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Le Dinh Hai

1. Personal Details:

Full name:

Le Dinh Hai


Year of birth:



Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Development Economics,   VNU-UEB


Doctor of Natural Resources and Environmental  Economics (2013)

Academic title:

Associate Professor (2019)

Foreign languages:



haild.ueb@vnu.edu.vn, haifuv@yahoo.com


(84) 963 587 150

Office address:

144 Xuan Thuy Str., Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi

2. Education:
  • 2009-2013: PhD in Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia
  • 2004-2006: Master of Environmental Management and Development, Australian National University (ANU), Australia
  • 2/2001-12/2001: English Specific Purpose (ESP) Certificate, Vietnam and Australia Training Centre (VAT)
  • 12/1999: Research Certificate on Sustainable Rural Development,  Vietnam-Netherlands Research Programme (VNRP)
  • 9/1996-10/1996: Certificate on Business Management, Vietnam National Economics University
  • 1991-1996: Forestry Engineer, Specialised in Forestry Economic Management, Vietnam National University of Forestry.               
3. Working experiences:
  • 03/2020-Now: Lecturer, Faculty of Development Economics, VNU-UEB.
  • 1/2019-2/2020: Associate Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Forestry.
  • 9/2017-12/2019: Head of Center for Social Work and Rural Development, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Forestry.
  • 11/2014-8/2017: Dean, Faculty of Economics, Vietnam National University of Forestry - Branch in Dong Nai province.
  • 10/2013-10/2014 - Present: Deputy Head, Department of Enterprise Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Forestry.
  • 3/1997-9/2013: Lecturer, Department of Enterprise Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Forestry.

* Courses Taught:

  • Introduction to Natural Resource Economics (Taught in English);
  • Natural Resources and Environment Economics;
  • Econometrics; Economics of Land Resources;
  • Applied informatics in Economic Management;
  • Marketing Principles; Marketing Management;
  • Forestry Project Management (Taught in English);
  • Applied Econometrics for PhD students;
  • Socio-Economic Research Methodology.

* Main research orientation:

  • Economics and policies on agriculture and rural development
  • Economics and policies on natural resource and environment
  • Sustainable livelihood development
  • Multidimensional poverty reduction, sustainable poverty reduction
  • Value chains
  • Circular economy
  • Economic management
4. Publications:

4.1. Textbook, training materials and monographs:

  1. Le Dinh Hai (Editor-in-chief), 2019. Assessing reforestation project success in tropical developing countries: Case studies in the Philippines and Vietnam, Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi, ISBN: 978-604-67-1279-4. Monograph.
  2. Le Dinh Hai (Editor-in-chief), Nguyen Van Tuan, Nguyen Minh Dao, 2018. Applied Informatics in Economic Management, Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi, ISBN: 978-604 -67-1172-8. Textbook.
  3. Mai Thi Lan Huong, Nghiem Thi Tan, Le Dinh Hai, Le Trung Hung, Pham Thanh Hai, 2018. Training materials - Marketing for Organic Agricultural Products, Vietnam Organic Agriculture Association and ADDA (Agricultural Development Denmark Asia).
  4. Tran Thi Thu Ha, Le Dinh Hai, 2017. Natural Resource Economics and Environment, Science and Technology Publishing House, Hanoi, ISBN: 978-604-60-1102-6. Textbook.

4.2. Articles

* Published on International Journals:

  1. Hai Dinh Le & Thoa Thi Kim Nguyen (2020). The contribution of non-timber forest products to the livelihoods of forest-dependent people: a case study in Hoa Binh province, Vietnam. The Journal of Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. Print ISSN: 1472-8028 Online ISSN: 2164-3075. (SCOPUS, IF: 1.290).Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14728028.2020.1770131
  2. Hai Dinh Le, Carl Smith, John Herbohn & Huong Nguyen, 2020. A Comparison of Growth, Structure and Diversity of Mixed Species and Monoculture Reforestation Systems in the Philippines. The Journal of Sustainable Forestry. Print ISSN: 1054-9811 Online ISSN: 1540-756X. (SCI; IF: 1.272).Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10549811.2020.1767145
  3. Thi Mai Anh Tran, Dongwook W. Ko, Chan Ryul Park & Hai Dinh Le, 2019. A Bayesian Network analysis of reforestation decisions by rural mountain communities in Vietnam, The Journal of Forest Science and Technology. 15(2): 51-57. Print ISSN: 2158-0103 Online ISSN: 2158-0715. (SCOPUS; IF: 1.09). Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21580103.2019.1581665
  4. Hai Dinh Le, C. Smith and J. Herbohn (2015). Identifying interactions among reforestation success drivers: A case study from the Philippines. The Journal of Ecological Modelling 316(C): 62-77. ISSN: 0304-3800. (SCI; IF: 2.497). Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304380015003531
  5. Herbohn, J.L., Vanclay, J., Nguyen, H., Le, H.D., Baynes, J., Harrison, S.R., Cedamon, E., Smith, C, Firn, J., Gregorio, N.O. , Mangaoang, E. and Lamarre, E. , 2014. Inventory Procedures for Smallholder and Community Woodlots in the Philippines: Methods, Initial Findings and Insights. The Journal of Small-scale Forestry. 13(1): 79-100. Electronic ISSN:    1873-7854, Print ISSN: 1873-7617. (SCI; IF: 1.453). Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11842-013-9242-6
  6. Hai Dinh Le, C. Smith and J. Herbohn (2014). What drives the success of reforestation projects in tropical developing countries? The case of the Philippines. The Journal of Global Environmental Change 24: 334-348. ISSN: 0959-3780. (SSCI; IF: 10.466). Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959378013001623
  7. Hai Dinh Le, Smith, C., Herbohn, J. and Harrison, S., 2012. More than just trees: Assessing reforestation success in tropical developing countries. Journal of Rural Studies. 28 (1): 5-19. ISSN: 0743-0167. (SSCI; IF: 3.544). Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0743016711000568

* International Scientific Workshop Proceedings

  1. Hai Dinh Le, 2018. The Contribution of Non-timber Forest Products to the Livelihoods of Forest-dependent People: Case Study in Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam. Paper for APFNet Training Workshop on Forestry and Rural Livelihood Development (1-14 November, 2018 Yunnan, China).
  2. Thi Mai Anh Tran & Hai Dinh Le, 2017. Analyzing the key drivers of tree planting from local people with Bayesian Networks in Cao Phong District, Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam. Poster at the 10th International Conference on Traditional Forest Knowledge and Culture in Asia “Traditional Use of “Non-Wood Forest Products” and Its Sustainability in Asia”, March 2017.
  3. Le, H.D., 2012. Lessons from past reforestation programs in the Philippines. The planning workshop for ASEM/2010/050 'Improving watershed rehabilitation outcomes in the Philippines using a system approach'. July 18-20, 2012 at Sabin Resort Hotel, Ormoc City, Leyte, the Philippines.

* Published on National Journals:

  1. Le Trung Hung, Bui Thi Minh Nguyet, Pham Thi Hue, Le Dinh Hai, 2019. Status and opportunity for developing forest product processing in Nghe An province. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 24/2019. ISSN: 1859 – 4581.
  2. Le Dinh Hai, 2019. Factors affecting the taxpayers' satisfaction with the quality of public administrative services at the office of Hanoi Tax Department. Journal of Finance and Accounting Research. 5/2019. ISSN: 1859 –4093.
  3. Vo Thi Hai Hien, Le Dinh Hai, Luu Thi Van, 2019. Small-sized timber or large-sized timber plantation: a case study in Vinh Linh district, Quang Tri province, 2019. Key factors influencing the participation of local households in REDD+ program: a case study in Vietnam. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 7/2019. ISSN: 2615 – 9368.
  4. Le Dinh Hai, Hoang Thi Lan Phuong, 2019. Key factors influencing the participation of local households in REDD+ program: a case study in Vietnam. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 7/2019. ISSN: 2615 – 9368.
  5. Luu Thi Thao, Le Dinh Hai, 2019. Solution to develop fish cage farming in Hoa Binh hydropower reservoir area, Hoa Binh province. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 3/2019. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  6. Pham Thi Hue, Le Dinh Hai, 2018. The rearangement, innovation, improvement of performance for forestry companies in VietNam after the implementation of resolution 30 – NQ/TW. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 13/2018. ISSN: 1859 – 4581.
  7. Le Dinh Hai, Nguyen Thanh Son, 2018. Solutions to strengthen willingness to participation of perople in new countryside program in Tan Phu district, Dong Nai province. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 9/2018. ISSN: 1859 – 4581.
  8. Le Dinh Hai, 2018. Opinions of people who are learning on quality of vocational training for rural labour in Trang Bom district, Dong Nai province. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 6/2018. ISSN: 1859 – 4581.
  9. Pham Thi Hue, Le Dinh Hai, 2018. Influence of organisatinal management structure on profit margin at forestry enterprises in the North of VietNam. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 2/2018. ISSN: 1859 – 4581.
  10. Pham Thi Hue, Le Dinh Hai, 2018. Factors influencing satisfaction of people for quality of public administration services in Cam My district, Dong Nai province. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 3/2018. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  11. Le Dinh Hai, Pham Thanh Huong, 2018. Key factors influencing tree planting decisions of households: a case study in Hoa Binh province. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 2/2018. ISSN: 2615 – 9368.
  12. Le Dinh Hai, 2018. Analysing value chain of safe cabbage in Phuc Tho district, Ha Noi city. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 3/2018. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  13. Mai Thi Lan Huong, Le Dinh Hai, 2018. Factors influencing quality of tax administration in Ung Hoa Taxation Department – Ha Noi city. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 1/2018. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  14. Le Dinh Hai, 2018. Applying exploratory factor analysis to study factors influencing working motivation of direct workers in Sentec Vietnam. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 1/2018. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  15. Nguyen Thuy Dung, Hoang Thi Kim Oanh, Le Dinh Hai, 2017. Status and factors influencing study results of students from Economics and Business Management Faculty, Vietnam Forestry University. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 10/2017. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  16. Le Ngoc Diep, Le Dinh Hai, Vo Thi Kim Hang, Le Huyen Trang, Le Thi Cam Nhung, Ho Thu Quyen, 2017. Factors influencing satisfaction of individual customers for service quality of domestic debit cards in Vietcombank - Dong Nai Branch. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 6/2017. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  17. Le Dinh Hai, Nguyen Thi Huong, 2017. Factors influencing residential land prices in Tien Du district, Bac Ninh province. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 5/2017. ISSN: 2615 – 9368.
  18. Le Dinh Hai, 2017. Factors influencing income of peasant households in Bavi district, Hanoi City. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 4/2017. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  19. Vu Thi Hue, Le Dinh Hai, Nguyen Van Phu, 2017. Factors influencing the Vietnam National University of Forestry – Southern Campus choice decision of high - school students in Dong Nai province. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 4/2017. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  20. Le Dinh Hai, 2017. Solutions to escape poverty for ethnic minority households in Binh Phuoc province. Journal of Economics & Development 236 (II), 50-62. ISSN: 1859 – 0012.
  21. Le Dinh Hai, 2017. Factors influencing satisfaction of individual customers for service quality of Asia Commercial Bank- Thang Long Branch. Banking Science and Training Review, 183/2017. ISSN: 1859 - 011X.
  22. Le Dinh Hai, Le Ngoc Diep, 2016. Factors influencing economic efficiency of marterial sugarcane production of households in Van Loi commune, Quy Hop district, Nghe An province. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 6/2016. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  23. Le Dinh Hai, 2016. Using exploratory factor analysis to identify factors influencing study results of students from economics and business management faculty, Vietnam Forestry University. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology. 2/2016. ISSN: 1859 – 3828.
  24. Nguyen Le Quyen, Le Dinh Hai, Tran Dang Ninh, 2016. Analysing some input factors enfluencing black papper yield with the prodution function in Cam My district, Dong Nai province. Journal of Forests and Environment. 80/2016. ISSN: 1859 – 1248.
  25.  Le Ngoc Diep, Le Dinh Hai, 2015. Current status and solutions to aquaculture development in Hoang Hoa district - Thanh Hoa province. Journal of Forests and Environment. 73/2015. ISSN: 1859 – 1248.
5. Research projects:
  1. Factors affecting the decision on the choice of Forestry University's branch of high school students in Dong Nai province. Funded by Vietnam National University of Forestry – 2nd Branch. 01/2017-12/2017. Position: Project leader.
  2. Application of Bayesian Network Model in identifying factors influencing household reforestation decisions in Cao Phong district, Hoa Binh province. Funded by Vietnam National University of Forestry. 01/2016-12/2016. Position: Project leader.
  3. Application of Bayesian Network Model in studying the factors affecting the academic results of students of Forestry University – 2nd Branch. Funded by Vietnam National University of Forestry – 2nd Branch. 01/2015-12/2015. Position: Project leader.
  4. Application of Bayesian Network Model in studying the factors affecting the academic results of students of Forestry University. Funded by Vietnam National University of Forestry. 01/2014-12/2014. Position: Project leader.
  5. Key drivers to the successful establishment and long-term sustainability of reforestation projects. Funded by MOET & UQ Scholarship. 02/2009-03/2013. UQ PhD Thesis.
  6. Develop theoretical and practical basis for the forest land market and forest lease in Vietnam. Funded by MARD. 01/2008-12/2009. Position: Project Collaborator.
  7. Some solutions to improve production and business efficiency for forestry companies.  Funded by MARD. 01/2008-12/2009. Position: Project Secretary.
  8. The Contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to the Livelihoods of Forest-Dependent People: Case Study in Vietnam. Funded by Ausaid. 06/2005-06/2006. ANU Master Thesis.
  9. Research on forest product markets in Northern provinces of Vietnam. Funded by MARD. 01/1999-12/1999. Position: Project Collaborator.
  10. Strengthening national capacity for implementation of tropical forestry programs. Funded by MARD and FAO. 01/1997-12/1997. Position: Field researcher.
  11. Studying and evaluating the results of forestry land allocation policy. Funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). 01/1996-12/1996. Position: Field researcher.
6.  Other professional activities:
  1. Attended in APFNet Workshop on Forestry and Rural Livelihood Development, 1-14 November 2018, Kunming City, China.
  2. Individual consulting services for assessment and proposal on forest ownership for formulation of Forestry Law. Sustainable Natural Resources Management (SNRM) Project funded by JICA. June to 31 October 2016.
  3. Visiting Fellow, Colorado State University (CSU) to develop course materials for the Advanced Curriculum in Natural Resources Management, April 2015 - May 2015.
  4. Attended in the conference Oslo REDD Exchange 2013, in Oslo, Norway 29 – 30 October 2013.