Book: 500 Multiple Choice Questions of Micro Economics

University of Economics and Business

Author: Ta Duc Khanh

Publisher: Education Publishing House

Publishing year: Hanoi

Published location: 2008

Size: 16 x 24cm

Number of pages: 212

500 Multiple Choice Questions of Micro Economics

Micro economics is the founding subject of any undergraduate and graduate academic programs of economics. When students obtain a basic knowledge of macro economics, they will easily study other specialized subjects in the field of economics. Owning a lot of experience in teaching and doing research in the field of macro economics and applying advanced training methods from the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program (FETP) for a large number of economics universities and colleges, the author wishes to help students so that they will be able to access as early as possible to advanced methods in studying and researching the field of economics. With this aim, the book 500 multiple choice questions of micro-economics is a good tool.

In this book, the author shares with readers his experience in teaching and researching in the field of micro economics. Right from the first time it was published, the book was highly appreciated. This is a high motivation for us to have it re-printed and introduce it to you.

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