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 Chỉ dẫn & bản đồ

Top 10 noteworthy events and achievements of UEB in 2018

The year 2018 marked the turning point of VNU University of Economics and Business on the path of internationalization and integration. As the spring of 2019 is coming, we are very glad to present you the noteworthy events and achievements of the university in 2018:

1. Successful enrollment of undergraduate and graduate programs, increasing 133% compared to that of 2017 with the significantly growth admission of high quality training programs.

In 2018, the University of Economics and Business successfully organized the enrollment of higher education programs with more than 1,100 targets. Of which, there were more than 600 ones admitting to the high-quality training programs following the requirements of Circular 23, Ministry of Education and Training as well as 142 ones for the International joint training programs. The number of students admitted to the regular training programs and international joint training programs also increased respectively by 242 (133%) and 70 (197%) compared to that of 2017. This was also the first year the university opened one more high quality training program of Accounting and Auditing, so the number of high quality training programs is four. 

In 2018, the university had 2 more programs meeting the standard set by the Ministry of Education and Training, including the standard training program of Accounting and the high-quality training program of Finance and Banking with respectively 86% and 96% criteria approved. Those programs have been evaluated to be compatible with the goals, missions and vision of the UEB and in line with the objectives of higher education specified in the Higher Education Law.

In 2018, UEB made successful enrollment, especially with the high-quality training programs

2. Enhancing activities of higher education internationalization

In 2018, UEB has implemented many joint training programs with major universities and prestigious professional organizations in the world. The university has signed and deployed 2+2, 3+1 training programs with Middlesex University (England), Jindal University (India), and Troy University (America). It also signed cooperation agreements with many other trusted organizations as well as professional associations in the world such as ACCA, ICAEW, CMA. In the year of 2018, UEB signed new MOUs with 7 more foreign associate universities and renewed MOUs with its two old associates. They agreed to promote the implementation of student and lecturer exchange for the cooperation in researching in 2019.


Short course of Sri Lanka students at University of Economics and Business

These training programs and cooperation agreements opened up opportunities for UEB’s students to experience international learning environments with a reasonable cost, to access to international standard working environment; and at the same time, they helped students to get diplomas and certificates issued by leading universities and professional organizations around the world.


In November, 2018, the Rector of UEB visited and worked with Cracow University of Economics - Poland’s largest economics school to discuss cooperative activities

The number of lecturers and students participating in exchange programs as well as foreign experts teaching at the University of Economics and Business has been promoted with 60 turns of officials sent to attend international seminars, research and exchange; 65 turns of students are sent to exchange abroad, 70 turns of foreign experts come to teach and study at the university, 42 turns of international students come to study, research and exchange at UEB.

UEB has successfully organized many short-term training courses for hundreds of international students from the US, Australia, Sri Lanka, Japan ... Many international students from other countries such as France, Japan, Sweden , Canada, Denmark, Germany, Australia, Korea, Laos, China ... have come to UEB to study and research. This proves that UEB has built a certain reputation with its partners and gradually become a destination for academic and cultural exchanges with international friends.

3. Promoting the activities of communication and brand management

2018 was the year when the university's communication activities to promote its brand were strongly conveyed on websites, Facebook, newspapers and television. In addition to articles, there were also photo reports, video clips, press and television publications. The university also publishes E-newsletter in English with a frequency of once a month. This was a breakthrough to bring the most outstanding general activities information of the university to domestic and foreign partners, students, alumni, staff and, lecturers.


The UEB’s English newsletter has brought information to readers frequently

Beside maintaining the regular and safe operation for the website system and upgrading it periodically, the university has upgraded the website. This is an interactive channel, providing fast and precisely the official and important information of the university. It is a bridge for useful information to bring the University closer to learners and partners.

4. Developing the model of learner-centered, professionalizing the enrollment activities, improving the quality of training and supporting services for students.

Recognizing the importance of enrollment, improving the quality of support for learners, the university has promptly established the Admissions Department and 24/7 Support Group to professionalize the enrollment and learners’ care work from the day they enter the university until they graduate.

The university has surveyed widely among QH-2018-E students to get feedback on the quality of training, facilities ... to keep abreast and better meet the legitimate needs of students. .

Furthermore, the University also organized a lot of intensive seminars and conferences to improve the quality of training and learning support services, as well as to shorten the learning time for qualified students, to equip its students with more skills needed for work, to find solutions to strengthen the connection channels between students and employers aiming at creating job opportunities for students right after graduation.

5. Successfully organizing many international conferences following the University's key research orientation

In 2018, UEB successfully organized 25 prestigious international and national conferences / seminars, such as the Seminar named "150 years from the Meiji Restoration : Seen from Vietnam"; The Seminar on Announcing the Annual Economic Report 2018 with the participation of leading professors and experts on domestic and foreign economy.


Symposium on "Japanese-style administration: Overcoming cultural barriers", "Attracting foreign angel investment in developing start-ups in the host country: International experience and implications for Vietnam ”, conference on Cross-Border Special Economic Zone Development, conference on Personal Financial Management, Green Finance: International Experience and Lessons for Vietnam… have attracted the participation of professionals from many countries, scientists, management experts and practitioners from universities, research institutes, educational management units, high schools and junior high schools as well as non-governmental organizations.

6. Successfully bidding of many state-level project


In 2018, the University of Economics and Business - VNU continued successfully bidding and implemented 18 state-level projects. These are topics of key programs of the state such as key program KX01; Program about climate change; National science and technology program in the period of 2016-2020, ordered from state agencies such as the Central Reasoning Council ... Research topics on key issues of the country and Research results will be used effectively by ministries and agencies in planning and developing national development policies.
7. 6 UEB’s lecturers received the title of Associate Professor


Looking back on the 10-year journey in the development of Professor and Associate Professor, 2018 is the year the university has the highest number of lecturers qualified as Associate Professor, increasing the number of professors and associate professors of the University up to 29 people, accounting for 27% of the total number of lecturers. The number of lecturers who has gained the title of associate professor from young age is increasing. This has shown that the quality of human resources of the University has been constantly improved, and is one of the important factors contributing to the goal of improving the quality of training, scientific research towards the internationalization of education.


8. Improving the extracurricular activities for students toward innovation, creativity, dynamism and solidarity

In 2018, UEB has organized many activities to enhance students' connection, creativity and innovative thinking such as the activities to welcome new students, Job fairs, career orientations, scientific research orientations, renewing practical practice for students ... The activities in the series of “Welcome fresh students” is a unique movement of the university to create an environment for the freshmen to contact and learn from the preceding students. and to join the University of Economics and Business “family”. The job fair is an opportunity for UEB students to get acquainted with different types of businesses and find jobs even when they are in school. UEB also actively innovates the internship of students. The university aims to build a practical program at the business and in conjunction with businesses, equipped with useful knowledge and skills for students before graduation. 

Along with the activities of the university, UEB’s youth union also organizes many meaningful social activities such as Green Summer Campaign 2018, Voluntary Blood Donation Day or Warm Winter Program in Cao Bang.


2018 is also the year that UEB successfully hosted the Business Challenges startup competition. This is a large-scale entrepreneurship competition aimed at university students in Hanoi with the participation of 52 teams and taking place within 9 months. The competition is organized to create an environment for young people in Hanoi and neighboring provinces to develop the idea of starting a business and solving problems in business practices of enterprises; creating a connection between the business community and investors with entrepreneurial ideas and business solutions, contributing to the future career orientation for young people.

9. Organzing various extracurricular and team-building activities for lecturers and former lecturers in order to enhance mutual understanding

2018 is the first year the Union of UEB organized a summarizing and coordinating activity for all lecturers, officials and employees at FLC Sam Son Resort, Thanh Hoa. This is an activity of special significance, is an opportunity for all the experts, lecturers, officials and staff of the University to exchange and share with each other, while understanding the development orientation as well as the desire of the leaders. directing the school, strengthening internal solidarity, aiming at the common goal of enhancing the development of UEB.


10. Modernizing facilities and equipment at lecture halls for teaching and training

The University has repaired and upgraded facilities, invested in new equipment installation in Vietnam - Australia Lecture Hall to increasingly meet the learning needs of students according to international standards.


Lecture Hall of University of Economics and Business has coated a new shirt

In 2018, the University has completed preliminary plans for upgrading and renovating E4 building in the direction of "Green Growth" in order to build a modern, environmentally friendly and energy-saving learning and working space; creating a premise for 2019 to have a breakthrough development in scale and quality of facilities.

>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese. 

VNU University of Economics and Business