Information on Doctoral thesis of Fellows Luong Ngoc Minh

Thesis title: Exploring factors that impact the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Hanoi

1. Full name: Luong Ngoc Minh

2. Sex: Male

3. Date of birth: 15/07/1972

4. Place of birth: Thaibinh

5. Admission decision number: 2349/QĐ-KHTN-CTSV, dated on 25th August 2016 signed by Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business.

6. Changes in academic process:

7. Official thesis title: Exploring factors that impact the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Hanoi

8. Major: Business Administration

9. Code: 9340101

10. Supervisors: Prof.Dr. Bui Xuan Phong

11. Summary of the new findings of the thesis:

  • The thesis has clarified the concept of the entrepreneurial spirit of students and pointed out the factors affecting the entrepreneurial spirit of students.
  • The thesis has generalised the research model on the entrepreneurial spirit of students and the factors that impact the entrepreneurial spirit of students. Two external factors have been considered affecting the entrepreneurial spirit of students, those include "Education" and "Capital for entrepreneurship".
  • The thesis has developed a set of assessment tools to evaluate the degree of entrepreneurial spirit and factors that influence the entrepreneurial spirit of students based on the average scoring method of factor scores.
  • The thesis has discovered a new factor affected the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Hanoi which is called the "Self-confidence in entrepreneurship".

12. Practical applicability:

  • The thesis has quantified and evaluated the entrepreneurial spirit and factors that impact the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Hanoi.
  • The thesis has assessed the impact level and the impact direction of factors affecting the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Hanoi.
  • The thesis has proposed a number of solutions to encourage and promote the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Hanoi.

13. Further research directions: Continue to research The University education impact the students entrepreneurial in Hanoi

14.Thesis-related publications:

  1. Lương Ngọc Minh (2016) Some factors and solutions for Socialize Education in Vietnam, Asia - Pacific review - 3/2016.
  2. Lương Ngọc Minh (2016) Education development in Vietnam International integrations, Asia - Pacific Review - 4/2016
  3. Lương Ngọc Minh (2019), The entrepreneurial spirit of students in Hanoi: Particular and solution, Asia - Pacific Review - 2/2019
  4. Lương Ngọc Minh (2019), Some factors impacting the entrepreneurship spirit of students in Hanoi, Industry and Trade Magazine - 2/2019.


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