Nguyen Huy Tam
Update at 11:08, Friday, 02/03/2012 (GMT+7)
1. Personal information:
Full Name:
Nguyen Huy Tam

Lecturer of University of Economics and Business- VNU for subjects: Business Finance, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting and Auditing
Master (2010)
(84-4) 37547506
144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha Noi
2. Education:
July 2010: Master of Business - Monash University, Australia. Major: Accounting and Finance
July 2004: Bachelor of Business - National Economics University, Vietnam. Major: Auditing and Accounting
Membership of professional organizations:
- Associate Member of CPA Australia
- Associate Member of CPA Vietnam
3. Experience:
2011 to Present: Accounting and Finance Manager of Cavico Vietnam, CFO Assistant of Cavico Group with responsibilities of:
- Lead the Finance and Accounting department, prepare the financial plan, assign and manage the accounting and finance staff, prepare financial statement and analysis statement for Board of Directors.
- Support the CFO to manage and prepare reports required by NASDAQ stock market, prepare the consolidation financial statements.
2004 to 2010: Audit Senior at Deloitte Vietnam with responsibilities of:
- Participating in the planning of the engagement;
- Performing the audit, manage the work of audit teams, assigning work to the engagement staffs, having regard for their experience and for the importance and complexity of the work;
- Directly monitoring the performance of the engagement team to ensure that the delivery of professional services is in compliance with terms of references, contract and other requirements of the donor;
- Reviewing working papers of other lower level team members to ensure that all significant accounting, auditing matters have been identified
- Promptly reporting matters arising during the course of audit to Audit Manager or Partner;
- Preparing audit report and management letter;
- Summarizing and communicating the results of the engagement to clients.
4. Research:
Financial accounting: “Motivation for the Board of Directors relating to asset revaluation”
Advanced Financial Accounting: “The development of accounting standard relating to the disclosure of financial instrument in Australia”
Business Accounting: “The competition in the Agricultural Chemical Industry in Australia”
Issues in Competitive Advantage: “The relationship between market orientation and business profitability”; “The competitive advantage of Harvey Norman- one of the biggest listed company in Australia”
Financial statement analysis and business valuation: “Share prices and Market news”; “Revaluation of a company performance and forecast share price”
Advanced strategic management accounting: “The evaluation of the new budgeting system running in Borealis”
Assurance, Governance and Fraud: “The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Economic Performance’; “Earning management”