- Scientific and Training Council of UEB
- Board of Management
- Party Committee - Trade Union UEB - Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth - Union of UEB - VNU - Student Union - Alumni Association of UEB
- Party Committee
- Trade Union UEB
- Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth - Union of UEB - VNU
- Student Union
- Alumni Association of UEB
- Division of Journal and Publishing - Office of Student Affairs - Office of General Administration - Office of Human Resources - Office of Academic Affairs - Office of Finance and Planning - Office of Research and Partnership Development - Office of Inspection and Legislation - Office of Communication and Brand Management - Office of Admissions - Center for Educational Quality Assurance
- Division of Journal and Publishing
- Office of Student Affairs
- Office of General Administration
- Office of Human Resources
- Office of Academic Affairs
- Office of Finance and Planning
- Office of Research and Partnership Development
- Office of Inspection and Legislation
- Office of Communication and Brand Management
- Office of Admissions
- Center for Educational Quality Assurance
- Faculty of Finance and Banking - Faculty of Political Economy - Faculty of Development Economy - Faculty of International Business and Economics - Faculty of Accounting and Auditing - School of Business Administration
- Faculty of Finance and Banking
- Faculty of Political Economy
- Faculty of Development Economy
- Faculty of International Business and Economics
- Faculty of Accounting and Auditing
- School of Business Administration
- Center for Business Administration Study - Center for International Training and Education - Center for Economic Development Studies - Center for Economic and Management Information System - Center for Socio-Economic Analysis and Databases - Institute of Skills Education and Creative Intelligence - Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research
- Center for Business Administration Study
- Center for International Training and Education
- Center for Economic Development Studies
- Center for Economic and Management Information System
- Center for Socio-Economic Analysis and Databases
- Institute of Skills Education and Creative Intelligence