Webometrics is an automated ranking that assesses the digitalization and influence of a higher education institution’s academic resources based on the indicators of: the impact of its website systems and online information (Visibility or Impact), openness of its academic resources on Google Scholar (Openness) and scientific citations on the Scopus database (Excellence).

According to the Webometrics July 2021 edition, VNU maintains its best position in Vietnam and ranks 959th among the world’s top 1,000 universities (41 places up compared to the January 2021 edition), 220th in Asia and 17th in Southeast Asia.

Also in this ranking, the dramatic growth of the Impact – from 1651st in January 2021 to 1289th globally in July 2021, has shown an increase in VNU’s web content impact not only on the domestic and international academic community but also on the whole society.