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 QTKD danh mục





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 Thông báo

 Thông báo chung


 Thông tin VNU

 Tin tức

 Tin tức

 Tin tức hoạt động

 Tin tức hoạt động

 Tin tức hoạt động

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 ♔ Đào tạo và tuyển sinh

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 Giới thiệu

 Giới thiệu

 Giới thiệu

 Giới thiệu

 Giới thiệu

 Giới thiệu

 Giới thiệu chung

 Giới thiệu chung

 Giới thiệu hoạt động HTPT

 Hoạt động chuyên môn

 Hội đồng Biên tập



 Letter from Editor-in-Chief

 Lịch sử phát triển

 Lịch sử phát triển

 Lịch sử phát triển





 Program Criteria




 Thông báo

 Thông báo

 Thông báo

 Thông báo


 Thư ngỏ

 Tin hoạt động

 Tin tức - Hoạt động

 Tuyển sinh đại học



 Vài nét về Trường ĐHKT

 Văn bản Trường ĐHKT

 Về hoạt động nghiên cứu

 ♕ Nghiên cứu khoa học

 About PPDS

 Các câu lạc bộ sinh viên

 Các trung tâm

 Chương trình đào tạo

 Chương trình đào tạo


 Chương trình ĐT tiến sĩ

 Cơ cấu tổ chức


 Dành cho sinh viên

 Đề tài cấp Nhà nước

 ĐHKT - những chặng đường



 Giới thiệu

 Giới thiệu chung

 Giới thiệu chung

 Giới thiệu về Viện

 Hội đồng biên tập

 Hội thảo

 Important Dates

 Kế hoạch đào tạo


 Lịch trình đào tạo

 Lý do chọn ĐHKT

 Message of the Rector




 Nghiên cứu


 Nhận diện thương hiệu



 Research Product

 Thông báo

 Thông báo

 Thông báo

 Thông điệp của hiệu trưởng

 Tin tức


 Tin tức hoạt động

 Tin tức và sự kiện


 Tuyển sinh sau đại học

 Tuyển sinh sau đại học CLC

 Văn bản ĐHQGHN

 ♖ Hợp tác phát triển

 Academic exchange

 Academic programs



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 Đào tạo

 Đào tạo

 Đào tạo ngắn hạn

 Đề tài cấp Đại học Quốc gia

 Đối tác trong nước

 Đối tác và bảo trợ


 General Introduction

 Giáo dục - Đào tạo

 Giới thiệu

 Hỗ trợ sinh viên

 Hợp tác

 Information for

 Instructions to Authors

 Kế hoạch chiến lược

 Kế hoạch hoạt động

 Kế hoạch nhiệm vụ


 Lãnh đạo Trường ĐHKT

 Nghiên cứu - trao đổi

 Nội quy





 Research project

 Sinh viên cần biết

 Số đã xuất bản

 Sự kiện trong năm


 Thể lệ gửi bài

 Thời khóa biểu

 Thông báo




 Tư vấn chính sách

 Tuyển sinh đại học CLC

 Về thầy cô

 Xuất bản phẩm

 ♙ Bản tin




 Ba công khai


 Các tổ chức đoàn thể


 Cultural exchange

 Đăng ký lớp học phần

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 Đào tạo

 Đối tác nước ngoài

 Editorial Board

 FIBE & Me

 Giải thưởng

 Giảng viên

 Guide for Authors

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 Khóa học kỹ năng


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 News and Events

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 Nghiên cứu khoa học



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 Sứ mệnh - Giá trị cốt lõi

 Thông báo

 Thông tin tham khảo

 Tin tức




 Về chúng tôi

 ♗ FIBE & Tôi

 Biểu mẫu


 Chân dung nhà giáo

 Chia sẻ

 Đảm bảo chất lượng

 Dịch vụ

 Đối tác

 Đối tác của Trường ĐHKT

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 Hợp tác

 Hợp tác

 Hợp tác

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 Lịch trình đào tạo

 Môi trường học tập

 More Information

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 Phiếu nhập điểm



 Sinh viên

 Sinh viên

 Students and Alumni

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 Thông báo

 Thông báo


 Tin tức


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 Văn bản hướng dẫn

 ♘ Giới thiệu




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 Văn bản - Biểu mẫu

 Cẩm nang sinh viên năm học 2021 - 2022

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 Thư viện dùng chung khối ngành Kinh tế

 Hỏi - đáp về công tác SV


 Giảng viên ĐHKT

 Học giả quốc tế

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 Chỉ dẫn & bản đồ

The University of Economics and Business - VNU Hanoi Directly Admits 120 Candidates for BSBA TROY Program, Batch 22

The University of Economics and Business - VNU Hanoi announces DIRECT ADMISSION for 120 slots based on the 2023 High School Graduation Exam results, with one of the following combinations: A01, D01, D07, D08, achieving a minimum score of 20/30, and an English exam score of 6.5/10 or higher. Other admission methods are also accepted. The program leads to a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in the regular undergraduate program, awarded in partnership with Troy University (USA), Batch 22 (2023-2027).

  1. Number of slots: 120 students.

  1. Training program: Bachelor of Business Administration, majoring in Global Business. There are two concentration options for students to choose from:

  • Management

  • Data Analytics

For more details about the Bachelor of Business Administration program in partnership with Troy University, USA, please see HERE.

  1. Admission methods and criteria for direct admission:

3.1: Method 1: Admission based on the High School Graduation Exam results, satisfying the following three conditions:

  • Condition 1: Applicants must achieve a minimum score of 20/30 in the 2023 High School Graduation Exam in one of the four specified combinations: Mathematics, Physics, English (A01); Mathematics, Literature, English (D01); Mathematics, Chemistry, English (D07); Mathematics, Biology, English (D08). The English exam score must be 6.5 or higher. The average score of the High School Graduation Exam subjects must be 5.0 or higher.

  • Condition 2: The overall average score for each academic year in high school must be at least 6.5 on a 10-point scale (or 2.50 on a 4.0 scale).

  • Condition 3: Applicants must possess an internationally recognized English certificate equivalent to Level 4 on the Vietnamese Foreign Language Proficiency Framework (VSTEP): IELTS 5.5; TOEFL iBT 72, valid for up to 2 years from the application submission date.

3.2. Method 2: Admission based on the Aptitude Assessment results conducted by VNU Hanoi in 2023.

  • Condition 1: Applicants must achieve a score of 80/150 or higher in the Aptitude Assessment conducted by VNU Hanoi.

  • Condition 2: The overall average score for each academic year in high school must be at least 6.5 on a 10-point scale (or 2.50 on a 4.0 scale).

  • Condition 3: Applicants must possess an internationally recognized English certificate equivalent to Level 4 on the Vietnamese Foreign Language Proficiency Framework (VSTEP): IELTS 5.5; TOEFL iBT 72, valid for up to 2 years from the application submission date.

3.3. Method 3: Direct admission when applicants meet the following 2 conditions:

  • Condition 1: The overall average score for 4 out of 6 semesters in high school must be at least 8.0 on a 10-point scale (or 3.50 on a 4.0 scale). The remaining 2 semesters must have a minimum score of 7.0/10 (or 3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher.

  • Condition 2: Applicants must possess an internationally recognized English certificate equivalent to Level 4 on the Vietnamese Foreign Language Proficiency Framework (VSTEP); IELTS 5.5; TOEFL iBT 72, valid for up to 2 years from the application submission date.

3.4. Method 4: Admission based on the High School Transcript when applicants meet all 3 conditions:

  • Condition 1: The overall average score for each academic year in high school must be at least 6.5 on a 10-point scale (or 2.5 on a 4.0 scale).

  • Condition 2: The total average score of the three subjects throughout the entire 12th-grade academic year in one of the following four combinations must be 21.0 or higher, with a minimum score of 7.0/10 in the English subject:

  • A01: Mathematics, Physics, English;

  • D01: Mathematics, Literature, English;

  • D07: Mathematics, Chemistry, English;

  • D08: Mathematics, Biology, English.

  • Condition 3: Applicants must possess an internationally recognized English certificate equivalent to Level 4 on the Vietnamese Foreign Language Proficiency Framework (VSTEP): IELTS 5.5; TOEFL iBT 72, valid for up to 2 years from the application submission date.

** For applicants who have not met the English language requirement, please contact the hotline numbers directly at 024.3754 7506 (Ext. 508/518/666/888); 03 8535 8535; 0975 388 095, 0968.090.692 for further consultation.

4. Time and location for direct admission: From July 20, 2023, to August 30, 2023, at Room 106, E4 Building, University of Economics - VNU Hanoi, 144 Xuan Thuy Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi. The content includes:

Part 1: Document reception, evaluation of admission criteria, and addressing parents' and students' inquiries regarding the Bachelor of Business Administration program in partnership with Troy University, Batch 22.

Part 2: Guiding the completion of the direct admission application process to the University.

Part 3: Announcement of CONDITIONAL ADMISSION results on August 30, 2023.

To have a basis for receiving the DIRECT ADMISSION application, applicants must REGISTER their preferences online here: \[link to the online registration\].

5. Degree:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration awarded by Troy University, United States (the program is licensed by Vietnam National University, Hanoi and recognized by the Department of Quality Management - Ministry of Education and Training);

  • Graduation transcript issued by Troy University;

  • The degree and transcript are identical to those awarded to students studying and graduating in the United States.

6. Training duration: 3.5 years with 44 courses, 122 credits. Students who wish to transfer to Troy University in the United States need to accumulate 40 out of 122 credits at the University of Economics - Vietnam National University, Hanoi (UEH) with a minimum overall GPA of 2.7/4.0, including at least 6 credits taught by Troy University in 2 consecutive semesters. Transfer students are eligible for a 50% tuition fee scholarship (applicable to international students) if they maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0.

7. Language of instruction: English.

8. Training location: University of Economics - Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

9. Student benefits: Students are entitled to full benefits of regular undergraduate students at the University of Economics - Vietnam National University, Hanoi and Troy University, United States (excluding exemptions or reduced tuition fees). These benefits include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • Participation in student exchange programs (with recognized credits) with over 50 leading universities worldwide and Vietnamese universities that are partners of the University of Economics;

  • Participation in cultural exchange activities, sports, domestic and international conferences, and scientific research with faculty members;

  • Participation in soft skills training courses, personal development clubs, and job support;

  • Training support services, student affairs, internationally standard facilities, ensuring learners' rights;

  • Transfer students who complete the program at Troy University can participate in the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, which is a non-compulsory practical training program by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for international students who have studied in the United States for a minimum of 1 year. This program allows international students to legally work full-time or part-time at U.S. companies related to their field of study;

  • Students can join the University of Troy's student and alumni network in both the United States and Vietnam, connect and collaborate with the school's strategic partners, opening up opportunities for entrepreneurship, career advancement, and business networking.

10. Tuition fees:

  • Registration fee: 2,360,000 VND per candidate (equivalent to 100 USD).

  • Tuition fee (for the standard 122-credit course, students follow the 3.5-year schedule - 10 semesters, studying entirely in Vietnam): 335,120,000 VND per student (equivalent to 14,200 USD).

Note: Students admitted to the 22nd intake, Fall 2023, will receive a scholarship of 19,375,600 VND per student (equivalent to 821 USD). This scholarship will be deducted directly from the tuition fees when studying at the University of Economics.

  • The tuition fee for a standard course after deducting the scholarship is: 315,744,400 VND (Three hundred fifteen million, seven hundred forty-four thousand, four hundred dong - equivalent to 13,379 USD).

  • Graduation examination fee: 1,416,000 VND per student (equivalent to 60 USD) - payable upon registration for graduation.

  • Graduation ceremony organization fee: 3,540,000 VND per student (equivalent to 150 USD).

  • Methods of fee and tuition payment: bank transfer.

* Training expenses and fees are collected in Vietnamese dong. The amount collected will vary according to the exchange rate provided by the Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade at the time of payment.

* Estimated exchange rate: 1 USD equals 23,600 VND (based on the selling exchange rate of the Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade on January 17, 2023).

11. Admission documents:

  • List of admission documents: See the attached Appendix HERE.

  • Location for issuing and receiving admission documents: The documents will be issued and received from the date at: Room 106 - E4 Building - 144 Xuan Thuy Street - Cau Giay District - Hanoi.

  • Contact phone numbers: 024. 3754 9921 (Ext. 515/505), 024. 3754 7506 (Ext. 508/518/666/888),

  • Hotline: 03 8535 8535; 0975 388 095; 0926 992 688;

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