At the meeting, UEB’s Rector – Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Truc Le said: "Congratulations on the achievements that you have made for our nation. I know it's hard to balance learning and training, but you've overcome it with your energy and strong will. You are an elite student, who sets an example for UEB’s students. We are so proud of you.”

Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Truc Le - Rector of VNU University of Economics and Business
In response to the encouragement from UEB’s Rector and lecturers, Lan said "I am grateful for all I have received from the University and lecturers, who always create the best conditions for me to complete my subjects. I’ll try and try my best to play well. I am looking forward to returning to class to see you.”

Quach Thi Lan joined the online meeting with lecturers of VNU University of Economics and Business
PhD. Luu Thi Minh Ngoc – Associate Dean of the School of Business Administration congratulated Quach Thi Lan on her success and expressed her expectations on the training quality of the UEB in general and the School in particular. She hoped that more practical training programs will be implemented in the coming time, creating a talented generations for our country.

During the meeting, Lan also received encouragement and congratulations from leader of the Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Admission and her lecturers at the university.

Furthermore, PhD. Pham Vu Thang – Associate Dean of the School of Business Administration and Mr. Nguyen Trung Phong – Head of Office and Political and Students Affairs hoped that Lan will become “UEB’s ambassadors" who inspire all students in sports. The idea of establishing an athletic club with Quach Thi Lan to be the head of the club was also given. Responding to this invitation, Lan was excited: "I am very honored and willing to join the club to motivate all students in sports."

At the end of the meeting, Assoc.Prof. Nguyen Truc Le also sent Lan a letter of congratulations on her achievements at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. The letter reminds her to stay healthy and complete the two tasks: Study and compete. The UEB’s Rector also sent greetings to her family, trainers and supporters throughout the journey.