Team Building Connects the UEB Family - USF K2

Youth is indeed the most beautiful, resonant and wonderful song. And the first trip of the "big family" UEB - USF K2 with emotions is the prelude to that passionate, enthusiastic and energetic youth song.

The field trip is an activity that is organized by VNU University of Economics and Business annually.

Settling emotions through heroic historical stories of the nation

At the beginning of the trip, UEB - USF K2 students were able to visit and listen to historical stories about Uncle Ho and the historical site of K9 Da Chong Ba Vi. This is one of the special historical sites, once associated with the name and life of President Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary activities during his lifetime.

All teachers and students of UEB - USF K2 offered incense at the memorial - the holiest place in the works in the Ba Vi Da Chong relic site. When standing in front of the memorial, everyone overflowed with feelings of recovery and emotion, motivating students to strive to study and work according to Uncle Ho's example.

This is also the venue for high-level meetings and receptions of officials

Exploding exciting musical performances

Dr. Hoang Khac Lich - Vice Chairman of the School Council, Head of the Human Resources Department delivered a speech to open the exciting and meaningful GALA Dinner

After a trip to the historic site of emotional deposition, USF K2 students had the opportunity to show their talent and passion for art in a cozy and intimate GALA Dinner. They brought a lot of surprises when leading the emotions of the hall from being cheerful through vibrant lyrics, to deep and lyrical with gentle ballad tunes. In particular, the exchanges of teachers made the atmosphere "hot" and left an indelible mark on the first trip together of USF K2 students.

UEB – USK K2 mingle in the exciting atmosphere at GALA Dinner

MSc. Pham Canh Toan - President of the Student Union of the University of Economics and Business also "mixed" in the bustling music and cultural exchanges with UEB - USF K2 students

MSc. Nguyen Trung Phong – Head of CT&CTSV Department participated in exchanges and connections with UEB- USF K2 students

More than a trip: We are family, UEB students - USF K2!

On the morning of the 2nd day of the trip, we had a lot of fun with outdoor teambuilding activities

Each competition team has its own colours, but what they all have in common is the spirit of "fighting" with all their might, true to the brand of UEB - USF students "Study hard, Play hard!".

The bright smiles prove the youth of our UEB-USF K2: Study hard, play hard!

No matter how difficult the challenge, we always stand together and overcome everything to win the big prize.

The resounding laughter, the endless cheers and the happy smiles when we had so many beautiful memories together.

Proud to shout out loud: We are the big family of UEB – USF K2!

The field trip ended with many memories and emotions, hopefully, UEB - USF students will have a lot of new energy to continue the journey of conquering knowledge, confidence and bravery. your way to becoming a global citizen in the future!

Let's wait for the next exciting and dynamic activities of UEB - USF K2 students in the near future!

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