Attending the program, there were Mr. Nguyen Trung Phong – Head of Political and Student Affairs; Ms. To Thi Kim Thanh - Deputy Head of Political and Student Affairs, Mr. Dinh Trung Son - Head of Human Resources of Yody Fashion JSC.

Company Tour is held online via Zoom

More than 200 UEB’s students participated in the event
During the program, the students learned about the culture and operation of a big business, listened to inspirational startup stories, participated in interviews, especially take chances for internship and job opportunities after graduation.

Yody Fashion Joint Stock Company
The first "stop" on the "Company Tour" is the office of Yody Fashion JSC. At this stop, the students listened to the sharing from business leaders about the foundation, development, corporate culture and the operation process from manufacture to consumption of products.

First stop on “Company Tour” at Yody's Office

Sharing about Yody's journey to success is a lesson and inspiration for UEB students

The sharing of Yody's manager inspires the students
The next stop of the “Company Tour” gave students real experiences in interviews with personal interviews with Mr. Dinh Trung Son. He also gave tips for UEB’s students when joining an interview.