1. Personal
Full name:
Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai

Year of
Lecturer, Faculty of International Business and Economics, UEB - VNU
144 Xuan
Thuy str., Cau Giay dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
2. Education:
- 2009:
Bachelor in International Economics, University of Economics and Business, VNU
- 2014: Master
of Science in International Business, University College Dublin (Ireland)
- 2016-present:
PhD candidate in International Economics, University of Economics and Business,
- 2016-Present:
Lecturer, Faculty of International Business and Economics
- 2014-2016:
Communication and Training Coordinator, GDPRTE PROJECT “Capacity building for
policy research and training and education to advance green development” by
UNDP Vietnam and VNU University of Economics and Business.
- 2010-2013:
Programme Coordinator, University of Economics and Business – Vietnam National
University, Hanoi
- 2009-2010:
Brand Manager Assistant, DIANA Joint Stock Company
4. Research
- International
- International
Management: Managing across cultures
- International
5.1. Articles
published on journals of science
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2019), Factors influencing MNCs’ location decision: Research gaps
and some recommendations, VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business, Vol.
35, No. 3, 2019.
- Nguyen Anh
Thu, Vu Thanh Huong, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, Nguyen Thi
Vu Ha (2019), Conditions for Establishing Cross Border Economic Zones in the
North of Vietnam, Economic Horizons, Volume 21, No. 2, 2019.
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2018), Resource allocation to upgrade economic structure:
Experiences from South Korean industrial policy, VNU Journal of Science:
Economics and Business, p.37-45, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2018.
- Nguyen Anh
Thu, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai (2017), Theoretical background of establishing
cross-border economic zones and some recommendations, Journal of World
Political and Economic Issues June 2017.
- Nguyen Cam
Nhung and Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai (2017), The situation of China's border trade
development and lessons for Vietnam, Journal of World Political and Economic
Issues 5 (253), p:23-31, May 2017.
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai, John F. Cassidy (2016), MNC Subsidiary Embeddedness in the host
country: An integrated conceptual framework, VNU Journal of Science: Economics
and Business, Vol.32, No.2 (2016), 77-86.
- Nguyen Thi
Kim Anh, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, Hoang Thi Thanh Thuy (2016), Green University
model in Korea, Journal of Vietnam Social Sciences, 9(106), 2016, 100-107.
- Nguyen Thi
Kim Anh, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and some
issues and some problems of applying in Vietnam, Journal of African and Middle
East studies, No 12, p.31-37
* Reports on
International Conference Proceedings
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2019), Spatial distribution of foreign direct investment in Vietnam:
Current status and some recommendations, International Conference on Economic
Cooperation and Integration 2019 (CIECI 2019): The Dynamics of International
Trade and Global Supply Chains (ISBN: 978-604-67-1512-2) p. 188-197.
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2019), Embeddedness of the multinational subsidiaries in the host
country: The case of Samsung in Vietnam. Proceedings “International Conferences
for young researchers in economics and business”, (ICYREB 2019) (ISBN:
978-604-974-282-8), p.913-921.
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2018), Policies to develop market for business angel investment in
China, International Conference Proceedings "Attracting foreign angel
investment in host country for startup development: International experience
and implications for Vietnam”.
- Nguyen Anh
Thu, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, “Cross-border economic zones and some
recommendations” International Conference Proceedings on Some theoretical
issues and international experiences in the establishment, management and
development of Cross-border Economic Zone, 05/2017.
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2016) Barriers in adopting green growth strategy: Case of Ha Long
city (Vietnam), The Third Asia Future Conference in Japan (ISSN 2432-0528).
- Pham Thai
Quoc, Nguyen Cam Nhung and Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai (2016), China experiences in
managing cross-border trade and lessons for Vietnam, International Conference
Proceedings on Border Trade Development: International experiences and
implications for Vietnam, 09/2016.
- Pham Thai
Quoc, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai and Nguyen Cam Nhung (2016), Current development
status of China cross border trade and lessons for Vietnam, International
Conference Proceedings on Border Trade Development: International experiences
and implications for Vietnam, 09/2016.
- Nguyen Hong
Son, Nguyen Anh Thu, Nguyen Thi Vu Ha, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai, Research, training
and education for green growth: The case of VNU-University of Economics and
Business, The 4th Asian University Forum (AUF) 21-23 May, 2015, Quang Ninh,
* Reports on
National Conference Proceedings
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2019), Current situation and mechanism of foreign direct investment
allocation in Vietnam, National conference proceedings "Allocating
resources for Vietnam's economic development: Current situation and policy
implications", p.185- 198.
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2018), Assessment of the status of formation and development of
cross-border economic zones in Quang Ninh province, National conference
proceedings “"Conditions for formation and development of cross-border
economic zones of Vietnam".
- Nguyen Thi Thanh
Mai (2017), Resource allocation to upgrade economic structure: Experiences from
South Korean industrial policy, National Conference Proceedings on Resource
Allocation for Economic Development: Theoretical Model, International
Experiences and Implication to Vietnam, p. 182-197.
- Nguyen Cam
Nhung, Nguyen Thi Thanh Mai (2017), Singapore experiences in education and
allocating high quality human resource for economic development, National
Conference Proceedings on Resource Allocation for Economic Development:
Theoretical Model, International Experiences and Implication to Vietnam, p.
- Nguyen Thi
Thanh Mai (2017), Managing cross-border trade of the Northeast regions: Current
status and some issues, National Conference Proceedings on Development and Management
of border trade of the Northeast region - Current status and some issues
5.3. Research
* Research
projects at state level
- Solutions to
Develop and Manage Cross-Border Trade (Goods and Services) in Tay Bac Region,
No. KHCN-TB.18X/13-18, 2015-2017 - Member.
- Scientific
basis for the establishment and development of Cross-Border Economic Zones in
Vietnam, No. KX01.09/16-20, 2016 -2018 - Member.
- Resources
allocation in a socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam: Current
situation, issues and solutions, No. KX04.14/16-20, 2016 - 2018 - Member.
* Research
projects at UEB level- Foreign
Direct Investment of MNCs into ASEAN countries in the context of digital
transformation (2019-2020), Chair.