand Laws," at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Boston, MA - Semi-finalist for FMA’s Corporate Finance Award; International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) Summer Meeting, San Diego, CA, Vietnam International Financial Management Conference, Hanoi (with H. Nguyen and L. Sun).
  15. 2017, "Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Debt Maturity Structure," at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Boston, MA;
  16. 2017, “CEO Inside Debt and Internal Capital Market Efficiency” at Southern Finance Association Annual Conference, Key West, FL (with S. Freund, H. Nguyen, and H. Tang).
  17. 2016, “CEO Pay Gap and Corporate Debt Structure”, at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Las Vegas, NV (with C. Ghosh and D. Huang).
  18. 2016, “CEO Inside Debt and Internal Capital Market Efficiency” at Vietnam International Financial Management Conference, Da Nang (with S. Freund, H. Nguyen, and H. Tang).
  19. 2015, “Thriving on a Short Leash: Corporate Debt Maturity Structure and Mergers and Acquisitions,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Orlando, FL; Vietnam International Conference in Financial Management in Ho Chi Minh City (with N. Nguyen).
  20. 2015, “CEO Inside Debt and Corporate Financing Policy,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Orlando, FL (with S. Freund and S. Latif).
  21. 2015, “Tournament-based Incentives, Corporate Cash Holdings, and Payout Policy,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Orlando, FL (with T. Simpson).
  22. 2015, “Exit as Governance: Evidence from Blockholders, Stock Liquidity, and Corporate Cash Holdings” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Orlando, FL (with L. Sun).
  23. 2015, “Does Industry Pay Gap Motivate Opportunistic Risk Taking? Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Orlando, FL (with H. Nguyen).
  24. 2014, “Does Earnings Management by Firms Making Mandatory Pension Contributions Pay Off?” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Nashville, TN (with J. Golec and H. Khieu).
  25. 2014, “Compensation Gaps among Top Executives and Debt Maturity Structure,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Nashville, TN (with D. Huang and C. Ghosh).
  26. 2014, “Tournament-based Incentives, Corporate Cash Holdings, and Payout Policy,” at Foreign Trade University, Hanoi; College of Economics, National University, Hanoi; University of Massachusetts Lowell (with T. Simpson).
  27. 2013, “Stock Misvaluation and Synergy Driven Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from Voluntary Bid Withdrawals,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL (with S. Hegde)
  28. 2012, “Inside Debt and Mergers and Acquisitions,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Atlanta, GA; Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Boston, MA.
  29. 2011, “Corporate Governance and Risk Taking: Evidence from Defined Benefit Plan Asset Allocation,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Denver, CO (with S. Hegde).
  30. 2011, “Stock Misvaluation and Synergy Driven Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from Voluntary Bid Withdrawals,” at Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Savannah, GA (with S. Hegde)
  31. 2010, “Pension Contributions and Corporate Investment: Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans,” Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in New York, NY - Semi-finalist for FMA’s Financial Risk Management Award (with S. Hegde).
  32. 2010, “What Drives R&D Intensive Stock’s Excess Returns? A Variance Decomposition Analysis,” at Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Dallas, TX; Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Miami, FL.
  33. 2009, “Impact of Change in Retirement Benefit Plans on Firm’s Investment, Value, and Risk,” at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings in Reno, NV - Semi-finalist for FMA’s Risk Management Award; Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Washington D.C.; Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meetings in Oklahoma, OK.

6. Ad-hoc Referee

Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Management, European Financial Management Journal, Journal of Financial Stability, International Review of Financial Analysis, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Business Research, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, International Review of Economics and Finance, Accounting and Finance, Pacific Accounting Review, Economic Systems.

7. Teaching

  • Doctoral course: Corporate Finance Theories
  • MBA courses: Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Restructuring and Governance
  • Undergraduate courses: Financial Management, Principles of Corporate Finance, Intermediate Corporate Finance, Investment and Security Analysis, Derivatives and Financial Risk Management, Investment Strategies and Speculative Markets

Doctoral student guidance

         Dissertation Chair: 
  • Nam H. Nguyen (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
  • Selina (Lingna) Sun (Louisiana Tech University)
  • Judy (Dung) Tran (Central Connecticut State University)

8. Grants, scholarships and awards


  • Manning School of Business Outstanding Research Award (2021)
  • Faculty Small Research Grant - Donahue Center for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (2019)
  • Interdisciplinary Research Grant - Manning School of Business and University of Massachusetts Lowell (2019)
  • Recognition for Most Publications by Faculty Members at Manning School of Business (2018)
  • Lifetime Contribution Award, Vietnam Finance Association International (2018)
  • Journal of Banking and Finance’s Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (2017)
  • Journal of Business Research’s Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing (2017)
  • UMass Lowell Department of Finance Teaching Award (2016)
  • UConn School of Business Hall of Fame Student Fellow (2012)
  • UConn Finance Department PhD Student Teaching Award (2012)
  • 2012 CIBER Overseas Fellowship Award
  • University of Connecticut Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (2011)
  • PhD Graduate Assistantship (2006-2012)
  • Summer research financial support (2006-2009, 2011)
  • Finance Department Outstanding PhD Student Scholar Award (2010)
  • Summer Doctoral Fellowship (2007-2010)
  • American Finance Association (AFA) Travel Grant (2009)
  • Financial Management Association International (FMA) Travel Grant (2009)
  • Wall Street Journal Award for Outstanding MBA Student (2006)
  • MBA Graduate Assistantship (2004-2006)
  • Vietnam National Scholarship (1987-1992)
  • Hanoi National University President’s Special Scholarship (1991)
  • Professional Affiliations and Service
  • American Finance Association (AFA)
  • Financial Management Association International (FMA)
  • Eastern Finance Association (EFA)
  • Asia Finance Association (AsFA)
  • Vietnam Finance Association International (VFAI)
  • Program committee member of EFA (2010-2012), SWFA (2010), MFA (2011), FMA (2012-2013).


9. Industry experience


  • GE Edgelab, Stamford CT
  • Graduate intern
  • Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, Hanoi


10. Business Consultant


  • PCS International Ltd., Hanoi
  • Investment Consultant
  • Hanoi Tourism and Services Company, Hanoi
  • Travel and Real Estate Manager