Trang hội thảo quốc tế

GPAC 2014 schedule

GPAC was proposed to activate interactions among students and teachers in Asia and this is good chance to exchange each other’s academic researches and different cultural experience.

Tin liên quan

The program is taking place in six days from August 24th  to 29th 2014, with a size of about 150-180 people, including more than 100 students and teachers in Vietnam with approximately 80 students and teachers from other countries. Total number of reports/presentations estimated 40. The program content includes:

- Day 1 (24 August 2014): Opening day

- Day 2 (25 August 2014): Sightseeing and group activities

- Day 3 26 August 2014): Forums - Research Report

- Day 4 (27 August 2014): Forums - Research Report and debate

- Day 5 (28 August 2014): Visiting Vietnam landscapes

- Day 6 (29 August 2014): Farewell


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