Bao Son Prize Award Ceremony 2010

On 14th December 2011, the VNU University of Economics and Business has cooperated with Bao Son Group to hold Bao Son Prize Award Ceremony 2010. The prize is awarded to excellent scientific technology works with highly academic, innovative, creative, and applicable values by individual scientist or groups of scientists.

Attending to the ceremony were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Bo Linh - Vice President and Mr. Phung Duc Tien - Executive Member of Science Technology and Environment Committee - National Assembly; Prof.Sc.PhD. Nguyen Quang Thai - General Secretary, Vietnam Economic Association,… and many ministerial, sectorial, governmental and research institute leaders.

Present at the ceremony from the Vietnam National University Hanoi were Prof.PhD. Mai Trong Nhuan - President, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Phung Xuan Nha - Alternative Member of the Party’s Central Committee cum VNU Vice President; from the Prize Organization Committee were Mr. Nguyen Truong Son - President of Bao Son Fund and President of Bao Son Tourism and Construction Investment Joint Stock Company; Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son - Rector of University of Economics and Business; together with many leaders, lecturers, and staffs from Bao Son Group and VNU University of Economics and Business. 

The Bao Son Prize 2010 worth 20,000 USD was granted to the project “Investigating, Assessing, Statistics, and Planning Internationally and Nationally Significant Preservation Areas of Underwater Land” by a research team of Vietnam National University, Hanoi led by Prof.PhD. Mai Trong Nhuan - President.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Truong Son - President of Bao Son Group has introduced about Bao Son Fund and the significance of Bao Son Prize. He said: “Although there has been only one project awarded, it is an important start to evaluate scientists’ contributions to the society. Hopefully, more scientists will apply to the Prize in coming years. Bao Son Prize will help to advertize, propagate, and promote the application of research outcomes in economic, socio-cultural and human development in accordance with Vietnamese conditions for increased economic, cultural, and social values.

As a member of the Bao Son Prize Organization Committee, Assoc.Prof.Ph.D Nguyen Hong Son - Rector, University of Economics and Business congratulated the scientists who have won this Bao Son Prize. He expressed his heart-felt thanks to the valuable support and consultancy of the ministerial, university, and research institution managers and scientists. Assoc.Prof.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son emphasized: The idea of Bao Son Prize was incubated for a long period by Mr. Nguyen Truong Son - Bao Son Group President. The idea was unique, highly social, and focused on sustainable values, community benefits, and social and human development in Vietnam. The University of Economics and Business and Bao Son Group as strategic partners have cooperated comprehensively with each other in training, research, and consultancy. As a result, the University of Economics and Business highly appreciates the idea of Bao Son Prize and always stands ready to participate in.”

Prof.Assoc.PhD. Nguyen Hong Son awarded the Bao Son Prize to Prof.Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan, Project Manager

Mr. Nguyen Truong Son offered the check to Prof.PhD. Mai Trong Nhuan and the research team members

Guests and reports of a big number of news agencies attending the ceremony

The Bao Son Prize was awarded for the first time in 2011, based on the quality of the applicants, the Organization Committee decided to examine and select the Bao Son Prize winner in the field of sustainable development.

The Project: “Investigating, Evaluating, Statistics, and Planning Internationally and Nationally Significant Reservation Areas of Underwater Land” has unique features, specifically this is the first time a national criteria system of underwater land assessment of Vietnamese was established, instead of international criteria or the criteria by other countries.
Regarding science and training, the project contents have been applied and/or published in national and international scientific journals. The project has gathered a big number of relevant scientists, managers and researchers to take part in for the socialization and sustainable utility of natural resources and environment.

The prize winners planned to establish an annual scholarship fund named “Vietnamese Talents of Underwater Land” with the prize money in order to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to learn and study in the fields of underwater land preservation and sustainable development.

Prof.PhD. Mai Trong Nhuan speaks at the ceremony on behalf of the project members

Speaking at the Prize Award Ceremony, Prof.PhD. Mai Trong Nhuan shared “This prize is not only for the project members but also the underwater lands and sustainably economic development.” He believed that “The Bao Son Prize is likely a goose that lays golden eggs for sustainably economic development” and wished the Bao Son Fund and Bao Son Prize development and high prestige in Vietnam and overseas.

Reported by Luu Mai Anh Photos:Do Chiem

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