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Conference of Staff representatives 2013

July 24, 2013, the VNU - UEB held the Academic Year 2012-1013 Review and staff representative meeting with the participation of more than 100 delegates from the university’s units. The Rector, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son chaired the conference.

VNU’s Vice President, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Kim Son, and representatives of the functional departments and offices attended the meeting.
UEB Vice Rector, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, presented the “Summary of Academic Year 2012-2013, Orientations and Missions for the year 2013-2014”, while the Financial Report in the Academic Year 2012-2013 was presented by the Vice Rector, Assoc.Prof.Dr Tran Anh Tai.
The report entitled “Summary of Emulation Movements during Academic year 2012-2013, Programs for Emulation for Academic year 2013-2014” was presented by the President of UEB’s Trade Union, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thien. Dr. Pham Quang Vinh, Head of People’s Inspection Board, presented “Report on the Inspection Operation during Academic year 2012-2013”.
Academic year 2012-2013: Effectively implementing the tasks and planning
The report “Summary of Academic Year 2012-2013, Orientations and Tasks for the year 2013-2014” by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh summarized the university’s most outstanding achievements and the performances during academic year 2012-2013 in terms of ideological and political work, trade union’s activities, training programs, scientific research, quality assurance, cooperation, human resources, financial planning, facilities, website - communications, publications, information technology, etc. The report also pointed out the remaining weaknesses, lesions from such weaknesses, major tasks expected for academic year 2013-2014 and measures to implements the tasks.


Asso.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh presenting the report “Summary of Academic Year 2012-2013, Orientations and Missions for the year 2013-2014”

According to the report, thanks to their effort and determination, the VNU-UEB staffs and Board of Management overcame both internal and external difficulties and challenges to finish their tasks and plans. The number of targets achieved increased compared with the previous academic year. The completion rate of the whole school is estimated at over 85%, among them half of the targets are finished at or beyond expected; 9% of the targets were canceled because they are inappropriate or changes in guidelines and policies. 
In some segments, 100% of the targets were realized, even beyond expectation, especially in their central tasks such as training, scientific research, development cooperation, staffing. Other criteria such as facilities, information technology, communications, etc, have been improved much. The working plan has been fully implemented and reported monthly to timely repair the emerging problems. Average income of the staffs increased by 9.8%, higher than the planned target of 8%.
Regarding committing units, the departments and faculties have actively performed their assigned targets. Heads of the units have demonstrated their determination and closely directed their staff to realize their commitment. The faculties and centers accomplished their tasks evenly. The rational distribution of resources helped the units take advantage of their own strength to fulfill their tasks.
The report outlines 8 major tasks for the academic year 2013-2014 to promote strength and take opportunities for development in a new period.


The delegates and guests attending the meeting

In this occasion, the VNU – UEB was honored to receive Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister for its excellent achievement from 2009. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thien, Associate Dean of the Faculty of International Business and Economics, also received Certificate of Merit for his contribution to training and education.
Total 11 excellent lecturers and specialists (one lecturer rated most by students, one most diligent specialist, five excellent lecturers and four excellent specialists) received Certificates of Merit from the Rector of VNU-UEB. Two units (union sub-branches of functional offices and the Faculty of Business Administration) received Certificates of Merit from the VNU Trade Union branch. Besides, several other units and individuals were recognized as being qualified for emulation titles received Certificates of Merit at different levels granted by the Trade Union.


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Kim Son (right) giving Certificate of Merit by the Prime Minister to Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thien


Rector of VNU-UEB giving Certificates of Merit to the excellent lecturers and specialists in academic year 2012-2013


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dinh Van Huong - President of VNU Trade Union giving Certificates of Merit to representatives of two excellent UEB's  sub-branches of the Trade Union

Suggestions for improvement
Many delegates to the meeting raised their voice and commented on the report Summary of Academic Year 2012-2013, Orientations and Tasks for the year 2013-2014”. Agreeing with the report, some delegates, however, said that the report should highlight the effort of the staff and lecturers in successfully implementing their major tasks; their solidarity and consensus was one of the keys for the school to be successful. Other people said that the report should mention more clearly the externality of the international cooperation training programs which contributes to improve the quality of training and studying or promote the school’s reputation. Regarding the research university orientation, some delegates recommended further regulations on research activities of postgraduates.
The delegates proposed the UEB and VNU to focus on some important issues such as: investing more on high quality programs to improve efficiency and reputation of the school’s programs; giving part of expense for the strategic program so they can attract foreign lecturers and foreign students by providing scholarship; speeding up the opening of new training programs. Some delegates made suggestions on granting diplomas for learners of international cooperation programs, graduates of practice-oriented master programs, foreign language certificate B1, or the use of shared facilities, lecture halls and library for teaching and studying… 
Speaking at the meeting, VNU’s Vice Director, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Kim Son, congratulated what the VNU-UEB achieved during the last academic year, especially when facing many internal and external difficulties and challenges. The Vice Rector said the report had been done in detail to facilitate the review, assessment and orientation for the next period. Mr. Son specifically appreciated the UEB’s achievements in scientific research, managing and developing staff and lecturers, enrollment and their active participation in the joint activities initiated by the VNU. Mr. Son also expressed his joy as the UEB was moving fast on the scheduled path. 
However, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Kim Son asked the UEB to: Firstly, identify difficulties they would face in the next period, namely the same difficulties as of the VNU, difficulties due to shortage of facilities and challenges caused by economic crisis, so that they could figure out appropriate direction. Secondly, figure out the central tasks they need to perform in the next period: (1) work out appropriate plan for merging the VNU Hanoi School of Business in a way that its existing advantages would be fully taken; (2) work with the VNU to review and restructure its majors and training programs; (3) continue renovating enrollment process, improving training quality and fortifying disciplines of postgraduate programs; credit training programs should be improved so that students could meet graduation standards, etc.
The Vice President answered several questions on granting master’s degrees of practice-oriented programs, investment on high quality bachelor program, strategic program, standards for English proficiency of graduates. The Vice President asked the UEB’s Board of Management and staff to share and work with the VNU to effectively fix these problems.

 Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son concluding the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, the Rector of VNU-UEB, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son asserted that the school strictly followed the orientation set by the VNU for the academic year 2012-2013, even achieved breakthroughs in a number of areas as the school implemented the plan themed “Creating breakthrough development based on innovation, professionalism, creativity and cultural community”. Dr. Son noted some limitations of the school in implementing the scheduled plan, such as tasks performed behind schedule, insufficient human resource unable to meet demand for development, and unsmooth coordination/communications among units. However, the Rector expressed his belief that the VNU-UEB, being aware of such limitations and able to work out 8 major tasks for the new academic year, would move firmly on its chosen path. “Continue renovation, develop intensively and strive to become a research university” is the theme for academic year 2013-2014. 
On behalf of the UEB’s Board of Management, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hong Son thanked the VNU’s Board and functional departments for their care and help in the last academic year. Dr. Son also thanked the UEB’s staff and lecturers for their dedication and nonstop efforts to contribute to the overall success of the university. 
The meeting ended successfully after a hardworking session. The delegates at the meeting have reached the common agreement of the conference resolution.

Thu Loan