International conference "Sustainable manufacturing and environmental management"

Following the series of conference on sustainable manufacturing and environmental management held in Japan, Korea and China, the VNU University of Economics and Business has been in collaboration with the Asian Core Program under Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Nagoya University) to organize the conference on “Sustainable Manufacturing and Environment Management” on 6th October 2012. This was the final one in the series of 15 conferences on the topic.

Participating in the conference was Mr. Michio Daito - Counselor, Japanese Embassy to Vietnam; Mr. Truong Dinh Tuyen - Former Minister of Commerce and Industry; Dr. Nguyen Thai Lai - Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment; Dr. Tran Viet Thanh - Deputy Minister of Sciences & Technology; Mr. Yoshihisa Maruta - Toyota Vietnam General Director; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Kim Son - VNU Vice President.
The conference drew the attention of over 100 scientists, scholars and leading experts from WB, IMF, ADB and researchers from member of Asian Core Program, domestic and international universities and institutes. Many of the media and press also attended to the conference.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business speaks to open the conference

Prof.Dr. Soemon Takakuwa - Head of JSPS Asian Core Program, Nagoya University speaks at the conference

Dr. Nguyen Thai Lai - Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (left) and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Kim Son - VNU Vice President (right) address the conference, hoping the objectives of the Asian Core Program would contribute to the sustainable development of regional countries.

Chairing at the plenary session and parallel sessions were Prof.Dr. Soemon Takakuwa - Head of JSPS Asian Core Program; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - UEB Rector; Dr. Vo Tri Thanh, Deputy Director of the Central Institute of Economic Management, and other researchers from Japan and South Korea involved in the program.
At the plenary session, delegates have listened to two presentations on: (1) Green Innovation Through Material Flow Cost Accounting, and Green Growth & Sustainable Development: Challenges, Policy Messages & Vietnam Strategy which provided an overview on sustainable manufacturing and environmental management of leading scholars, researchers in Japan and Vietnam. In addition, the papers analyzed the functions and roles of sustainable manufacturing and environmental management as well as the close correlation between the protection of natural resources and sustainable production issues.
The conference is divided into three sub-sessions to discuss. Here, 48 presentations by Vietnamese and international scholars have been presented and discussed. The papers analyzed the perspective and the implementation of manufacturing and environmental management in Asian countries, thereby evaluating the effectiveness of sustainable manufacturing and environmental management and international lessons for Vietnam.
At the conference, in addition to the importance of sustainable manufacturing and environmental management in the current socio-economic context, the scientists offered practical solutions for the issues and opened cooperation prospects between Vietnam and the East Asian countries in this field.
The papers at the workshop focused on assessing the sustainable manufacturing and environmental management issues in Asian countries as well as international experience and policy implications. Accordingly, it raised the initiative of sustainable cooperation between Vietnam and other countries in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia, especially Japan for economic development and environmental protection in Vietnam.

Participants discuss at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son said: Vietnam’s economic development almost relies on raw resources, low technology qualification, low-cost workforce... which left many consequences such as: resource depletion and environmental pollution. Therefore, the issues of sustainable manufacturing and environmental management should be paid a particular attention. This conference is a forum to discuss the most effective solutions and methods to ensure a sustainable economic development and effective environmental management.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son at an interview by the press

Through the conference, the VNU University of Economics and Business looks forward to building an international research network, accessing to the gray matter resources of international researchers, especially Japanese researchers on sustainable manufacturing and environmental management. Thereby it would enhance the research capacity of UEB staff and faculties, giving them the best research methods, strengthening international cooperation, encouraging the training and other practical activities.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son affirmed that: the University of Economics and Business in particular and Vietnam National University in general have been striving for a favorable environment for scientists to come to discuss and create.


Participates take a common picture at the conference

The JSPS Asian Core Program is designed to create world-class research hubs in selected fields within the Asian region, while fostering the next generation of leading researchers. It does this by establishing sustainable collaborative relations among research/education institutions in Japan and other Asian countries. Under the program, these “core institutions” will collaborate in cutting-edge fields of research and on research topics deemed to be of high international importance.  In 2011, the VNU University of Economics and Business officially joined the program and hosted the conference in 2012. The results of this study will form a basis for development of greener, environmentally friendly and sustainable manufacturing.

Official website  of the conference in 2012:

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