Khoa Kinh tế Chính trị (Mới)
Thống kê bài báo ISI, SCOPUS của Khoa trong hai năm 2017 và 2018

Bài báo Quốc tế năm 2018
  1. Tran, T. Q., Doan TT, & Van, H. V. (2018) , Heterogenous impacts of provincial governance on household welfare in Vietnam, International Journal of Social Welfare [SSCI], DOI: 10.1111/ijsw.12337 , Wiley, UK.
  2. Tran, T.Q & Nguyen, T.V ( 2018), Forestland and household livelihoods in the North Central Provinces, Vietnam, Land Use Policy. [SSCI], Elsevier BV, Netherlands.
  3. Doan, T.T, Tran, T.Q & Nguyen, H.T ( 2018), Local competitiveness and labour market returns in Vietnam, Vol 59, issue (2), Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics [SSCI], Hitotsubashi University, Japan.
  4. Tran, T. Q., Tran, A.L, Pham, T. M., & Van, H. V. (2018). Local governance and occupational choice among young people: first evidence from Vietnam, Chldren and Youth Services Review, 1-20. doi:10.1007/s10902-017-9851-4 [SSCI], Elsevier Ltd, UK.
  5. Nguyen, H,T, Doan, T.T & Tran, T.Q (2018), The effects of various income sources on inequality: a comparison across ethnic groups in Vietnam, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-23, [SCIE], Springer, Netherlands.
  6. Tran, TQ; Tai AT, Nu TT & Hai NT, (2018). The role of education in household livelihoods in the Northwest region, Vietnam, Educational Research for Policy and Practice [SCOPUS], Springer, Netherlands.
  7. Thanh NM, Tran, TQ; Long DT (2018). Governament support and firm performance in Vietnam, 21 (4), Comparative Economic Research [SCOPUS], Degruyter, Germany.
Bài báo Quốc tế năm 2017
  1. Nguyen, A. T., Tran, T. Q., Vu. H.V & Luu. D.Q,. (2017). Housing satisfaction and its correlates: a quantitative study among residents living in their own affordable apartments in urban Hanoi, Vietnam. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. [Scopus], Taylor & Francis, UK
  2. Tran, T. Q., Nguyen, C. V., & Van, H. V. (2017). Does Economic Inequality Affect Quality of Life of Older People in Rural Vietnam? Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-20. doi:10.1007/s10902-017-9851-4 [SSCI], Springer Netherlands.
  3. Ha V.H & Tran, T.Q. (2017). International Trade and Employment: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Economic Integration, 32(3), 531-557 [Scopus]. Sejong University, South Korea.
  4. Nguyen, T. L., Vu Van, H., Nguyen, L. D., & Tran, T. Q. (2017). Does rising import competition harm Vietnam’s local firm employment of the 2000s? Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 30(1), 1882-1895. [SSCI], Taylor & Francis, UK
  5. Tran, T. Q. & Van, H. V. (2017). A micro-econometric analysis of housing and life satisfaction among the Vietnamese elderly. Quality & Quantity: An international Journal of Methodology, 1-21. [SSCI], Springer Netherlands.
  6. Doan, T., Quan, L & Tran, T.Q., (2017). Lost in Transition: Declining Returns to Education in Vietnam. European Journal of Development Research, 1-22, [SSCI], Springer Netherland and Palgrave Macmillan.