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UEB Students and the memorable trip to Rennes I (IGE - IAE) France

International exchange programs have always been interesting trips for the students of VNU University of Economics and Business Hanoi. Let’s have a look at the sharing of Le Phuong Linh and Nguyen Minh Phuong about the memorable trip at France's Rennes I (IGR - IAE).

Performing arts performance at the performance of the Vietnamese Student Association in Rennes

Being a student at the UEB - VNU Hanoi, we have many opportunities to learn and explore multicultural learning and cultural environments through student exchange activities and study tours between UEB and a network of nearly 60 partner universities.

The first days in Paris, France

France is known as the cradle of European culture with many ancient, magnificent structures, and poetic landscapes. Therefore, we have determined to set our foot on this glamor country at least once during our 4 academic years. Fortunately, we have successfully "seized" this opportunity to come here to study as students of Rennes IGR-IAE.

Although we had spent time preparing our luggage and mentally preparing ourselves, on the day of the flight, my emotions were quite mixed. Perhaps mostly because I was excited to explore a completely new country, partly because I was worried because this was the first time I had left my parents and family to start an independent life in a foreign place.

Alright, Bonjour France!

We departed from the Noi Bai Airport on the year-end day. After more than 13 hours, Paris gradually appeared through our window.

As soon as we arrived in Rennes, we were immediately impressed by the fresh air, which was different from the hustle and bustle of Paris. Before starting the exchange semester, we started searching for information about this city. People said that living in Rennes would be quite boring because it is not as dynamic and has as many tourist 

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