Personal information:
Full name:
Bui Phuong Chi

Year of birth:
Academic title:
PhD in Finance
Foreign languages:
English, Traditional Chinese
+84 37554 7506 ext.707
Cell phone:
+84 88 656 9988
Office address:
E4 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay
Dist., Hanoi
- 2009-2013:
Bachelor in Finance - Ton Duc Thang University; Bachelor in Business
Administration - Lunghwa University of Science and Technology
- 2014-2016:
Master of Science in Finance - College of Management, Yuan Ze University
- 2016-2020:
PhD in Finance - College of Management, Yuan Ze University
- 03/2020-present:
Lecturer, Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, VNU University of Economy and
- 09/2016-01/2020:
Lecturer, Research Assistance - College of Management, Yuan Ze University,
National Taipei University, Taiwan
- 2014-2018:
Chairman - Vietnamese Students’ Association of Yuan Ze University
- 02/2017-09/2017:
Professional Assistance - 16th International Conference on Technology Policy
and Innovation
- 06/2016-03/2017:
AACSB office’s supporter in Yuan Ze University
- 09/2014-07/2016:
Teaching Assistance, Research Assistance - College of Management, Yuan Ze
University, Taiwan
- 2013-2014:
Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)
- 09-11/2011:
Golden Bridge Securities Investment Joint Stock Company (GBIC)
- 2006-2013:
Work for Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam National Unions of
Students, Ton Duc Thang University
Research domain:
- Corporate
- Corporate
- Managerial
- Stock
- Executive
Options Pricing
Articles, working papers
- Chia
Ying Chan, Ming Chun Wang, Phuong Chi Bui, Chung His Ku and Li Ling Chao.
Investor Attention, Price Discovery, and Volatility Spillovers: An Intraday
Analysis. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, upcoming. (ISSN: 1469-9648).
- Phuong
Chi Bui, Jung Chiu Su and Chia Ying Chan (2020). Labor relations intensity,
disclosure and Earnings Management and smoothing: Evidence from Taiwan.
International Conference on Business Administration - National Taipei
University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wang
Ming Chun, Liu Yu Jane, Chan Chia Ying, Phuong Chi Bui, and Lo Huai Chun
(2019). Investor Type, Options, and Mental Accounting: Evidence from the Taiwan
Index Options Trading. Journal of Futures and Options 12 (1), 81-139. (ISSN:
- Chia
Ying Chan, Phuong Chi Bui, Alex YiHou Huang and Siou Yi Lin (2017). The
Association Among Compensation Committee Quality, Degree of Compensation
Information Disclosure Transparency and Excess CEO Pay. Vietnam Symposium in
Banking and Finance, Hochiminh city, Vietnam.
Research projects
- Phuong
Chi Bui and Chia Ying Chan (2020). The Association among Severance Pay, Inside
debt, Managerial Skill and Compensation Committee Quality. Taiwan National
Science Council - National Taiwan Library.
- Chia
Ying Chan, Chih Yung Lin and Phuong Chi Bui (2018). Do Executives Pay Match
Their Managerial Skill? Evidence from the U.S. Taiwan National Science Council.
- Phuong
Chi Bui and Chia Ying Chan (2017). Who let the dogs out? The Audit Committee
Quality, Compensation Committee Quality in relation to Firm's Default Event:
the US case. Taiwan National Science Council.
- Chia
Ying Chan and Phuong Chi Bui (2016). A Good Watchdog-The Impact of Compensation
Committee Quality on the Consequence of CEO’s M&A Decision. Taiwan National
Science Council.
- Phuong
Chi Bui and Chia Ying Chan (2016). The Impact of Entrenchment Index and
Consultant On Compensation Committee Quality. Taiwan National Science Council -
National Taiwan Library.
Other editorial/research activities:
- 2014:
Received a full scholarship for the Master of Science in Finance program - Yuan
Ze University.
- 2016:
Certificate of membership in Beta Gamma Sigma for the high scholastic
achievement - the international honor society for collegiate schools of
business (AACSB, USA).
- 2016:
Received a full scholarship for the PhD in Finance program - Yuan Ze