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Candidate asked – UEB answered: What are the job opportunities after studying Economics at UEB?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Trung Thanh - Head of Training Department, VNU-UEB will provide students and parents further information related to this topic through QnA session as below.


Question 1: Could you please tell me what majors are in the Economics (code QHE44) of VNU-UEB and from what year will the students be divided into specializations?

Answer: The Falculty of Economics of VNU-UEB has 4 specializations applicable to the training program for enrollment in 2022, including:

  1. World Political Economy
  2. Economics Communication
  3. Health Economics and Management in Health Care
  4. Economic Management

Students will be able to choose a specialization and start from Semester 6 (equivalent to the 3rd year of university). With these specializtions, students will definitely have more knowledge, in-depth skills and a clearer career orientation after graduation.

For more information about the Economics training program, please refer to HERE.

Question 2: How many credits will the major of Economics program take? Is it okay to finish the degree sooner than standard time period of the program so that students like me can graduate and go to work right after that?


Firstly, about the Economics major (application code QHE44) of VNU-UEB, which has a total of 130 credits, in which, modules of specialization take account for 63 credits.

Secondly, the training program is designed to include 8 main semesters, in which the modules are evenly distributed in the semesters from semester 1 to semester 7, semester 8 students conduct graduation thesis or enroll in replacement course. Therefore, depending on capacity and study plan, each student can shorten or extend the training time in accordance with the university training regulations at VNU.

For more information about the content of the Economics training program, please refer to HERE.

Question 3: I know that VNU-UEB's Economics major this year has the specialization in Communication Economics, after studying this major, what will be my job opportunities? Can I work in media agencies?

Answer: This year's UEB's Economics major has a specialization in Communication Economics, which is one of the new specializations that will be applied to new students entering in 2022. This major will provide them with knowledge and skills in analyzing issues in media economics, creative industries, international media, media management and crisis communication…

After graduating from this specialization, students not only have the basic thinking and knowledge about economics but also have the capacity and expertise to operate in the field of media in general. Therefore, student can work at the media agencies.

In addition, there are also many other job opportunities for students after graduating from this major such as: Working in socio-economic organizations; economic consulting organizations, administrative and non-business organizations; businesses and economic groups….

Question 4: What subjects will you study when you major in Health Economics and Management in the field of health care? Are there any job opportunities for graduates of this major?

Answer: Majoring in Health Economics and Management in the field of health care is a new specialized training specializing in the field of Health Economics, which recceive lots of attention recently, applied to freshmen entering VNU-UEB from 2022.

This major will help students apply their knowledge of health and health economics to analyze issues related to management and business in the field of health care, health insurance. Specialized subjects (15 credits total) include:

Health Economics

Economic management in health care

Global health and development

Health insurance systems

Business in healthcare

With the development of the current economic and medical fields, the demand for high-quality human resources for this field is very large, so their job opportunities are also extremely promising. They can work at:

Medical institutions from the central to local levels

Research and training institutions in the medical field

Domestic and international medical organizations

Researchers and lecturers who has the ability to research and teach on health management, health care at higher education institutions, research institutes….

Question 5: What kind of jobs will student do when they graduate with a major in Economic Management?

Answer: Specialization in Economic Management of VNU-UEB is one of the majors providing society with high-quality human resources oriented to become managers, experts and leaders in the field of economic. Students will be equipped with in-depth knowledge, skills, and creative thinking to apply knowledge of state management in the economy to analyze socio-economic issues and policies, plan development, manage management and community development, innovation management and entrepreneurship.

With the strong development speed of the Vietnamese economy in the integration period as well as the scale of the business models being replicated, studying Economic Management will be a great advantage to have attractive job opportunities such as:

Becoming officials in charge of planning, analyzing, forecasting, controlling and supervising economic activities.

Research, advising on economic policies at state management agencies from central to local levels in the economic field.

Expert in organizing business activities in enterprises, operating and managing economic activities

Working at non-governmental organizations, economic organizations,

Becoming a PhD student or lecturer in the field of economic management at universities and research institutions

Becoming young Entrepreneurs (Startups) in the field of economics, business, providing products and services...

Question 6: How many credits will students have to study in English to study Economics?

Answer: To study Economics of University of Economics - VNU, students will have to study 130 credits. Out of a total of 96 credits of knowledge majors, there will be 23 compulsory credits and 9 elective credits taught in English, accounting for 33.3%

To see more details about the number of credits in the Economics training program, please refer to the link HERE.

Question 7: What are the advantages of studying Economics at UEB?

Answer: VNU-UEB is the first and only institution in Vietnam to be ranked in the Top 451-500 QS World in the field of Business and Management Research - one of the training institution in economy with high quality, providing the society with young human resources with knowledge, skills and orienting student to become managers, experts in the field of Economics and Politics.

They will enjoy advantages and advantages compared to other training units such as:

During the learning process, students are equiped with: teamwork skills, presentation skills, etc…

In a number of modules of specialization knowledge, there will be the participation of domestic and foreign experts as guest speakers, economic researchers, entrepreneurs. reputable enterprises participate in teaching, exchanging and sharing practical experiences with students.

Each course will have 01 academic advisor to help, answer and solve students' questions about student’s life, career opportunities, etc.

In order to strengthen the international cultural environment, create an English learning environment for students and access modern knowledge, the program has designed content for international student exchange (registration according to student's wishes, optional) to study at universities UEB's partners in many countries such as the US, Sweden, Germany, Japan, Korea, France, Denmark... Students will be exempted from tuition fees when participating in these international exchange programs.

Each course will have an extra-curricular program to strengthen the connection between students and teachers, between students, and to reinforce practical knowledge.

During their study at the University, students will be able to participate in counseling and job search support programs organized by the University. Students will have access to recruitment agencies to search for jobs that match their willingness.

Question 8: When registering to choose a specialization, do students have to take exams to choose a major? I like to applied to both Communication Economics and Economic Management specializatins, so is that correct that I can only choose to specialize in one of these two specilaizations?

Answer: When registering to choose a sppecialization, students do not need to take exams to choose a major. Currently, each student will only be able to choose one major.

Question 9: I know that our Faculty of management and training is the Faculty of Political Economy, so how will our diplomas be recorded? Is it possible to show the name of the major on the diploma?


The current Faculty of Political Economy is the predecessor of the University of Economics and Business - VNU today (Faculty of Political Economy - Hanoi University. With nearly 50 years of tradition, the Faculty has trained many leaders of Party and State until now.

Students enrolled in the major of Economics, the Faculty of Political Economy is in charge of training and managing student, but upon graduation, the student's diploma will show the training majors is Economics. On the transcript will show both the training major and the specialization you have chosen

Question 10: In what year will the students be able to do the internship? Do we allow to be accessed to job opportunities since we are students?

Answer: Study Economics at UEB, student will have an opportunity to join fact-fiding visit in the 4th semester ( 2nd year university) at companies. Internship program with a duration of 4 credits at research institutes, state economic organizations, enterprises... corresponding to their chosen major, in order to practice the knowledge they have learned and acquired from practice.

Every year, the University organizes a Job Fair - UEB Job Fair to connect all students in the school with employers, and at the same time, the University also organizes many workshops and intellectual playgrounds to students can meet and connect with entrepreneurs, businesses... thereby accessing many positions and job opportunities when student haven’t graduated.

Question 11: Which combination do I apply for in Economics?

Answer: To apply for admission to VNU-UEB, student can use the results of one of the following combinations:

A01: Math, Physics, English

D01: Math, Literature, English

D09: Math, History, English

D10: Math, Geography, English

For more information about the selection and admission criteria of the industry, please refer to the link HERE.

Question 12: Students studying Economisc are often very active and participate in many competitions, what competitions can students participate in when becoming a student of VNU-UEB?


After becoming a student of VNU-UEB in, they will have the opportunity to participate in many intellectual competitions organized by the Faculty and University, such as: Meeting with PM (organized by the Faculty of Economics Politics), the Business Challenges competition; VNU Innovation Start-up, etc.

Question 13: Does the VNU-UEB have many scholarships for students during their studies?

Answer: VNU-UEB has just issued a new policy scholarships, please refer to HERE

There are also scholarships from more than 20 scholarships such as IMG scholarships with total value of 150 million VND; Thakral scholarship 180 million VND; ADF scholarship total value of 24,000 USD...v.v..

Question 14: I want to fìnd more information ragarding to the admission criteria for Economics major in 2021 and the admission target for this major in 2022, could the university provide me that?

Answer: Regarding the UEB Economics Major in 2021, you can refer to the link: HERE

About the University's Economics major in 2022, which is 270 criteria including all admission methods. For more information, please refer to the following link: HERE

Question 15: Can I ask if I become a student of the University when I become a student at the University's Dormitory?

Answer: VNU dormitory is the leading modern dormitory in the country with more than 5,000 students. Therefore, when you become a student of the VNU-UEB, you can register in the dormitory

You can see more information about student activities that will be supported at the link HERE.

UEB Media