The official survey was carried out with the participation of the delegation of assessors including Prof. Dang Ung Van - Head of the assessment team; Dr. Tran Dinh Quang - Secretary of the assessment team; Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Standing member of the council; Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Dong, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Phuoc Minh; Dr. Le Huy Tung – Member and MSc. Nguyen Thi Minh – Supervisor.

During the assessment, the delegation of assessors undertook the following activities: Study the evidence documents; work with the Board of Management and staff; interview with the group of professors (Dean/Associate Dean, Head/Deputy Head/Deputy in charge of the training programs) and relevant parties (students, alumni, lecturers and staff), observe of lecture halls, working spaces, computer rooms, functional departments, dormitories, sports areas, student clubs and other facilities.