Project title: Trade in clean and dirty industries in Vietnam under the effect of WTO integration process

Authors: Pham Ha My, Vo Thi Thai, Nguyen Thi Mai Anh
Faculty: Faculty of International of Economics and Business, VNU-UEB
Year: 2011 - 2012
Prize: Third prize at UEB level
Abstract content
The research studies theoretical and practical basis of clean and dirty industry sectors in Viet Nam, demonstrates trade activities in the period of 2007 – 2010 under the effect of WTO integration process, quantitatively evaluates the effect of WTO trade agreement on trade activities of those industries in Viet Nam and analyzes the impacts on environment. As a result, the research proposes a number of policy suggestions to develop Viet Nam industries towards the sustainable development and effectively implementation of WTO trade agreement.
Basing on the definition of clean and dirty industries with the approach of pollution emission, Viet Nam industries are categorized in two sectors of clean and dirty. This classification is the spotlight of the research and background for later parts of analyzing trade activities, evaluating trade agreement effect and proposing policy suggestions. According to the result, in chapter 1, Viet Nam industries are categorized in two sectors of clean and dirty, this classification bases a fundamental source for analyzing trade activities and effect of WTO trade agreement in chapter 2. In chapter 2, trade records in clean and dirty industries in Viet Nam are reflected in the the period of 2007 - 2010 under the WTO integration process, impacts of WTO trade agreement on trade in these sectors are evaluated, and effects on environment by all those activities in the research time is carried out. Finally, in chapter 3, policy discussions of the research aim at a trade strategy towards a sustainable development which balances two goals of trade growth and environment protection.
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