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 Chỉ dẫn & bản đồ

University of Economics & Business 2023: Smart Management, Proactivity - Speed, Dedication - Happiness

The unity, consensus, and strong resolve of all authorities and employees is the intent stated in the Conference to summarize the 2022 Mission Plan and deploy the 2023 Key Tasks of the University of Economics and Business – VNU on January 10, 2023.

The Conference aims to summarize and comprehensively evaluation of all University operations in 2022 and to provide guidance and solutions for putting the 2023 plan into action. As part of the development of UEB–VNU, this is also a platform for administrators and staff to voice their concerns, offer ideas, and suggest solutions for the University’s activities.

The conference was attended by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Trustee; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Trung Thanh - Rector; Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Rector; Dr. Pham Minh Tuan - Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice Rector; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Manh Tuan - Vice Rector; Mr. Hoang Khac Lich - Member of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustee, Vice Chairman of Trade Union, Head of the Human Resources Department; Mr. Nguyen Tri Anh - Member of the Board of Trustee. Attending the Conference were Party members, President of Trade Union, the Secretary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Head of the People's Inspection Committee, President of Student Union, leaders of units and the full presence of all officials and employees of the University of Economics and Business - VNU.

The conference to review the 2022 Mission Plan and deploy the 2023 Key Tasks was attended by leaders, officials and employees of the University of Economics and Business - VNU.
The Presidium conducts the working sessions of the Conference

At the Conference, PhD. Pham Minh Tuan, a member of the Party Committee’s Standing Committee and the Vice Rector of the school, gave a report that summarized the task plan for 2022 and the major task plan for 2023.

The academic year 2022 is a successful year in university enrollment, the number of full-time students enrolled in 06 bachelor training programs according to economic and technical norms is 1,719 students, exceeding the planned target. In particular, in 2022, the school has successfully organized a new university entrance examination method, direct admission with an international English certificate (combined with interview/combined with results of the national high school exam) with the admission rate accounting for 17% of the total number of QH2022E students enrolled.

The highlight of the past year is the school’s self-evaluation of its bachelor’s degree programs in several majors, preparation for quality accreditation of training programs in accordance with ACBSP standards, and dispatch to put the plan into action. As a result, it is anticipated that the University will offer at least 02 bachelor-level fields of study that are accredited and certified in accordance with ACBSP international standards by 2025.

In the field of scientific research, there are 131 papers published in prestigious international journals in 2022, an increase of 35 articles from 2021. The ratio of articles to lecturers of the university in 2022 is 0.79. This is the highest rate of publications among Vietnam’s Universities of Economics and Business in Vietnam. The school’s reputation has benefited from the successful organization of several national and international scientific forums and seminars.

The UEB has attracted top-notch human resources to work and teach in 2022. Five academics have been promoted to Associate Lecturer status. Within a year of being hired by the university, more than 70% of lecturers with a master’s degree are dispatched to teach doctorate students.

By using a set of criteria to assess the amount of monthly job accomplishment for officials and staff, UEB has greatly improved the manner of measuring documenting, and distributing revenue based on working efficacy and individual contribution to the school. The University also made adjustments to the revenue and bonus distribution plan in order to inspire people to consistently and vigorously promote their talent, expertise, and passion. To improve their quality of life and to retain and recruit top lecturers and specialists, university administrators and staff must continue to modify and raise their pay through 2023.

The reports also provided a group of solutions on training and improving efficiency, quality and supporting activities in order to bring a breakthrough and sustainable development for the University of Economics and Business in 2023.

Dr. Pham Minh Tuan - Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice Rector of the school presented the report summarizing the task plan in 2022 and the key task plan in 2023

Speaking at the conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Trustee expressed his deep thanks to the staff and lecturers who have made many contributions to the development of the school during the past year.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le would like to express his deep gratitude to the staff and lecturers who have made many contributions to the development of the school.

The University of Economics and Business – VNU has maintained its place in esteemed rankings. The Higher Education by Subjects 2023 (THE) has put VNU, the country’s first public institution, in the top 501-600 globally in the subject of business and economics for the first time, thanks in large part to the UEB. Previously, on the QS WUR by subjects ranking 2022, the field of Business and Management Science, trained and managed by the University of Economics and Business, also entered the top 451 - 500 in the world, up 50 places compared to 2021. It still holds the number 1 position in training institutions in Vietnam. The position on the world university rankings in 2022 in the fields of economics, business and management science is an affirmation of the quality and international reputation of UEB-VNU in the integration of world higher education.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Trung Thanh - Rector of the University of Economics and Business is pleased with the achievements in 2022 with the dedication and wisdom of the UEB staff and employees.

The University of Economics and Business has received the State's highest honours, including the Third-class Labor Medal for outstanding contributions to the causes of socialism, the defence of Vietnam, and the training of high-quality human resources; and the Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister for exceptional contributions to the fields of business administration training, management research, and development of science and technology, as well as international cooperation. In recognition of his contributions to the development of high-calibre human resources, the cause of constructing socialism, and the defence of Vietnam, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le was awarded the Third-class Labor Medal; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Van Hoi, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and International Business, was given the title of Distinguished Teacher.

In accordance with the provisions of the Education Law, the Politburo, and the Central Committee, the University of Economics and Business is the pioneer unit of VNU in 2022 to transform the traditional university governance model and consolidate the organizational structure of the Party Committee - Board of Trustee - Board of Directors.

The Conference has the attendance of Dr. Hoang Khac Lich - Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Vice President in charge of the School Union, Head of the Human Resources Department
Mr. Nguyen Tri Anh - Member of the Council of the University of Economics and Business - VNU, General Director of MED Group Investment Joint Stock Company attended the Conference

Contributing to the report summarizing the mission plan in 2022 and the key mission plan in 2023, the school aims to promote the internationalization of education, diversify forms of training and carry out additional tasks like career counselling and increasing employment opportunities.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen An Thinh - Dean of the Faculty of Development Economics, University of Economics and Business, affirmed that "taking learners as the centre" is the core value in the educational motto at UEB
Dr. Vu Thanh Huong - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and International Business, University of Economics and Business
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Viet Khoi - Director of the Institute of Skills Education and Creative Intelligence is proud to be attached and devoted to the development of UEB
Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy - Dean of Faculty of Accounting - Auditing
The Director of the Center for Education Quality Assurance, MSc. Dao Thi Thanh Huyen, shared: “VNU has acknowledged the University of Economics and Business’s rating and accreditation efforts in 2022 for a number of its accomplishments. The university accreditation process for the school has been completed (cycle 2), and 100% of the bachelor’s training programs have received accreditation thanks to the efficient collaboration of all pertinent departments.
MSc. Dao Thi Thanh Huyen - Director of the Center for Education Quality Assurance, University of Economics and Business - VNU
Dr. Tran Thi Mai Thanh - Vice Dean of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Faculty of Economics & International Business shared the emotional journey of a UEB student, a PhD student, now standing in the ranks of UEB lecturers
Official Luong Son Tung - Center for International Education and Training, University of Economics and Business shared his determination to complete the 2023 goal
The Board of Directors, officials and employees took souvenir photos at the Conference

The University of Economics and Business - VNU's 15-year establishment journey came to an end in 2022 with significant accomplishments that confirmed the university's reputation both nationally and internationally. Wishing that the University's lecturers and students will continue to have a great year in 2023 thanks to their tenacity, the Board of Directors leadership, and the cohesion, responsibility, knowledge, and passion fostered among UEB's personnel and lecturers.

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