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 Chỉ dẫn & bản đồ

Raising UEB-CITErs’ dream to soar high in the sky of science

How to choose interesting and practical scientific research topics? To have good results, knowledge, and skills? What's the secret to cultivating more seasoned research?...

There are many open questions that most CITErs are struggling to find answers to. To improve the scientific research capacity of the students, the Faculty of Finance and Banking lecturer team organized an extremely interesting series of Seminars for you to "learn by doing", to conquer the academic "land" of UEB.

The series of seminars revolve around the content of improving scientific research capacity for International Associate students (UEB - CITE), to supplement basic knowledge and skills about quantitative models commonly used in research. From there, students can choose quantitative research methods and analyze appropriate research models, best supporting them in making scientific research reports and international publications.

Gradually explore Scientific research with practical and attractive content

To have a roadmap to help students master the knowledge and skills, the group of lecturers who led the supplementary course built 10 different topics, fostering more professional knowledge and important skills. in scientific research.

The 1st topic introduces the common data types used in scientific research and the STATA interface. The 2nd and 3rd topics introduce the OLS regression model and ways to incorporate non-linearities in the regression model. 4th topic 4 applies regression models to panel data, while topic number 5 introduces regression models with special dependent variables (logit, probit, ordered logit, order probit, multinomial logistic). The remaining topics introduce models with time-series data. With these attractive and practical topics, the seminar series attracted UEB - CITE students and students of the Faculty of Finance - Banking to participate.


Main topics in the Seminar series set to improve scientific research capacity for UEB - CITE students, which benefits students receive after participating in this supplementary course to improve scientific research capacity, Dr. Luu Ngoc Hiep - Lecturer in the Faculty of Finance - Banking said: "Students who complete the course will have certain experience in handling quantitative models, which we intend to equip gives you knowledge about some advanced quantitative models, aimed at increasing the quality of scientific papers. In addition, the teaching team also hopes to support international students more in writing and editing scientific research articles for international publication ISI/SCOPUS.”


“Learning by doing” - How did experiential learning help CITErs on their scientific research journey?

How to inspire students with quantitative research methods, helping them make the best use of their research? This is the question that the faculty group is most concerned about when designing and implementing this series of lectures. The main aim of the course is to acquaint students with quantitative methods commonly encountered in empirical research, thereby conveying the message that econometrics is not to be feared but is an extremely powerful tool. useful in understanding economic problems.

Therefore, choosing a new and creative teaching method: "Learning by doing" not only helps students to quickly acquire knowledge and be flexible in practical application but also contributes to the development of students. ignite the passion for scientific research in every student.

“I decided not to go with the traditional approach in statistics/econometrics textbooks, but to reduce the number of mathematical equations as much as possible and try to use economic/financial examples. in fact. Specifically, each research method is approached under more practical aspects: what it is, when to use it, the prerequisites for its use, and the meaning of the results. Besides, I also share my own experience about the steps and notes when applying each method.” - shared by Dr. Le Hong Thai, Lecturer of the Faculty of Finance - Banking participated in the teaching.


In addition, this is a highly practical course, every lesson is associated with solving/handling an economic model through steps in the quantitative software STATA, helping students to record memorize and can be applied directly most effectively.

“I believe that the best learning method is 'learning by doing, when the students see the usefulness and application of these quantitative research methods, they will be motivated to learn on their own, learn more other methods that I have not had the opportunity to discuss in this series of lectures” - Dr. Le Hong Thai said.

Slides of lectures are presented succinctly by the lecturersPractical examples of analysis for students to acquire knowledge effectively

“When participating in this series of seminars, the most important goal that I want to achieve is to improve my knowledge in the field of scientific research. When I read documents on scientific research myself, I feel that I cannot understand the methods and explanations of the author, why does the author do this? Why do they use words like that?... - a series of questions that have not been answered, but after listening to Dr. Thai and Dr. Hiep about the main and core econometric methods, I have "broken" more ideas, so I can realize what method the author is using, what model, how to get evidence and how meaningful the author's evidence is to prove. for their Research.” - Nguyen Ngoc Tram, UEB - Troy’s student K18A expressed.

She also commented: "Dr.Thai's teaching method is really "genuine", about slides, he breaks it down into ideas and is accompanied by many vivid and easy-to-understand examples for students. In particular, I like the teacher's examples, which are easy to visualize, close, and easy to understand, associated with the practice. Thereby, the students understand the lesson better and remember the knowledge better. Besides, discussion and question-answering activities make the class lively, with many good ideas and questions, making the atmosphere more joyful and exciting."


The students actively participate, interact with the faculty actively, making the atmosphere of the class always full of energy.

Not only Ngoc Tram, Tuan Dung - K18B UEB student - Troy also shared: "At first, when I attended the course to supplement my knowledge and improve scientific research capacity for students, I was a bit worried. , because that knowledge is quite "hard to swallow" for us students. But in the process of participating, the teachers are extremely enthusiastic, always caring and teaching from small knowledge, constantly creating an exciting and fun atmosphere that makes each student no longer feel heavy pressure knowledge.”

It can be seen that the serious attitude and inquisitive spirit of the students participating in the course are very high, there are days when teachers and students forget to leave class to share and discuss more deeply emerging issues. born in practice. A small revelation is that after Tet, a friend shared with the group of lecturers that: "I took advantage of the Tet holiday to study and re-record some lessons." Seeing their students so interested in self-study, the teaching team feels extremely delighted.

Raising UEB-CITErs’ dream to soar high in the sky of science

The VNU University of Economics and Business - which has nurtured and ignited the love of scientific research, practical application, and work for many generations, is still being continued and promoted to raise students. confidently rise, conquer scientific knowledge.

“I want to cultivate and learn more about scientific research and turn that knowledge into a complete research paper that my research team is hard at work. After that, my higher goal is to want to participate in presenting research results on forums such as the University's Student Scientific Research Conference, scientific forums for domestic students. and internationally” - Ngoc Tram - a passionate student of Scientific Research said.

With enthusiasm, passion, and responsibility, UEB's lecturers are constantly making efforts, trying to bring more and more seminars, workshops, supplementary courses, and further training for students on the challenging journey of learning with practice. The series of seminars is only halfway through, but with the companionship and support of the teachers, along with the students' spirit of curiosity, eagerness to learn, and high determination, promises to bring great results, worthy of the future.

>> Click here to see the title in Vietnamese

Mai Huong (Tran.)