Project title: Determining the rates of return to education in Vietnam during the period of 2004 - 2010

Student: Bui Thi Nham
Class: QH-2010-E TCNH
Instructor: Dr. Vo Tri Thanh
Prize: Third prize at UEB level
, academic year 2011-2012
The evaluation of return to schooling in Vietnam from 2004 to 2010 has been launched based on the assistance of the outcome results of Vietnam Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam and support of STATA 11 program. According to studies, the return of schooling in Vietnam during this term gradually rose from 5,6% in 2004 to 8,4% in 2010. However, the return rate as lower than the global average return to schooling, which was already more than 10% in 2004. The difference occurred in the gender aspect: The return rate of education in female group tended to grow faster than in the male one. Minor differences were also witnessed in different geographic areas (deltas, coastal regions, mountainous areas and highland areas) and the gaps were also improved. Meanwhile, rates of return of education in accordance with living standards (rural against urban areas) dramatically rose. This feature somehow indicated the significance of inequality in accesses to education in Vietnam. Based on all data collected and analysis, the project proposes solutions to enhance the rate of return to schooling in general as well as implement development in every region. At the end of the paper, I also state some limitations of the research and point out some suggestions for further studies.
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