Mrs. Thuy, owner of Khuong Son (Thriive 2018) and Mrs. Hanh with her son before surgery day
Missions of Thriive (UEB - VNU) are to change businesses’ mindset about society development, offer vocational trainings for disadvantaged people, give them the ability to work and support their families. Thuong Thuong Handmade (Thriive program member 2018) did open a class where 10 children from Vietnam - Korea Rehabilitation Center are taught to do rolled-paper card.
Quynh, 22
year-old, from Phuc Tho, Hanoi, caught sequelae of Agent Orange right from her
born, therefore, she’s only 80cm tall. Her family has countered hard times with
poverty and parents’ divorce. Quynh and her little brother live and attend
school on money from their mom selling pineapples. Enrolling in Thuong Thuong
Handmade’ class, Quynh said: “Throughout 10 years of living here, thanks to
Mrs. Thuong (Thuong Thuong Handmade’s owner), I have had chances to do the job
I loved and found suitable. I’ve met many people and found it easier to get on
well with the society. After being trained, if the conditions allow, I would
love to work at Thuong Thuong Handmade’s craft store”. Thuong Thuong Handmade
have provided one-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the disadvantages, unlucky
young people to have normal lifes like the others.

Thuong (right) and Quynh in her first class
Beyond the
boundaries of Thriive Project, owners of Thriive Businesses always make effort
to support local residents with difficult conditions. Mrs. Can Thi Hong Hanh
(born in 1973) at Lane 3, Viet Yen, Dong Yen, Quoc Oai, Hanoi is an example of
recipients of Quoc Oai Chicken’s pay-back activities in Thriive. After knowing
about this circumstance, Mrs. Huong - Quoc Oai Chicken’s (Thriive 2018) owner
sympathized with Mrs. Hanh conditions: poor family, husband with mental illness
for 9 years and has no ability to work. Her son, Sy Danh Van (5 years old) has
congenital heart problem. Her daughter also have liver issues, just recovered
from surgery and 7 years of treatments. Mrs. Huong, by her whole noble heart
and effort, helped Mrs. Thuy and her son to have a free heart surgery in Viet
Duc University Hospital. Moreover, Mrs. Thuy also reached out to her personal
relationships, including Mrs. Trang - owner of Dao’s Care (Thriive 2018) and
her employees to raise money for Van to cover his treatment process.

Bo and Mrs. Huong (Quoc Oai Chicken's) in a day of giving chicken breeds - a
payback activity in Thriive Project

Hanh and her son - Van after recovering from the surgery
After the
above stories about Thriive Project Hanoi, we can see the whole-hearted sharing
and caring among Thriive social businesses. These supports went beyond the
boundaries of Thriive Project, showed the sympathy, humanity of the businesses.
Also, it conveys a message of “give and expect nothing in return” in life.
Van‘s story
had a happy ending: the boy finally had a healthy heart like his peers. This
story also opens up an idea for all Thriive businesses to gather as a group, a
chain covering many fields to create a collective power. This would help
spreading great values to children, the elder or disadvantaged people to have
motivation in their lives.
>>> Click here to see the news in Vietnamese.