1. Personal details:
Full name:
Tran Anh Tai

Year of birth:
Lecturer, School of Business Administration, UEB
Doctor of Economics (1996)
Academic title:
Associate Professor (2009)
(84-4) 3754 7506
(84) 913.087.772
144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam
2. Education:
1996: Doctor of Political Economics, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
1974 - 1979: B.A of Management, Faculty of Political Economics - Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
3. Working experience:
3.1. Lectures:
- 5/2015 - 11/2017: Dean of Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, VNU University of Economics and Business
- 2007 - 4/2016: Vice Rector and Deputy Party Committee Secretary - University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
1999 - 2007: Vice Dean Faculty of Economics - Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
1993 - 1999: Head Section of Economic Management and Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
1980 to now: Lecturer, University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University.
3.2. Post graduate and graduate supervision:
Number of doctors: 4
Number of masters: 17
4. Publications:
4.1. Textbooks, training materials and monographs:
1. Relations between State sector and private sector in market economics, co-author, Vietnam National University, Hanoi’s Publishing House, 2007.
2. Linkages between universities and enterprises in training activities and scientific research, co-author, Vietnam National University, Hanoi’s Publishing House, 2009.
4.2 Articles:
- Economic structure and scientific issues combined with market, author, Journal of Economic Studies issued in October, November and December 1987.
- The role of developmental triangle of Vietnam-Laos- Cambodia for sustainable stability in the border areas of Vietnam, Laos-Cambodia, author, Journal of World Economic and Political Issues, 2009.
- Combination of training and utility: school and society, author, Journal of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
- Research collaboration and technology transferring between universities and industries in America, co-author, Journal of America Today, 2009.
- Preventing polluted sea and water environment from negative influences of commericalization process, author, Vietnam Review of Africa and Middle East Studies, 2009.
- Some theoretical viewpoints of global production network, co-author, Journal of World Economic and Political Issues, 2008.
- The establishment of ASEAN economic community and its significances, co-author, Journal of Economic Studies, 2008.
- Decentralization - main factor of administrative reform in Japan, co-author, Journal of World Economic and Political Issues, 2007.
- The role and trends of traditional production in developed capitalist countries, Vietnam National Univeristy, Hanoi’s Journal of Sciences, author, 2005.
- The role of State in the transition to market economy in Vietnam, Vietnam National University, Hanoi’s Journal of Sciences, 2004.
- Educational collaboration between Vietnam and Russia, author, Journal of European Studies, 2004.
- Education and labor markets in Eastern Europe countries, author, Journal of European Studies, 1997.
- A reform of property relations in State owned enterprises, author, Vietnam National University, 1994.
- Situations and renovation trends of State owned enterprises in market economy, author, Scientific Report of Universities, 1994.
- Centralized management of economy in our country, author, Scientific Report of Universities, 1991.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology - The typical corporate university model, Journal of Economic Issues and World Politics, 2011.
5. Research projects:
- State’s centralized management in market economy in Vietnam, ministerial level, manager, 1994-1996.
- The relations of State economic sector and private one in Vietnam: status and solutions, Vietnam National University, Hanoi level, 2000-2002.
- Organization and operation model of State owned corporation in Vietnam, VNU level, 2005-2007.
- Links between schools and enterprises in training activities and scientific research - international experience and implications for Vietnam, VNU level, 2009-2010.