Prof. Nguyen Hong Son presents the diploma for new master.
On 18th December 2010, the 2010 Master graduation ceremony of University of Economics and Business - VNU has been solemnly organized at 801 Meeting Hall, 144 Xuan Thuy, Hanoi.
Attending to the ceremony were Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc - Vice President of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Prof. Nguyen Hong Son - Vice Rector of UEB, leaders of Faculties and Offices.
Among 140 graduates presented master diploma, there are 32 masters of International Economics, 21 of Political Eonomics and 87 of Business Administration.
Addressing at the ceremony, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Huu Duc - VNU Vice President has sent his congratulations to 140 new masters and highly appreciated achievements of University of Economics and Business - VNU in training high quality human resources. He also shared with the new master about six core values of Vietnam National University, including High quality; Creativeness; Pioneer; Union embedding diversity;Responsiveness and Sustainable Development. He also expected that the six core values will contribute to further success of every UEB alumnus’ in particular and of VNU students in general.
Prof. Nguyen Hong Son also congratulated new masters, hoping that they will effectively employ their attained knowledge for practice. On this occasion, he has sent a message: University of Economics and Business - VNU is always open to provide further advice or support to alumni. The university also stands ready to receive its alumni for further study and research, in expectation of positively contributing to their success in the future.

New masters' mixed feeling at the ceremony, which marks a notable progress of their study.