1. Personal information:
Full name
Ngoc Quy

Lecturer, School of Business Administration,
VNU University of Economics and Business
Academic title:
Foreign languages:
(84) 969990583
Cell phone:
Room 307,
School of Business Administration, VNU University
of Economics and Business
2. Education:
- 2001-2005:
Bachelor, Faculty of Archival Study and Office Management, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National
- 2005-2009:
Master, Faculty of Archival Study and Office Management, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi National
- 2011-2016:
PhD, University of Wollongong, Australia (integrated)
3. Employment/Experience
- 2020 - nay: Lecturer, VNU University of Economics and Business
- 2006 - 2019: Civil servant, Office of Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Vietnam
4. Research domain:
- Human resource management
- Strategic management
- Business strategy
5. Publications:
5.1. Books
- Documents
of the Southern Department of the Vietnam Labour Party 1946-1975, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2018, member of editor
5.2. Articles, working
- Nguyen
Ngoc Quy (2007), Documental system of the
Communist Party of Vietnam in the administrative reform and global economic
integration, Journal of Archives and Records Administration, Vol 5, 2007, ISSN - 0866 7365
- Nguyen, Q.N.
(2014), Institutional influences on human resource management practices in
equitised state owned enterprises in Vietnam. ANZAM Year-End Doctoral Workshop,
Sydney, 1st -2nd December 2014.
- Nguyen, Q.N. and McLean, P. (2014), Equitisation of state owned
enterprises in Vietnam: Institutional forces and resistance. Paper presented at
the 20th International Employee Relations Association (IERA)
Conference, Darwin, 2nd -5th November 2014.
- Nguyen, Q.N.
(2015), The effect of coercive forces on HRM practices in Vietnamese ESOEs.
Paper presented at Faculty of Business Higher Degree Research Student
Conference, Wollongong, 17th-18th September 2015.
- Nguyen Ngoc Quy (2017), The quality and solutions to
improve the quality of human resource in the CPV’s Archives system, proceedings
of the VNU Universtity of Social Sciences and Humannities conference on
Orientation for Archives development in the area and gloabal integration
context, Hanoi, 8th November 2017
- Nguyen Minh Phuoc, Nguyen Ngoc Quy (2019), Startup
experiences of Finish Enterprise and Experiential lessons for Vietnam, proceedings of international conference on
Entrepreneurship and creativity: Opportunities and challenges for Vietnam’s
enterprises, Hanoi Publishing House, September
2019, ISBN: 978-604-55-4620-8
- Nguyen Ngoc Quy, Nguyen Minh Phuoc
(2019), Impact
of The New Generation of Free Trade Agreement on small and medium enterprises
in Vietnam, proceedings of national conference on International trade –
Policies and practices in Vietnam, Pulishing House for Science and Technology,
Hanoi, November 2019, ISBN: 978-604-67-1403-3.
5.3. Research
- “Studying to
identify records and documents and build sample document catalogue of social
and political organisations from central government to regional cities and
provinces” (Ministry level), Code: KHBD (2007)-31.
Hosting office: Office of Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam,
member of the research group.
- “Building the
sample charts of storage for major documents of central political and social
organisations” (Ministry level), Code : KHBD
(2011)-20. Hosting office: Office of Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Vietnam, member of the research group.
- “Solutions to improve audiovisual records
management practices in Historical Archives of Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Vietnam”, (Organizational level) Code: KHVP
(2017)-02, Hosting office: Office of Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Vietnam, member of the research group.
- “Building samples for major documents of
provincal level organizations”, (Organizational level) Code: KHVP
(2018)-03, Hosting office: Office of Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Vietnam, member of the research group.