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Luu Quoc Dat

1. Personal detail:

Full name:
Luu Quoc Dat

Year of birth:

Lecturer, Associate Dean, Faculty of Development Economics, VNU University of Economics and Business

Doctor of Philosophy (2013)
(84-24) 37547506 + 309; Cel: 0914780425
Mobile phone:
(84) 914780425

144 Xuan Thuy road, Cau Giay district, Ha Noi

2. Education

  • 03/2013-02/2014: Post-doctoral Fellow at Industrial Management department, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  • 09/2009-01/2013: Ph. D program in Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  • 09/2007-06/2009: Master in International Business of Administration, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  • 09/2003-06/2007: Bachelor in Political Economics (honor program), Faculty of Economics - Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

3. Working Experience

  • 03/2018 - now: Secretary of National Gazetteers Project, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
  • 03-06/2016: Researcher, Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics
  • 06/2013-now: Lecturer at Faculty of Development Economics, VNU University of Economics and Business.
  • 03/2013-02/2014: Researcher (Post-doctoral Fellow), Industrial Management department, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
  • 01/2011 - 01/2013: Research assistant of “Center for Internet of Things Innovation”, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

4. Research Interests

5. Publications

5.1. Books/Chapter or Paper in Book

  1. Dat, L.Q., Chou, S.Y., Le, N.T., Wiguna, E., Yu T.H.K., Phuc, P.N.K. Selecting renewable energy technology via a fuzzy MCDM approach, in: Cha, J.Z., Chou, S.Y., Stjepandić, J., Curran, R., Xu, W. (Eds.) “Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering”, IOS Press, Netherlands, 2014, Vol. 1, 796-805. ISBN 978-1-61499-439-8 (print) | 978-1-61499-440-4 (online).

5.2. International Journal Articles

  1. Dat, L.Q., Son, T.A., Yu, V.F (forthcoming). A new fuzzy TOPSIS method for parting direction selection. Business Analytics and Operations Research (Taiwan) (accepted).
  2. Duc, D.A., Hang, D.T., Tam, P.M., Hue, T.T, Loi, T.V., Lien, L.T., Dat, L.Q*. (2020). Lecturers’ Research Capacity Assessment Using an Extension of Generalized Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISI-Q2) (R2).
  3. Duc, D.A., Van, L.H., Yu, V.F., Chou, S.Y., Dat, L.Q*. (2020). A dynamic generalized fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making approach for green supplier segmentation. PLOS ONE (ISI-Q1). (R1)
  4. Doan, L.T.T.; Amer, Y.; Lee, S.-H.; Phuc, P.N.K.; Dat, L.Q. (2019). E-Waste Reverse Supply Chain: A Review and Future Perspectives. Appl. Sci., 9, 5195.
  5. Linh, D. T. T., Amer, Y., Lee, S. H., Phuc, P. N. K., Dat, L. Q. (2019). A Comprehensive Reverse Supply Chain Model using an Interactive Fuzzy Approach - a Case Study on the Vietnamese Electronics Industry. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 76, 87-108. (ISI-Q1)
  6. Tam, P. M., Hang, D. T., Linh, D. T. T., Duong, T. T. T., Dat, L. Q.* (2019). A new framework for analyzing climate change impacts by vulnerability index and quantitative modeling: a case study of coastal provinces in Vietnam. Fuzzy Economic Review, 24(1), 25-46 (Scopus - Q4).
  7. Anh, N. T., Tuyen, T. Q., Huong, V. V., Dat, L. Q. (2019). Access to homebuyer credit and housing satisfaction among households buying affordable apartments in urban Vietnam. Cogent Economics & Finance, 7(1), 1638112. (Scopus - Q3)
  8. Dat, L.Q., Thong, N. T., Son, L. H., Ali, M., Smarandache, F., Abdel-Basset, M., Long, H. V. (2019). Linguistic Approaches to Interval Complex Neutrosophic Sets in Decision Making, IEEE Access, 7, 38902-38917 (ISI - Q1).
  9. Thong, N. T., Dat, L.Q., Son, L. H., Hoa, N. D., Ali, M., Smarandache, M. (2019). Dynamic interval valued neutrosophic set: Modeling decision making in dynamic environments. Computers in Industry, 108, 45-52 (ISI - Q1).
  10. Van, L.H., Yu, V.F., Dat, L.Q.*, Dung, C.C., Chou, S.Y., Loc, N.V. (2018). New Integrated Quality Function Deployment Approach Based on Interval Neutrosophic Set for Green Supplier Evaluation and Selection. Sustainability, 10, 838; doi:10.3390/su10030838 (ISI -Q2)
  11. Ali, M., Dat, L.Q., Son, L.H., Smarandache, F. (2018). Interval Complex Neutrosophic Set: Formulation and Applications in Decision-Making. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20(3), 986-999 (ISI-Q2)
  12. Anh, N.T., Tuyen, T.Q., Huong, V.V., Dat, L.Q. (2017). Housing satisfaction and its correlates: a quantitative study among residents living in their own affordable apartments in urban Hanoi, Vietnam. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19463138.2017.1398167 (Scopus- Q2)
  13. Minh, N.D., Dat, L.Q., Son, N.H., Tuan, P.M, Toan, N.D (2017). Application of Visual Management in Small Medium Enterprise in Vietnam. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 21, No. 6, 509-529 (Scopus - Q3, 4).
  14. Yu, V.F., Van, L.H., Dat, L.Q., Chi, H.T.X., Chou, S.Y., Duong, T.T.T (2017). Analyzing the ranking method for fuzzy numbers in fuzzy decision making based on the magnitude concepts. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 19(5), 1279-1289. [ISI-Q2].
  15. Chen, H.M.W., Chou, S.Y., Dat L.Q., Yu, T.H.K (2016). A Fuzzy MCDM Approach for Green Supplier Selection from the Economic and Environmental Aspects. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 8097386, 10 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/8097386 [ISI-Q2,3].
  16. Huan, N.C, Thinh, N.A, Dat, L.Q, Ngoc, D.T (2015).  Ranking the priority of marine economic activities in small islands based on fuzzy AHP: comparing decision of local residents and authorities in Cu Lao Bo Bai island, central Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Volume 3, 2(12) (Scopus-Q3,4).
  17. Dat, L.Q, Phuong, T.T., Kao, H.P., Chou, S.Y (2015). A new integrated fuzzy QFD approach for market segments evaluation and selection. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39 (13) 3653-3665 [ISI-Q1].
  18. Yu, V.F., Kuo, C.W., Dat, L.Q. (2014). Selection of key component vendor from the aspects of capability, productivity, and reliability. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 124652, 1-7. [ISI-Q2,3].
  19. Vincent, F.Y, Dat, L.Q. (2014). An improved ranking method for fuzzy numbers with integral values. Applied Soft Computing, 14 Part C, 603-608. [ISI-Q1].
  20. Vincent F.Y., Chi, H.T.X., Dat L.Q., Phuc, P.N.K., Shen, C.W. (2013). Ranking generalized fuzzy numbers in fuzzy decision making based on the left and right transfer coefficients and areas. Applied Mathematical Modelling. [ISI-Q1].
  21. Quang, N.H., Vincent, F.Y., Lin, A.C., Dat, L.Q., Chou, S.Y. (2013). Parting curve selection and evaluation using an extension of fuzzy MCDM approach. Applied Soft Computing, 13(4), 1952-1959. [ISI-Q1].
  22. Dat, L.Q., Yu, V.F., Chou, S.Y. (2012). An improved ranking method for fuzzy numbers based on the centroid-index. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 14(3), 413-419. [ISI-Q2].
  23. Phuc, P.N.K., Yu, V.F., Chou, S.Y., Dat, L.Q. (2012). Analyzing the ranking method for L-R fuzzy numbers based on deviation degree. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63(4), 1220-1226. [ISI-Q1].
  24. Dat, L.Q., Linh, D.T.T., Chou, S.Y., Yu, V.F. (2012). Optimizing reverse logistic costs for recycling end-of-life electrical and electronic products. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(7), 6380-6387. [ISI-Q1]. [Top 25 Hottest Articles of Expert Systems with Applications in 2012 - by Science direct]. 
  25. Yu, V.F., Dat, L.Q., Quang, N.H., Son, T.A., Chou, S.Y., Lin, A.C. (2012). An extension of fuzzy TOPSIS approach based on centroid-index ranking method. Scientific Research and Essays, 7(14), 1485-1493.
  26. Dat, T.M., Nieh, Y.F.N., Lee, M.F.R., Khotimah, W.N., Dat, L.Q. (2012). Intelligent Autonomous Navigation System for the Wheeled Mobile. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 383-390, 1611-1618. [EI].
  27. Dat, L.Q., Yu, V.F., Chou, S.Y. (2012). An improved ranking method for fuzzy numbers using left and right indices. International Proceedings of Computer Science & Information Tech, Vol. 49, p89. 
  28. Chou, S.Y., Dat, L.Q., Yu, V.F. (2011). A revised method for ranking fuzzy numbers using maximizing set and minimizing set. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61(4), 1342-1348. [ISI-Q1].

5.3. International Conferences Papers

  1. Doan, L.T.T., Amer, Y., Lee, S.H., Dat, L.Q. (2018). Optimizing Total Cost for an Electronic Waste Reverse Supply Chain Model. Unmaking waste 2018, International Conference, 20-23 September, Adelaide, South Australia.
  2. Son, N.H., Dat, L.Q. (2016). A new fuzzy topsis for green supplier segmentation. Asia Pacific Conference on Information Management, October 20-22, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  3. Van, L.H., Yu, V.F., Chou, S.Y., Dat, L.Q. (2016). Supplier Selection and Evaluation Using Generalized Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making. The Eighth International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE2016), October 6-8, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  4. Dat, L.Q., Viet, N.Q., Thu, N.T.P. (2015). Innovation and Renovation: Public services and spending. Public Policy Conference (PPSD 2015), Nov 12, Hanoi, Vietnam (in Vietnamese).
  5. Son, T.A., Loc, P.H., Dat, L.Q., Phu, B.H., Nam, N.T. (2014). Determination of Slider Features in Plastic Moldings. AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (RCMME 2014), October 9-10th, HUST, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  6. Dat, L.Q. (2014). A fuzzy MCDM based on new arithmetic operations between generalized fuzzy numbers. The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2014). Poster presentation, August 13 - 21st, Coex, Seoul, Korea.
  7. Chou, S.Y., Tuyet, N.A., Dat, L.Q., Yu, T.H.K., Gang, G., Shieh, S.C. (2014). Power Generation and Economic Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic System in Taiwan. The 1st International Conference on Intelligent Green Building and Smart Grid (IGBSG 2014), April 23-25th, 2014, NTUST, Taipei, Taiwan (IEEE data base).
  8. Dat, L.Q., Dung, C.C., Chou, S.Y., Yu, V.F. (2013). Improved arithmetic operations on generalized fuzzy numbers. 2013 International conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY 2013), December 6-8, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan (IEEE/Scopus).
  9. Ngoan, N.T., Dat, L.Q., Wu, C.M. (2013). Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam: A comparison. Conference on Service and Technology Management, National Taipei University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, March 26th.
  10. Chou, S.Y., Dewabharata, A., Yu, V.F., Dat, L.Q. (2012). A fuzzy TOPSIS approach for medical provider selection and evaluation. 2012 International conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY2012), November 16-18, Taichung, Taiwan (IEEE).
  11. Son, T.A., Lin, A.C., Dat, L.Q. (2012). Parting direction selection and evaluation using an extension of fuzzy MCDM approach. 2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI2012), November 10-11, Guangzhou, China.
  12. Dat, L.Q., Yu, V.F., Chou, S.Y. (2012). An improved ranking method for fuzzy numbers using left and right indices. International Conference on Computer Design and Engineering, September 1st-2nd, Phuket Island, Thailand.
  13. Chou, S.Y., Yu, V.F., Dat, L.Q. (2011). An improved fuzzy number ranking method based on the centroid-index. IESS 2011, Sep. 20-22, Surakarta, Indonesia.
  14. Dat, L.Q., Linh, D.T.T., Chou, S.Y., Yu, V.F. (2010). Optimizing reverse logistics costs for recycling end-of-life electrical and electronic products. MCP-Asia Pacific 2010, December 6-8, NTUST, Taipei, Taiwan.
  15. Dat, T.M., Nieh, Y.F.N., Lee, M.F.R., Khotimah, W.N., Dat, L.Q. (2010). Intelligent Autonomous Navigation System for the Wheeled Mobile. The 3rd International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics, September 6-9, River View Hotel, Singapore.

5.4. Domestic Journal Articles (in Vietnamese)

  1. Hue, T.T., Tuan, N.A., Dat, L.Q. (2020). Current situation and solutions to improve the effectiveness of scientific research of universities’ lecturers in Vietnam. VASP Journal of Social Psychology, No. 4, 126-135.
  2. Dat, L. Q.  Duc, D. A., Dung, C. C., Trang, N. T., Huyen, T. T. (2019). Application of MCDM model assessing lecturer’s performance. Journal of Economics and Development, No. 266, 85-92.
  3. Duc, Đ. A., Dung, C. C., Phuong, B. H., Dat, L. Q. (2019). Assessing the working motivational factors of Lecturers at UEB-VNU. Journal of Scocial Psychology, No. 9, 2019.
  4. Thanh, V.Đ., Duong, T.T.T., Long, N.X., Dat, L.Q. Applying the TOPSIS method to evaluate the lecturers’ performance. VASP Journal of Social Psychology, No. 04, 2018.
  5. Dat, L.Q., Phuong, B.H., Thu, N.T.P., Anh, T.T.L. Developing an integrated MCDM model to select and evaluate green supplier. VNU Journal of Economics and Business, No. 3, 2017.
  6. Le, NT., Cuong, N.M., Dat, L.Q. Prioritization of Factors Impacting on Water Security Using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method in Da river’s mainstream. Journal of Natural Resources and Environment, No 13, Sep., 2016
  7. Le, N.T., Dung, H.T., Dat, L.Q. Energy security in Vietnam: The influencing factors and solutions. Economic Studies, No. 6(457), June, 2016.
  8. Thieu, Đ.Q, Hai, H.V., Hien, H.T., Dat, L.Q. Selecting distribution center location using a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economics, ISSN 0868-3808, No. 468, 4/2016.
  9. Le, N.T., Dat, L.Q. Current situation and solutions to attract Foreign Direct Investment in Nam Dinh. Journal of Economics and Development, No. 225, 03/2016.
  10. Dat, L.Q., Dung, C.C., Dung, H.T., Men, D.T., Ha, V.N. Developing a model to evaluate lecturer performance. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economics, ISSN 0868-3808, 6/2015
  11. Dat, L.Q, Hai, N.H., Lam, N.Đ. Medicine dispending system selection and evaluation using a fuzzy QFD model. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economics, ISSN 0868-3808, 2015.

5.5. Domestic Conferences Papers (in Vietnamese)

  1. Dat, L.Q., Thieu, D.Q. Developing an integrated fuzzy MCDM for green supplier selection and evaluation. National Conference on application of Mathematics, 23-25/12/2015.
  2. Dat, L.Q. (2013). A new fuzzy QFD model for evaluating and selecting medicine dispensing systems. The confrerence on “The moderm economic theories and management, and policy implications for Vietnam”, July, Faculty of Political Economics, VNU - University of Economics and Bussiness.

6. Professional activities:

6.1. Editorial services

  1. Associate editor of "Business Analytics and Operations Research", Taiwan
  2. Editorial board of “Neutrosophic Sets and Systems: An International Journal in Information Science and Engineering”, USA

6.2. Reviewer

International Journals:

  1. Applied Mathematical Modelling (SCI)
  2. Fuzzy Sets and Systems (SCI)
  3. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (SCIE)
  4. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering
  5. International Journal of Production Research (SCI)
  6. Renewable & Sustainable and Energy Reviews (SCI)
  7. Waste Management (SCI)
  8. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making (SCI)
  9. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (SCI)
  10. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (SCIE)
  11. Applied Computing and Informatics
  12. Computers & Industrial Engineering (SCI)
  13. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering (Scopus)

Domestic Journals:

  • VNU Journal of Science
  • Journal of Economics and Development

International Conferences:

  • First Annual International Scholars Conference in Taiwan 2013 (AISC-Taiwan 2013)
  • The 16th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2015).
  • The international conferences on Economics, Development and Sustainability (EDESUS Conference), 2019

7. Research Projects

  1. A new integrated fuzzy multi-criteria decision making: application in lecturers performance evaluation at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, NAFOSTED, Principal investigator, 04/2017-03/2019.
  2. Research on developing a water security model - application to the use of water for hydropower on mainstream of Song Da. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Member, 01/2015-12/2016.
  3. Developing a new fuzzy multi-criteria decision making for evaluating teacher’s performance. VNU - University of Economics and Business, Principal investigator, 10/2014-07/2015.
  4. Researching and applying the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for public services units in order to attract investment in Nam Dinh Province. Department of Science and Technology - Nam Dinh, Member, 5/2015-10/2016.