Marc - Lenin Political Economics (Volume 2)

This set of textbook includes 2 volumes. These books are used for students at universities and colleges.

Title: Marc - Lenin Political Economics (Volume 2)

Author: Pham Van Dung (Chief author)

Publisher: VNU Publishing House

Published year: 2002

Format: 14.5 x 20.5 cm

Number of pages: 188

This set of textbook includes 2 volumes. These books are used for students at universities and colleges.

Volume 2 studies the current political economics issues in Vietnam : the inevitability and the features of the extreme socialism period; multicomponent economic mechanism, industrialization and modernization of national economy, socialist t market economy, economic benefits and distribution relations, international economic development, etc. Studying those aspects not only provides students with political economic knowledge but also helps them have modern economic concept to make recommendations about the directions and policies for the Vietnamese Communist Party and the Government.

Readers can find these textbooks at the Research Material rooms, VNU University of Economics and Business, the library of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the National Library of Vietnam, etc.

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