1. Personal information:
Full name:
Duy Anh Le

Year of birth:
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies
Foreign languages:
Office address:
University of Business and Economics (VNU-UEB), Hanoi, E4 building, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay,
Hanoi, Vietnam
2. Education:
- 2012: Bachelor of Arts in Economics, University college,
Durham University, Durham, UK
- 2013: Master of Philosophy in Development Studies, St
Edmund’s college, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
- 2020: Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies,
Gonville and Caius college, University of Cambridge, Cambridge
3. Employment/Experience:
- 2012-present: Consultant, ICT consultancy, Ha Noi,
- 2014-2015: Lecturer, Academy of Policies and Development,
Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ha Noi, Vietnam
- 2019-2020: Intern, UK Department of Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs, London, UK
4. Research domain:
- Sustainable development
- Behavioral economics
- Water and sanitation
- Life under sea
- Public services provision
5. Publications:
5.1. Books:
* Coo-author of:
- Institutional reform in managing, using and monitoring
Official Development Assistance (ODA) fund in Vietnam in order to sustain
Vietnam‘s foreign and national debts in the new development era 2013-2020, Tri
Thuc publisher, 2014.
- A Study of Ben Tre Province’s main products and services,
using systematic marketing tools to produce an evidence-based Action Plan for
the economic development of the Province through tourism and branded exports,
Dan Tri publisher, 2020
5.2. Articles, working papers (published on journals of
science, yearbooks or conferences’ reports)
- Le, D. A. and Makarchev, N. (2020) ‘Latrine use practices
and predictors in Rural Vietnam: Evidence from Giong Trom district, Ben Tre’,
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 228, p. 113554. doi:
10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113554. (Impact factor 4.8).
5.3. Research projects (from state level, ministry/VNU
level to UEB level):
Project(completed): Feasibility Study for Ben Tre
General hospital and Cho Ray 2 General Hospital
- Successfully completed the data collection assigned
through interviews with the hospitals’ doctors, technicians and specialists
- Satisfactorily translated documents English-Vietnamese
(and vice versa) to meet requirements by the Client: Japanese International
Cooperation Agency and Korean Economic Development Co-operation Fund
(2) Project(completed): Research on the impact of Water
Sanitation and Hygiene intervention programs and projects on related diseases
of under-5 children in Viet Nam
- Effectively researched and prepared desk research on
literature review, contributed to the approval of the research proposal by the
client- UNICEF and Vietnam Health Environment Management Agency
- Helpfully participated in the designing, testing of the
questionnaire including quantitative and qualitative surveys and interviews
- Directly carried out the fieldwork data collection as a
member of the fieldwork team, ensured data was collected in an accurate and
effective method.
- Analyzed the collected data and wrote parts of the final
report that was successfully approved and accepted by the client
(3) Project(completed): Assessing the institutional
capability in planning, managing and implementing ODA projects of district and
commune officials in the Central Highland of Vietnam
- Successfully collected the required data as an
- Completed interviews with local government officials in
an accurate and professional manner
- Effectively assisted the team leader in organizing and
managing the project to achieve the progress demanded by the client-The World
- Translated the final report from Vietnamese into English
to the required standard by the client
(4) Project(completed): Research on institutional reform in
managing, using and monitoring Official Development Assistance (ODA) fund in
Vietnam in order to sustain Vietnam ‘s foreign and national debts in the new
development era 2013-2020- Successfully completed the literature review on ODA,
national debt and policies, contributed to the completion of the final report
- Completed interview with key experts and government
officials as part of the data collection process
- Wrote 2 chapters of the final report that was approved
and accepted by the Client-Vietnam Presidential Office
- Edit and publish a book based on the study
(5) Project(completed): (Provincial level search project) A
provincial research, A Study of Ben Tre Province’s main products and services,
using systematic marketing tools to produce an evidence- based Action Plan for
the economic development of the Province through tourism and branded exports.
- Successfully prepared and presented the proposal to the
client Ben Tre Provincial Committee and secured their approval
- Managed and supervised the project so achieve
satisfactory progress, responded timely to client’s enquiries and resolved them
within the firm’s resources
- Wrote and contributed to the final report accepted by the
client- Ben Tre Department of Science and Technology
- Edited and published a book based on the study
6. Scientific and technical awards:
- Procurement and project management certificate, Ha Noi
University of Foreign Trade, Ha Noi, Vietnam, 2013
- Course completion certificate: Management experience of
the UK healthcare system, City of Glasgow college, Glasgow UK, 2015
- Course completion certificate: Building urban government
of Paris, National School of Administration (ENA), Paris, France, 2018
- Course completion certificate: The UK welfare system,
City of Glasgow college, Glasgow, UK, 2018
- Course completion certificate: Youth studies in Finland,
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, 2019
- Encouragement prize in the science and technology competition
(2019) organized by Vietnam Firefighting and Rescue Police Department:
introduction of the intelligence movement technology in firefighting and rescue
in Highrise buildings in Vietnam
- Suzy Pain Fund, Faculty of Economics, University of