UEB welcomes Professor Hermawan Kartajaya - The world famous Marketing expert to share with lecturers and students

Hundred of students, lecturers and leaders from the School of Business Administration and public Bachelor program awarded by foreigner partner UEB USF attended the Academic Exchange about Marketing named “Entrepreneur Marketing 5.0: How To Grow Your Business Post-Pandemic” at the University of Business and Economics, with speaker Hermawan Kartajaya.

Prof. Hermawan Kartajaya, co-author 10 books with Philip Kotler – known as the Father of Modern Marketing; meanwhile, his newest book “Marketing 5.0” is famous all over the world and translated into 22 languages worldwide, received the Best Book Prize about Business awarded by Soundview in 2021.

Theo Prof. Hermawan Kartajaya, đến Việt Nam lần này, ông muốn cùng được đưa ra khái niệm Entrepreneurial Marketing, là tư duy marketing kiểu mới, giúp tổ chức duy trì năng lực cạnh tranh. Và ông tin rằng điều này cũng hoàn toàn phù hợp với sự phát triển trong mô hình các trường đại học đang đi theo hướng tự chủ như UEB.


Overview of the internal meeting between Prof. Hermawan Kartajaya and representatives of the Party Committee and Board of Administrators of the University of Economics and Business


Prof. Hermawan Kartajaya (in the middle) – CEO of Markplus Institute, the worldwide famous marketing expert during his visit and work at UEB


Leaders of the University in the internal meeting welcoming Prof. Hermawan Kartjaya


Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Truc Le – Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Trustee of the University of Economics and Business - VNU discussing with Prof. Hermawan Kartajaya


Assoc. Prof. Dr Le Trung Thanh – Rector of the University of Economics and Business – VNU in the welcome meeting Prof. Hermawan Kartajaya


In the meeting, Hermawan Kartajaya introduced and presented “Marketing 5.0”, which he co-authored with Philip Kotler – a famous Marketing professor from the United States at the University of Economics and Business

With the topic “Entrepreneur Marketing 5.0: How to Grow Your Business Post-Pandemic”, Prof. Hermawan Kartajya brought a vibrant atmosphere about Marketing in the 5.0 era to the audiences at hall 801.


“Welcome you all to the Talk titled ‘Entrepreneurial Marketing 5.0: How to Grow Your Business Post-Pandemic” – I am so excited to be coming to Vietnam for the first time and the University of Economics and Business – VNU is also the first university to start my lectures here” – Prof. Hermawan Kartjaya start the presentation by introducing the topic of the Talk


This event marks the first time that Professor Hermawan Kartajaya has spoken in Vietnam

During the talk, UEB lecturers, researchers, and students together discuss with Prof. Hermawan the latest definition of “Entrepreneurial Marketing 5.0”. “Entrepreneurial Marketing 5.0” is not only about business and marketing, but not about entrepreneurship and marketing, which we all know are two different but very popular words in the business world.

Entrepreneurial Marketing is a new capability that all professionals, businessmen and even fresh graduates should learn. Entrepreneurial Marketing capability is about having a mindset of collaboration, creativity and innovation as long as professionalism to help a company move with agility to face any crisis.


Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Anh Thu – Vice Rector of UEB attended the event


Dr Pham Vu Thang – Vice President of the School of Business and Administration


All lecturers, researchers and students attended the academic exchange event


Mr Dinh Long Nhat interacts with Professor Hermawan during the discussion


On behalf of the university, Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Anh Thu presented the ceremonial gist to Prof. Hermawan Kartayaja and wished him a successful visit and working in Vietnam and many beautiful memories here


Prof. Hermawan Kartajaya have a memorial photo with UEB’s lecturers, researchers and students

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