Improving Public Financial Management and Fiscal Transparency: International experiences and lessons learnt

Within the project of “Fiscal Transparency: International experiences and lessons for Vietnam” headed by Dr. Le Trung Thanh, VNU University of Economics and Business in collaboration with Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) held the conference on “Improving Public Financial Management and Fiscal Transparency: International experiences and lessons learnt”.

The conference was held on 31st March 2017 at VNU University of Economics and Business with participation of more than 100 scholars and experts and 30 discussions of high quality. The conference aims at sharing international experiences and giving lessons for Vietnam in public financial management and fiscal transparency, meanwhile, assessing the current situation of public financial management in Vietnam. This is also a forum for scholars and experts to discuss solutions to improve fiscal transparency.

Present at the conference were Dr. Ross Campbell - Public Sector Director of ICAEW, Ms. Dang Mai Trang - ICAEW Chief Representative in Vietnam, representatives from Ministry of Finance, State Audit, Ministry of Planning and Investment, lecturers and researchers from universities and research institutes in Hanoi. From the UEB, there were Dr. Le Trung Thanh - Head of Office for Research and Partnership Development, head of the project and lecturers of the University.


Dr. Le Trung Thanh (centered) chairs the conference

In Vietnam, researches on innovating public financial management started since 1980. In recent years, financial policies have been strongly reformed, contributing to improvement of production and budget increase. However, the problems of how to strengthen public financial management and fiscal transparency in accordance with regulations and international commitment, meanwhile improving government management and competitiveness of enterprises and national economy are still big challenges of Vietnam.


Dr. Ross Campbell presents at the conference

At the conference, participants listened to 3 discussions. First, Dr. Ross Campbell presented the discussion on “Improving public financial management and fiscal transparency - international experiences and lessons learnt”. After that, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Hieu - Head of Public Finance Department, member of the project presented the research on “Improvements in fiscal transparency in Vietnam”. Finally, MA. Nguyen Anh Duong - Head of the Macro-Economic Policy Department, Central Institute for Economic Management gave the presentation on “Public spending for education in Vietnam, some indications from investigations at provinces”.

After 3 presentations of experts and scholars, the conference had time for discussion and comments on presented content and current situation of public financial management in Vietnam. Thereby, the participants gave solutions for public financial management and step-by-step improving fiscal transparency.

Participants at the conference take a photo together
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Thanh Tu

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