Nguyen Quoc Viet
10/05/2015 11:51
1. Personal Information:
Full name:
Nguyen Quoc Viet
![]() |
Year of birth:
Lecturer, Faculty of Development Economic, VNU University of Economics and Business |
Master (2006)
Office Tel:
(84-24) 7547506 Ext. 309
(84) 945621475
Office address:
144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam |
2. Education:
- 1996: Bachelor of School of Law, National University of Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2000: Master of School of Law, National University of Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2006: Dr. of Faculty of Economics, University of Kassel, Germany
3. Working Experience:
- 2014 - present: Lecturer, Faculty of Development Economics, VNU-UEB.
- 2007 - 2014: Lecturer, Associate Dean of Faculty of Development Economics, VNU-UEB
- 2006-2007: Lecturer, VNU School of Law
- 2002-2006: Research assistant and PhD student, Economic Policy Department, Economics Faculty, the University of Kassel, Germany
- 1997-2002 Lecturer, School of law, National University of Hanoi
4. Research domain:
- Institutional economics, Investment environment, Corruption and Growth, Sustainable development
5. Publications
5.1. Books:
- Nguyen Quoc Viet, Income tax in the Investment Law of Vietnam, in Annual Student Research Book, the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU, Hanoi, (1996)
- Nguyen Quoc Viet, The theory of separation of power - its role on implementing the Rule of Law in Vietnam, in Annual Postgraduate Research Book, Social Sciences and Humanities college, VNU, Hanoi, (1999)
- Co-authours, State and Law of Vietnam in the beginning of the 21st Century, the Cong an Nhan Dan Publishing House, Hanoi (2002).
- Co-authours, Adjustment policies of foreign direct investment in the innovation process and international economic integration of Vietnam, VNU Publishing House, 2010
- Co-authors, Business entrepreneurship, VNU Publishing House, ISBN: 978-604-62-0644-6, May 2012
- Co-authors, Public Policy and Sustainable Development: The balance of payments, public debt and public investment, Politics Publishing House, 2012
5.2. Articles, working papers:
- Nguyen Quoc Viet, “Decentralization and Local Governance on Public Services Delivery: The Cases of Daknong and Hau-Giang Province in Vietnam (May 28, 2009)”, New Institutional Economics eJournal Available at SSRN:,
- Nguyen Quoc Viet, “Institution Matter for Technological Changes in Transition Economy: A Comparison between Japanese FDI and Private Enterprises in Vietnam (August 24, 2011)”. DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATION eJOURNAL, Available at SSRN:
- Nguyen Quoc Viet, “The Institutional Economics of Green Production: A Case Study of Fair-Trade on Traditional Shan-Tee Production at Yen Bai, Vietnam, Institutions & Transition Economics”, Environmental Issues eJournal (October 6, 2012). Available at SSRN:
- Co-authors, “Improving the quality of human resources through skills development and the role of education”, Economic and Business Review, No 3 , 2012
- Co-authors, “Analysis of the impact of corruption to the scale and quality of public investment approach institutional economics”, Economic and Business Review, No 4, 2012
5.3. Research projects:
- The impact of traditional values on the development of current legal framework of Vietnam, VNU, 2000-2002
- The renovation of FDI policy in VNU, 2008-2009
- The main issues of economic development in Vietnam to 2020: Scientific foundation for the development of the service sector in Vietnam by the year 2020, National Research Project KX01/06-10, 2008 - 2010
- Decentralization and Local Governance on Public services Delivery: the cases of Daknong and Hau-giang province in Vietnam 2009, Thai Research Fund (TRF), 2009 - 2011
- Improving the Capacity entrepreneurs for Bussiness woman and SME, ASEAN link Ausaid program, 2011 - 2013
- Cluster development policy associated with local economic development: the case of Hanoi, Research Project under VNU-UEB, 2012 - 2013
- Investment in an era of sustainable development, Collaboration with Swinburne University under AusAid Project, ASIA PSLP Round Two, 2012-2014
- National Research Project BDKH 25, Economic evaluation and mitigation minimize the damage of climate change to fisheries and aqua farming at the northern of Vietnam, National Research Project, 2012 - 2015.