University of Economics and Business intensifies the cooperation with Maureen & Mansfield Center - Montana University

On 19th January 2009, at UEB - VNU there is a working session between Board of Directors of UEB and the representatives of Montana University (USA).

As regard UEB, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son - Vice Rector and Dr. Nguyen Quoc Viet - Head of Scientific Research and Development Cooperation Department attended the session.

As regard Montana University, Dr. Terry M. Weidner - Director of Maureen & Mike Mansfield Center, Dr. Royce Engstrom - President and Mrs. Mary Engstrom - Expert of Distance Education.

In the session, the representatives of the two sides discussed the possibility of cooperation and the detailed programs. The result is that the two sides agreed to organize conferences on specialized topics of interests of both sides, exchange students and promote conferences on coordination to create the premise for the research cooperation between the two sides.

Montana University is one of the universities that are rich in tradition and achievements. Currently, Montana University is cooperating with a large number of institutes and universities in the world. Mareen and Mike Mansfield Center is a large center of Montana University that specializes in Asia. The cooperation between UEB - VNU and Montana University will create many opportunities for the research and studies conducted by students and staffs of both sides.

Hoang Thu Trang

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