Saga University - Autumn Asian Economics Student Summit 2019

Saga and Saga University

Saga prefecture is located in northwest of Kyushu bordering Genkai Sea to the North, Fukuoka prefecture to the East, Ariake Sea to the South, and Nagasaki prefecture to the West. Saga offers plenty of natural wonders, technological marvels, history and artistry. The prefecture is best known for being the birthplace of ceramics in Japan, agriculture, international balloon fiesta, shrines and hot springs.

Saga National University is located in the Saga City, the capital of Saga Prefecture. Established in 1949, the university has six faculties: Agriculture, Art and Regional Design, Economics, Medicine, and Science and Engineering. In addition, postgraduate programs are offered at the Graduate Schools of Agriculture, Regional Design, Medical Science, and Science and Engineering. There are about 225 international undergraduate and postgraduate students from 27 countries studying at Saga University.

Economics Faculty Autumn Program

The main purpose of this program is to enable the students of Asian partner universities and Saga University to think about various aspects of the sustainable development, discover problems, and come up with possible solutions in their respective countries. By providing opportunities to share knowledge and learn together with foreign students and local residents in Saga during the field visits, international symposium, and homestays, it also aims to develop mutual understanding of each other and build long lasting relationship between Japan and Asia. Human resources developed in such a way are expected to play an important role in strengthening and sustainability of their own economies in the face of global competition.

Time Period

Autumn Program: 28th October to 4th November 2019 (8 Days)




10/28 Mon

Arrive Saga and reception at the Dean’s office, campus tour, and preparation of the symposium

10/29 Tue

Morning: SDGs Training: Sustainable Industrialization and University-Private Partnership

Afternoon: Lecture on Asian Economic Development

10/30 Wed

Morning: International Student Symposium

Afternoon: SDGs Training: Sustainable Industrialization – Private sector factory visit

10/31 Thu

Visit to Saga cultural sites: Learn Japanese culture and community - Homestay

11/1 Fri

SDGs Training: Sustainable Modernization – Arita and Nagasaki

11/2 Sat

Morning: SDGs Training: Sustainable Agriculture and Marketing and Eco Tourism

Afternoon: SDGs Training: Solid Waste Management

11/3 Sun


11/4 Mon

Rerun home

International Student Symposium

Theme: Sustainable Development Goals: Prospects and Challenges in Asia

Students from partner universities should present a country paper for about 30 minutes on the above theme.

Program Fee

The program fee will be 70,000 JPY. This includes course fee, accommodation, airport pick-up, and domestic transportation. Air ticket, visa fee, insurance, food and other living costs are not included and they have to be borne by the students. The students nominated by the partner universities are exempted from this program fee.

Scholarship: Economics Faculty of Saga University is making arrangements to provide a scholarship of 50,000 JPY for needy students. Please kindly note that no guarantee could be given at this stage.

How to Register

Second or third year (preferably second year) students who wish to participate in the program shall sign up with the head of the respective institution of the partner university (International Affairs or the Faculty). Saga University will receive only those students nominated by the partner universities.

Necessary documents and time of submission

- Application form (30th June 2019 or before)

- Recommendation letter (30th June 2019 or before)

- Passport copy (30th June 2019 or before)

- Abstract and PowerPoint Presentation (8th October 2019 or before)

- Copy of the air ticket, original stub of the inbound air ticket, and original receipt (in case you get a scholarship from Saga University) (28th October 2019 or before)

- Final report (3rd November 2019 or before)

Other important matters

  • Arrival and accommodation

Transport will be provided from Fukuoka International Airport, which is the nearest international airport to Saga University. Accommodations will be arranged for the students at university guesthouse, homestays, or other suitable places depending on the number of participants and availability.

  • Visa for Japan

We will send you an Official Invitation Letter and other necessary documents to apply for Japanese Visa.

  • Travel Insurance

Participant students must have a travel insurance to visit Japan

Weather in Saga

It is autumn in Japan during November, and the day-time temperature is about 180C, while the night-time temperature is around 100C. Please make sure to bring suitable clothing with you.


If you have any other question, do not hesitate to contact Prof. Saliya De Silva, at the Faculty of Economic, Saga University.

E-mail:, Tel. +81-952-28-8426


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