1. Personal details:
Full name: | Luu Huu Van |  |
Year of birth: | 1982 |
Position: | Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration |
Degree: | Doctor of Philosophy (2018) |
Languages: | English |
Email: | vanluuhuu82@gmail.com |
Telephone: | (84-24) 22156588 |
Mobile phone: | (84) 968673019 |
Address: | 144 Xuan Thuy road, Cau Giay district, Ha Noi |
2. Education
- 9/2014 - 5/2018: Ph.D program in Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
- 9/2010 - 6/2012: Master in International Master of Business Administration, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology.
- 10/2003 - 11/2008: Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Accounting - National Economics University, Hanoi.
3. Working Experience:
- 9/2014 - 4/2018: Research Assistant at the Research Facility of Prof. Vincent F. Yu, Faculty of Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
- 8/2012 - 5/2014: Tax Accounting at Mai Son Joint Stock Company.
- 12/2008 – 8/ 2010: Accountant at Italian Style Cosmetics Joint Stock Company
4. Research Interests:
- Theory of fuzzy sets (FS) and Neutrosophic sets (NS).
- Multi-criteria decision making models (MCDM).
- Supply chain management (SCM), Production management (PM).
5. Publications
5.1. International Journal Articles
- Van, L.H., Yu, V.F., Dat, L.Q., Dung, C.C., Chou, S.Y., Loc, N.V (2018). New Integrated Quality Function Deployment Approach Based on Interval Neutrosophic Set for Green Supplier Evaluation and Selection; Sustainability; doi: 10.3390/su10030838 [SCIE/ISI].
- Yu, V.F., Van, L.H., Dat, L.Q., Chi, H.T.X., Chou, S.Y., Duong, T.T.T. Analyzing the ranking method for fuzzy numbers in fuzzy decision making based on the magnitude concepts. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems; doi:10.1007/s40815-016-0223-8 [SCIE/ISI].
5.2. International Conferences Papers
- Van, L.H., Yu, V.F., Chou, S.Y., Dat, L.Q. (2016). Supplier Selection and Evaluation Using Generalized Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making. The Eighth International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE2016), October 6-8, Hanoi, Vietnam.
5.3. Working Papers
- Van, L.H. et al. A new approach for solving supplier segmentation problem using generalized fuzzy numbers. Submitted [SCI/ISI].
- Van, L.H. et al. A hybrid fuzzy quality function deployment approach for an automated medicine dispensing system evaluation and selection. Submitted [SCI/ISI].
- Van, L.H. et al. An extension of QFD approach and its application using interval linguistic neutrosophic set. Submitted [SCI/ISI].
5.4. Other Researchs
- Master Thesis: Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Vietnam Before and After Vietnam’s WTO Entry.
- Doctoral thesis: Multi-criteria Decision Making Models Under Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Environments and Their Applications.
6. Professional activities:
6.1. Reviewer
International Journals:
- Fuzzy Economic Review (Scopus)